Collectibles > Episode 1

Commtech Chips

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How do I use this??? Isn't there a way to store commtech sounds into the buttons? I don't remember :(

First, you need to have the reader. You take the Commtech chip and move it over the bottom section of the reader (near the red "mark"). It takes a little practice actually, I remember having a hard time getting mine to work.

You can store up to 4 Commtech chips in the reader. I believe you hold the commtech over that red "mark" again and then press one of the 4 gray buttons until it makes a beep.

Well, it just so happens that my commtech reader is right here beside me ;D

turn it on ;)

Hold your chip over the red dot at the bottom.  Hold the button (one of the four just above the label that says Star Wars Commtech) you want to have store that chips information down until it does beep, just as Chris said.

Stored in mine right now are:
Admiral Motti
one of the Darth Maul chips
R2-B1 ;D

thanks, just stored one! :)

Does anyone know how many chips in the set?Any help would be great.


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