Collecting > Collector's Tips

Hanging Ships

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Has anyone here ended up hanging any of their vehicles/ships from the ceiling?  I have always displayed mine on shelves, but I've been considering trying the hanging option.  I'm starting to get tight with space (conserving an area for ROTS stuff), and would like to keep my ships out and on display....but if they were off of a shelf and hanging above, it would really help out.  Anyways, I was just wondering if any of you have (or are considering) ended up hanging ships, and how you felt about it.  Also, what do you use to hang them (fishing line?) and to bolt/screw/attach them to the ceiling.  Thanks for any advice you might have.

Darth Kenobi:
I had Darth Vader's Tie hanging from the ceiling of my bedroom.  I just used fishing line and I think a hook used to hold cups, I think they were called cuphooks or something like that.  For the most I liked the way it  plus a P51 mustang hanging from my ceiling  looked.  The one concern that I had was if I were to knock it off the hook or something else would knock it down.  The Mustang was my bigger probelm since it was above my bed.


--- Quote from: mosnab on March 29, 2005, 04:18 PM ---Has anyone here ended up hanging any of their vehicles/ships from the ceiling?  I have always displayed mine on shelves, but I've been considering trying the hanging option.  I'm starting to get tight with space (conserving an area for ROTS stuff), and would like to keep my ships out and on display....but if they were off of a shelf and hanging above, it would really help out.  Anyways, I was just wondering if any of you have (or are considering) ended up hanging ships, and how you felt about it.  Also, what do you use to hang them (fishing line?) and to bolt/screw/attach them to the ceiling.  Thanks for any advice you might have.

--- End quote ---

I have a pic or two over at enter: bobafett14 for album.

In one pic  you'll see the vinatge Falcon and TIE hanging from one of my ceilings.  I used a strong fishing line, and a hook that I screwed into the ceiling.  Works well.  The falcon usually takes a little practice to get it to hang right.

Clone On Fire:
Whatever you do, don't use rubber bands!  At first, I thought this was cool, as the heat kicked on, the ships kind of bouyed up and down and made it look like it was flying.  I had 2 X-Wings converging on a TIE.  And then, well, the heat dried the rubber bands out slowly.  One night, BAM!!  I jumped out of bed and turned on the lights, let's just say the X-Wing that came down was in more pieces than it originally was in when I unpacked it from the Hasbro box.  I checked the other ships right there, rubber bands were all dry and ready to export their ships to the same fiery fate on my bedroom floor.

Use fishing line  :-\

Bobby Fett:
If you have a suspended or drop ceiling, there are made-for-the-purpose hooks available at hardware stores.  The hooks are designed to fold over the metal runners in the ceiling.

I have everything from a TIE fighter to a Republic gunship hanging with no problems.

Definitely use fishing line!  If you have any kind of pattern or design in the ceiling the fishing line is almost invisible.


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