Community > Middle Earth

Lord of the Rings Figures

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My other favorite thing beside Star Wars is Lord of the Rings.  I've read the book oodles of times and downloaded a copy of The Two Towers (shh :)) and have watched it a ton of times.

I really like the movies.  They are great.  I don't like that they made Arwen a lot bigger part of Fellowship but it is a large part of Return of the King and the appendix.  

My favorite movie scene has to be the Helm's Deep battle so far.  I am looking forward to the Pellenor Fields battle more though.  I wonder if they will show the catapulted heads?

shush shush shush, i haven't read return of the kinds, and I don't wanna know anything until i see the movie!!!

but yes, LOTR kicks major butt. My favorite scene from TFOTR is the mines or moria. That whole sequence was great. From TTT it is prolly.... jeez, so many... well I liked helms deep a lot too :P

Whoops sorry Depmode  :-[  Not a big spoiler though

Boba Binks:
LOTR kicks ar$e!!! I have the Two Towers on DVD and I have watched it so many times that I know all the words. My favorite speech in the movie is at the end that Sam says to Frodo when things start to change for the better and give hope for them to go on.

I cannot wait until Return of the King.

You can view my LOTR collection at

I got TTT Wave 4 last week and opened them last night...

GollumI finally opened my Gollum last night and I like him. I wish his head, fingers and torso were more bendy than they are but for the most part he is a cool little figure.  Nice detail, I would have liked a plastic articulated version instead of a bendy I guess.  There is ROTK Gollum coming I believe

Armored Theoden is a nice figure, very detailed, huge button sticking out of his back. I really like the costume and paint apps though. Nice figure, good articulation. Could do without the button

Sam in Mordor is nice but I think i might have just broken his arm taking him of the package. A ton better than the FOTR Sam, not sure if he is the same as the boat Sam, because I don't have that one. Very nice articulation (knees, feet, shoulders, bicep, elbow, wrist, waist, hip, head) Looks to be the right scale and a good likeness, again another nice figure

Helm's Deep Legolas is another awesome Legolas figure. Why they have him down and Aragorn shamed I have no idea. The Helm's Deep detailing is super cool and again very nice articulation on all three of these figures. I am amazed at the intricacies and little swirls they put into the arms and boots on Legolas., The skateboard shield is so so, I thought it was dumb in the movie too


Theoden B
Sam B+
Legolas A-
Gollum B (Could have more articulation, or they should have not went bendy on him)


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