Multimedia > The Prequel Trilogy

Scenes that made you shudder

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i really like the scene when yoda escapes sidious, it made me shudder to hear him say he needed to go into exile,

 the scene in the temple control room where obi ask yoda to send him kill the emperor instead of anakin is classic in my opinion

Anakin: "I hate you!"

Obi-Wan: "You were my brother, Anakin. I loved you."

That's one of my favorite moments in any of the Star Wars movies. It's gutwrenching in such a believable way.

I think everything that happened on Mustafar made me shudder. The acting was superb that whole time. When Padme was talking to Anakin and she played that part perfectly. That was a really good movie.

Mister Skeezler:
One of the scenes that gave me the chills...


Gotta love Palpatine.

The part where Padme says to Anakin "Your breaking my heart!"


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