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Super Hero/Comic Book Movies

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I'd just fear Depp would be all Depp in the role.

Depp has the look for the role.  And he's well connected with Disney.  But I think my reservations about him are the same as Bill's.  Johnny Depp seems to inject this air of camp into almost any project he's involved in these days.

I know there was a lot of talk about Joaquin Phoenix playing the part.  What I also heard there was that he was interested, but also concerned about the amount of CGI the project would require.  And evidently his concerns are that he feels more of a need for practical effects that he could interact with as an actor.  I know that Ewan McGregor expressed similar concerns about the production of the PT, so I don't think it's an insignificant consideration.

Ethan Hawke seems like an interesting choice.  He can pull off the look.  As for the character?  I honestly don't know enough about Dr. Strange to say one way or the other.

He's Reed Richards + Tony Stark, except with MAGIC!

Benedict Cumberbatch cast as Dr. Strange

They'd be fools now not to pit him against Loki at some point.  The line of women on opening night would stretch for miles.

NICE!  Benedict Cumberbatch is very cool casting for this.  Especially in light of Joaquin Phoenix being a flake about the whole process.  And in total contrast, Cumberbatch really seemed to get into the whole mo-cap process for playing Smaug in The Hobbit.  So I can see him getting into Dr. Strange in a big way, too.


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