2007 - 2008
Printable List
Basic Figures
Ultimate Galactic Hunt
Saga Legends
Vintage Figures
Exclusive Figures
Comic Packs
Order 66 2-Packs
Battle Packs
Commemorative Tins
Miscellaneous Multi-Packs
A. Basic Figures
2007 Wave 1 - Revenge of the Sith
___ 01 - Darth Vader w/coin album
___ 02 - Galactic Marine
___ 03 - Mustafar Lava Miner
___ 04 - R2-D2
___ 05 - Obi-Wan Kenobi
___ 06 - Mace Windu
___ 07 - Airborne Trooper
___ 08 - Super Battle Droid
___ 09 - Stormtrooper - McQuarrie Concept - SAGA rpnt
2007 Wave 2 - Battle of Yavin
___ 10 - Rebel Honor Guard
___ 11 - Han Solo - Pilot
___ 12 - Luke Skywalker - Ceremonial
___ 13 - Death Star Trooper
___ 14 - Biggs Darklighter - X-Wing Pilot
___ 15 - Boba Fett - McQuarrie Concept
2007 Wave 3 - Tatooine
___ 16 - Darth Vader w/Obi-Wan's Cloak
___ 17 - Biggs Darklighter - Academy
___ 18 - Luke Skywalker - w/Moisture Vaporator
___ 19 - Jawa w/LIN Droid
___ 20 - Stormtrooper - Removable Helmet
___ 21 - Chewbacca - McQuarrie Concept
2007 Wave 4 - Jabba's Palace
___ 22 - Miyoom Onith - w/Cantina Bar
___ 23 - Elis Helrot - w/Cantina Bar
___ 24 - Boba Fett - Animated Debut
___ 25 - Luke Skywalker - Jedi w/bone
___ 26 - CZ-4
___ 27 - Umpass Stay - w/drum
___ 28 - Darth Vader - McQuarrie Concept
2007 Wave 5 - Expanded Universe Based
___ 29 - Hermie Odle
___ 30 - C-3PO w/Salacious Crumb
___ 31 - Roron Corob
___ 32 - Yoda w/Kybuck
___ 33 - Anakin Skywalker - Tatooed (CW)
___ 34 - Darth Revan
___ 35 - Darth Malak
___ 36 - General Grievous - Precyborg
___ 37 - Starkiller Hero - McQuarrie Concept
2007 Wave 6 - Empire Strikes Back
___ 38 - Han Solo w/Torture Rack
___ 39 - Lando Calrissian - Smuggler Outfit
___ 40 - General McQuarrie
___ 41 - 4-LOM
___ 42 - Snowtrooper - McQuarrie Concept
2007 Wave 7 - Return of the Jedi (Endor)
___ 43 - Romba & Graak (Ewoks)
___ 44 - Tycho Celchu - A-Wing Pilot
___ 45 - Anakin Skywalker - Spirit
___ 46 - R2-D2 w/Cargo Net
___ 47 - Han Solo - McQuarrie Concept
2007 Wave 7.5 - Repaint Wave
___ 48 - Darth Vader - Holographic
___ 49 - Clone Trooper - 7th Legion (ROTS)
___ 50 - Clone Trooper - Hawkbat Battalion (CW)
___ 51 - R2-B1
___ 52 - Naboo Soldier (red)
___ 53 - Rebel Vanguard Trooper
___ 54 - Pax Bonkik
2007 Wave 8 - Attack of the Clones
___ 55 - Clone Trooper - Training Fatigues
___ 56 - Padme Amidala - Black Dress
___ 57 - Jango Fett w/Poncho
___ 58 - Voolvif Monn
___ 59 - Destroyer Droid w/Shield
___ 60 - Rebel Soldier - McQuarrie Concept
2008 Wave 1 - Revenge of the Sith
___ 01 - Obi-Wan Kenobi
___ 02 - Darth Vader (Anakin)
___ 03 - Commander Gree
___ 04 - Kashyyyk Trooper
___ 05 - Tri-Droid
___ 06 - 2-1B
___ 07 - Po Nudo
___ 08 - Mustafar Panning Droid
2008 Wave 2 - Force Unleashed
___ 09 - Imperial Evo Trooper
___ 10 - Imperial Jump Trooper
___ 11 - Maris Brood
___ 12 - Darth Vader - Battle Damage
___ 13 - Rahm Kota
___ 14 - Imperial Shadow Guard
___ 15 - Juno Eclipse
B. Ultimate Galactic Hunt Figures
___ 2 - Galactic Marine
___ 4 - R2-D2
___ 6 - Mace Windu
___ 7 - Airborne Trooper
___ 9 - Stormtrooper - McQuarrie Concept
___ 11 - Han Solo - Pilot
___ 12 - Luke Skywalker - Ceremonial
___ 14 - Biggs Darklight - X-Wing Pilot
___ 15 - Boba Fett - McQuarrie Concept
___ 16 - Darth Vader w/Obi-Wan's Cloak
___ 21 - Chewbacca - McQuarrie Concept
___ 24 - Boba Fett - Animated Debut
C. Saga Legends
2007 Wave 1
___ Battle Droids - SAGA (tan OOM-9 & grunt)
___ C-3PO w/Battle Droid head - TSC Saga-017
___ Clone Trooper (AOTC) - EE 4-pack
___ Clone Trooper (ROTS) - clean ROTS III-41 (SA)
___ Darth Maul - E1 Sith Speeder
___ Darth Vader - TSC Saga-038
___ General Grievous - ROTS III-09
___ R2-D2 - ROTS III-48
___ Shock Trooper - TSC Skirmish in the Senate (SA)
___ Yoda - ROTS III-03
2007 Wave 2
___ 501st Trooper - ROTS III-65
___ Battle Droids - SAGA (red battle damage)
___ Boba Fett - VOTC
___ Chewbacca - ROTS III-05
___ Darth Vader (Anakin) - TSC Saga-025
___ Destroyer Droid - ROTS III-44
___ Obi-Wan Kenobi - ROTS III-55
___ Princess Leia Boushh - TSC Saga-001
___ Saesee Tiin - ROTS III-30
___ Sandtrooper (Sgt (grey)) - Saga-037 (v.dirty)
2007 Wave 3
___ Battle Droids - SAGA (tan battle damage)
___ Clone Commander (Coruscant)(ROTS) - Evolutions
___ Clone Trooper Cpt (red)(AOTC) - EE 4-pack
___ Clone Trooper Cmdr (yellow)(AOTC) - EE 4-pack
___ Clone Trooper Lt (blue)(AOTC) - EE 4-pack
___ Dark Trooper - Fan's Choice #1 - POTF2
___ Imperial Officer - brown hair - POTJ
___ Pit Droids 2-pack (white,packin1) - E1 Bonus
___ Sandtrooper (Sqd Ldr (orange)) - Saga-037 (dirty)
2007 Wave 4
___ Battle Droids - SAGA (tan clean & dirty)
___ Biker Scout - VTSC
___ Clone Trooper Sergeant (green)(AOTC) - EE 4-pack
___ Imperial Officer - blonde hair - SAGA 02-55
___ Pit Droids 2-pack (brown,packin1) - E1 Bonus
___ R4-I9 - SAGA Imperial Forces Set
___ RA-7 - OTC Sandcrawler
___ Sandtrooper (Corp (black)) - Saga-037 (clean)
___ TC-14 - E1
2007 Wave 5
___ Imperial Officer - brown hair - SAGA 02-55
___ Pit Droids 2-pack (orange,packin1) - E1 Bonus
___ Sandtrooper (Sgt (grey)) - Evo (clean)
2007 Wave 6
___ 501st Trooper - super articulated
___ Pit Droids 2-pack (white,packin2) - E1 Bonus
___ Pit Droids 2-pack (brown,packin2) - E1 Bonus
___ Pit Droids 2-pack (orange,packin2) - E1 Bonus
___ Sandtrooper (Sgt (grey)) - Evo (dirty)
2008 Wave 1
___ Commander Neyo
___ Covert Ops Trooper
___ Shadow Stormtrooper
___ Utapau Shadow Trooper
___ Zev Senesca
D. Vintage Figures
___ Bossk
___ Han Solo - Hoth
___ IG-88
___ Leia - Endor
___ Luke Skywalker - Bespin
___ Snowtrooper
E. Exclusive Figures
___ C-3PO & R2-D2 - McQuarrie - CIV/CE &
___ Cantina Band Member - 5 versions - SW Weekends
___ Father's Day Figure 2-Pack - Wal-Mart
___ General Grievous - Concept - SDCC07 &
___ Luke Skywalker - McQuarrie - CIV/CE &
___ R2-KT - SDCC07,,
___ Stormtrooper Commander - Gamestop
___ Yoda & Obi-Wan - McQuarrie - SDCC07 &
F. Comic Packs
___ 1 - Kir Kanos & Carnor Jax
___ 2 - Darth Vader & Rebel Trooper
___ 3 - Chewbacca & Han Solo Stormtrooper Disguise
___ 4 - Governor Tarkin & Stormtrooper
___ 5 - Quinlan Vos & Vilmarh Grahrk
___ 6 - R2-D2 & Luke Skywalker Stormtrooper Disguise
___ 7 - Obi-Wan Kenobi & ARC Trooper Alpha
___ 8 - A'Sharad Hett & Dark Woman
___ 9 - Princess Leia & Darth Vader
___ 10 - Luke Skywalker & Mara Jade
___ 11 - Anakin Skywalker & Assassin Droid
___ 12 - Baron Fel & Hobbie Klivian
___ 13 - Koffi Arana & Bultar Swan
___ 14 - Lt. Jundland & Lt. Shan
___ 15 - Mouse & Basso in Stormtrooper Disguise
___ 16 - Clone Commando & Super Battle Droid
___ # - Boba Fett & Sandcrawler Droid - Wal-Mart
___ # - Commander Keller & Galactic Marine - Wal-Mart
___ # - Obi-Wan & Bail Organa with Twins - Wal-Mart
G. Order 66 2-Packs - Target Exclusive
___ 1 of 6 - Emperor & Commander Thire (red)
___ 2 of 6 - Mace Windu & Galactic Marine (white)
___ 3 of 6 - Darth Vader & Commander Bow (blue)
___ 4 of 6 - Obi-Wan Kenobi & AT-RT Driver (orange)
___ 5 of 6 - Anakin Skywalker & Airborne Trooper (blue)
___ 6 of 6 - Yoda & Kashyyyk Trooper
___ Anakin Skywalker & ARC Trooper
___ Obi-Wan & ARC Trooper Commander
___ Luminara Unduli & AT-RT Driver
___ Master Tsui Choi & Barc Trooper
___ Master Sev & Yellow ARC Trooper
___ Palpatine & Commander Vill
H. Evolutions
___ Anakin Skywalker - Repack
- Episode 2, Episode 3, Darth Vader
___ Fett Legacy - New
- Mandalore Warrior, Jango Fett, Boba Fett
___ Force Unleashed - New
- Secret Apprentice, Sith Lord, Jedi Knight
___ Jedi Legacy - New
- Qui-Gon Jinn, Bultar Swan, Luke Skywalker
___ Sith - Repack
- Darth Maul, Darth Tyranus, Darth Sidious
___ Sith Legacy - New
- Darth Bane, Darth Nihilus, Darth Maul
___ Troopers - Repack
- Ep 2 Clone (white), Ep 3 Clone (grey), Stormtrpr
I. Battle Packs
___ Ambush on Ilum - Target
- Padme, C-3PO, R2-D2, 2 Chameleon Droids
___ ARC-170 Set - Target
- 2 Clone Troopers, 2 Pilots, R2 unit
___ AT-RT Assault Squad - Target
- 2 AT-RTs, 2 AT-RT Drivers, Clone Commander
___ Attack on Kashyyyk (TFU) - Target Exclusive
- Vader, 2 Stormtroopers, 2 Wookiees
___ Bantha & Tusken Raiders - Toys R Us
- Bantha, Tusken Raider, Mother, Child
___ Battle of Endor - Target
- 2 Biker Scouts, Stormtrooper, AT-ST Driver
- Chewbacca, Han, Oochee, Widdle Warrick
- AT-ST, 2 Speeder Bikes, 2 logs
___ Battle of Geonosis
- Aayla, Dooku, Jango, Super BD, Obi-Wan
___ Battle of Hoth - Target
- 3 Snowtroopers, AT-ST Driver, Han Solo Hoth
- Rebel Officer & Trooper, Luke Snowspeeder Pilot
- AT-ST, Laser Turret
___ Battle of Mygeeto
- Ki-Adi-Mundi, Cmdr Bacara, Galactic Marine
- Super Battle Droid, Octuparra Droid
___ Betrayal on Bespin
- Han, Leia, Chewie, Boba Fett, Vader
___ Betrayal on Felucia - Target
- Aayla, Commander Bly, 3 Clones
___ Capture of Tantive IV
- Darth Vader, 2 Rebel Troopers, 2 Stormtroopers
___ Clone Attack on Coruscant - REPACK
- 4 Coruscant Clones, Blue Commander
___ Droid Factory Capture
- Anakin, C-3PO, R2-D2, Jango Fett, Destr Droid
___ Geonosis Arena Creatures - Toys R Us
- Anakin, Obi-Wan, Padme
- Acklay, Nexu, Reek
___ Hoth Patrol - Toys R Us Exclusive
- Luke Hoth, Tauntaun, Wampa
___ Hunt for Grievous - REPACK
- 3 Clones, Gunner, Commander
___ Jedi Training on Dagobah
- Darth Vader, Luke, Obi-Wan, R2-D2, Yoda
___ Jedi vs Darth Sidious - REPACK
- Palpatine, Mace, Kit, Saesee, Agen
___ Jedi vs Sith - REPACK
- Anakin, Obi-Wan, Yoda, Grievous, Asajj Ventress
___ Jungle Rancor (TFU) - Target Exclusive
- Jungle Rancor,
___ STAP Attack - Toys R Us Exclusive
- 2 Battle Droids, 2 STAPs, Super Battle Droid
___ Treachery on Saleucami - Wal-Mart
- Commander Neyo, Clone, 2 BARC Speeders
J. Commemorative Tins
___ Episode 1 - The Phantom Menace
- Darth Maul (Evolutions)
- Obi-Wan (POTJ w/soft goods)
- Qui-Gon (E1 Jedi Master w/soft goods)
- R2-R9 (VOTC R2-D2 red repaint)
___ Episode 2 - Attack of the Clones
- Clone Commander (Blue Evolutions)
- Anakin (Evolutions)
- Jango Fett (SAGA 02-13 & 02-47 kitbash)
- Count Dooku (Evolutions)
___ Episode 3 - Revenge of the Sith
- Mace Windu (ROTS III-10)
- Yoda (ROTS III-03 w/soft goods)
- Anakin (Evolutions)
- AT-RT Driver (Black & White ROTS III-54)
___ Episode 4
- Sandtrooper (Saga-037 w/removable helmet)
- Leia (Early Bird)
- Darth Vader (Evolutions modified)
- C-3PO (VOTC)
___ Episode 5
- Snowtrooper (SAGA 03-39 w/removable helmet)
- Luke Hoth (SAGA 04-03 repaint)
- Han Hoth (SAGA 03-12 repaint)
- Chewbacca (VOTC repaint)
___ Episode 6
- Biker Scout (VTSC w/flip up mask)
- Darth Vader (VOTC)
- Leia Endor (POTF2 Leia 2-Pack)
- Endor Trooper (POTF2)
___ Cantina Band - Wal-Mart Exclusive
- 5 Cantina Band Members w/soft goods
K. Miscellaneous Multipacks/Exclusives
___ Battlefront II Clones - Diamond Comics & Online
- Trooper, Sharpshooter, Heavy Trooper
- Engineer, Airborne, Galactic Marine
___ Battlefront II Droids - Diamond Comics & Online
- 3 Battle Droids, Super Battle Droid
- Destroyer Droid, Grievous Guard
___ Clones & Commanders Gift Pack - Toys R Us
- Utapau Clone, Obi-Wan, Vader, Yoda
- Silver Sandtrooper, Kashyyyk Trooper
___ Jabba's Band I - Wal-Mart
- Max Rebo, Sy Snootles, Droopy McCool,
- Barquin Dan, Doda Bodonawieedo
___ Jabba's Band II - Wal-Mart
- Rappertunie, Joh Yowza, Greeata, Lyn Me, Rystall
___ Mandalorians & Omega Squad - Entertainment Earth
- Llats Ward, B'arin Apma, Rav Bralor
- Sergeant, Sniper, Communications, Demolition
___ Mandalorians & Clone Troopers - Entertainment Earth
- Mij Gilamar, Isabet Reau, Dred Priest
- 2 Clone Troopers, 2 ARC Troopers
L. Vehicles
___ Anakin's Jedi Starfighter - repack
___ ARC-170 - Anim Clone Wars paint - Target
___ AT-AP (All Terrain Attack Pod)
___ Battle Rancor (Force Unleashed)
___ Darth Vader's Sith Starfighter
___ General Grievous' Starfighter
___ Hailfire Droid
___ Mace Windu's Jedi Starfighter - repack
___ Obi-Wan's AOTC Starfighter w/Hyperspace Ring - TRU
___ Saesee Tiin's Jedi Starfighter (AOTC)
___ Shadow Scout w/Speeder Bike - SDCC07 &
___ Sith Infiltrator
___ TIE Bomber w/Pilot - Target
___ TIE Fighter - white - Toys R Us
___ TIE Interceptor (181st) w/Pilot - Toys R Us
___ Trade Federation AAT
___ V-Wing Fighter
___ Y-Wing Fighter w/Lt Lepira & R5 - Toys R Us
Last Updated October 5, 2008 By Jesse Wall
The checklists are in copyrighted format. These checklists
are not to be used for any other reason than personal collecting reference.