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2002 - 2007

Printable List

Original Packaging
Second Packaging
Tube Packaging
Battle Packs
Deluxe Battle Packs
Battle Packs 10-Packs

A. Original Packaging:

___ Anakin Skywalker - Rage (AOTC) - 2002
___ Darth Maul - Fury - 2002
___ Darth Sidious - 2003
___ Darth Tyranus - Dissension - 2002
___ Darth Vader - Power - 2002
___ Darth Vader - Redemption (unmasked) - 2002
___ Jango Fett w/Boba Fett - Intensity - 2002
___ Luke Skywalker - Jedi Knight - 2003
___ Mace Windu - Honor - 2002
___ Obi-Wan Kenobi (AOTC) - 2003
___ Padme Amidala - Courage - 2002
___ Princess Leia - Sultry - 2002

B. Second Packaging:

___ Aayla Secura (2004)
___ Anakin Skywalker (ROTS) (2005)
___ Assaj Ventress (2005)
___ Aurra Sing (2005)
___ Boba Fett (2003)
___ Bossk (2004)
___ Chewbacca (OT) (2004)
___ Chewbacca (ROTS) (2006)
___ Clone Trooper (2004)
___ Clone Trooper Captain (Red) (2004)
___ Count Dooku (2004) (repack of Darth Tyranus)
___ Darth Sidious (2003) (repack)
___ Darth Vader (2004) (repack of DV Power)
___ Darth Vader (ROTS) (2005)
___ General Grievous (2005)
___ Han Solo (2003)
___ Han Solo (Stormtrooper) (2006)
___ IG-88 (2005)
___ Luke Skywalker (Jedi Knight) (2004) (repack)
___ Luke Skywalker (Snowspeeder Pilot) (2004)
___ Mace Windu (2004) (repack)
___ Obi-Wan Kenobi (AOTC) (2004) (repack)
___ Obi-Wan Kenobi (ROTS) (2005)
___ Shocktrooper (2006)
___ Stormtrooper (2005)
___ Tusken Raider (2004)
___ Yoda (2003)
___ Yoda vs Darth Sidious (2005)

C. Tube Packaging:

___ ARC Trooper - Diamond & Online
___ Boba Fett - Target (repack)
___ Darth Vader - Best Buy (ROTS Lava repaint)
___ Darth Vader - KB Toys (repack of Lava)
___ Darth Vader - Wal-Mart (repack of Power)
___ General Grievous - Target (repack)
___ Luke Skywalker - Wal-Mart (repack)

D. Battle Packs:

2006 Wave 1 - Battle of Utapau

___ Battle Droids
___ Clone Troopers
___ Utapaun Commanders
___ Utapaun Warriors

2006 Wave 2 - Battle of Felucia / Kashyyyk

___ Aayla Secura's 327th Star Corps
___ Heroes - Aayla, Chewie, Tarfful, Yoda
___ Yoda's Elite Troopers - Commander Gree, 3 BARCs
___ Wookiee Warriors

2006 Wave 3 - Battle of Hoth

___ Imperial Snowtroopers
___ Rebel Alliance Troopers
___ Imperial Encounter - Han, Chewie, Tauntaun

2006 Wave 4 - Battle of Hoth

___ Imperial Invasion - Vader, Veers, AT-AT Dr, Probe Dr
___ Snowtrooper Battalion
___ Wampa Assault - Wampa, Luke, Leia

2006 Wave 5 - Order 66

___ A New Empire - Anakin, Palpatine, 2 Royal Guards
___ Jedi Masters - Mace, Kit, Saesee, Royal Guard
___ Shocktrooper Battalion
___ Vader's 501st Legion

2007 Wave 1 - Battle for Tantive IV

___ Commanders - Vader, Leia, Fleet Tr, Imp Cmdr
___ Luke and the Droids - Luke, Obi-Wan, 3PO, R2, Jawa
___ Rebel Blockade Troopers
___ Stormtrooper Boarding Party

2007 Wave 2 - Trouble on Tatooine

___ Cantina Encounter - Han, Greedo, Chewie, Garindan
___ Jawas & Droids - 3 Jawas, R5-D4, R1-G4
___ Sandtroopers
___ Tusken Raiders

2007 Wave 3 - Death Star Encounters

___ Imperial Troops - 2 DS Troopers, DS Gunner, Officer
___ Imperial & Rebel Pilots - A-Wing, X-Wing, 2 TIE Pilots
___ Imperial & Rebel Comndrs - Tarkin, Motti, Han, Luke

2007 Wave 4

___ Mygeeto Clones - Ki-Adi-Mundi, Bacara, 2 Marines
___ Mace Windu Clones - 3 Clones, Airborne Trooper
___ Battle Droids 2 - BD, Super BD, Spider Droid

E. Deluxe Battle Packs:

___ Evacuation of Echo Base - 2 Hoth Troopers, Cannon
___ Snowspeeder Assault - Snowspeeder, Luke Pilot

F. Battle Packs 10-Packs:

___ Battle of Geonosis - The Clone Wars
        - Mace Windu, Clone Commander, 3 Clone Troopers
        - 2 Battle Dr, 1 Super Battle Dr, 2 Destroyer Dr
___ Battle of Hoth - Imperial Invasion
        - Darth Vader, 4 Snowtroopers
        - 5 Hoth Rebel Soldiers
___ Battle of Kashyyyk - Droid Invasion
        - Yoda, 2 Wookiee Warriors, 3 Elite Troopers
        - 2 Battle Dr, 1 Super Battle Dr, 1 Destroyer Dr

Last Updated May 29, 2007 By Jesse Wall

The JediDefender.com checklists are in copyrighted format. These checklists are not to be used for any other reason than personal collecting reference.

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