Sneak Preview Figures
Mace Windu - Mail Away
___ Only Version
STAP w/Battle Droid
___ green, vertical box w/cellophane window
Basic 3 3/4"
All CommTech Chips (CTC) have a hologram background unless stated otherwise.
The only other background that will appear on a CommTech Chip is white.
The Innovision logo & U. S. Patent Pending text are missing from many of
the earlier waves of Episode 1 figure packaging. They were added later and
so there are many figures with this card variant. For these figures, abbreviations
will be used to list the variants. The Innovision logo abbreviation will
be “Innologo” and the U. S. Patent Pending will be “USpp”.
If you have questions or an error/variant to add to this list, please contact
a member of the staff.
Adi Gallia - Collection 3
___ .0000
Anakin Skywalker (Naboo) - Collection 1
___ .0000, # C-031A on card back, yellow, triangular sticker on upper L. corner of bubble says “NEW!”
___ .0000, # C-031D on card back, sticker on upper L. corner of bubble says “NEW!”
___ .0000, # C-031D on card back, no sticker on bubble
Anakin Skywalker (Naboo Pilot) - Collection 1
___ .0000, CTC background is white, yellow, triangular sticker on upper L. corner of bubble says “NEW!”, green circular sticker in upper R. corner
of card front reads; “You Could Win...”
___ .0000, CTC background is white, sticker on upper L. corner of bubble says “NEW!”, no green sticker
Anakin Skywalker (Tatooine) - Col. 1
___ .0000, backpack is blue, bubble holds grease gun in place, Innologo & USpp
___ .0000, backpack is brown, bubble holding grease gun, Innologo & USpp missing
___ .0100, backpack is blue, bubble holding grease gun, Innologo & USpp added
___ .0100, backpack is brown, bubble holding grease gun, Innologo & USpp added
___ .0100, backpack is blue, tape holding grease gun in place, Innologo & USpp
___ .0000, backpack is blue, bubble holds grease gun in place, Innologo & USpp
missing, grease gun is missing (pe)
Battle Droid - Collection 1
___ .0000, clean version (light tan), close-up photo of lighter tan droid, Innologo & USpp missing
___ .0000, dirty version (brown), close-up light tan droid, Innologo & USpp missing
___ .0000
___ .0000, blaster damaged version (silver starburst on chest), close-up light tan
droid, Innologo & USpp missing
___ .0000
___ .0000, saber slashed (thick silver stripe on chest), close-up light tan
droid, Innologo & USpp missing
___ .0000, saber slashed (thin silver stripe on chest), close-up light tan droid, Innologo & USpp missing
___ .0100, clean, photo is not as close-up of darker tan droid, Innologo & USpp missing
___ .0100, dirty, photo is not as close-up of darker tan droid, Innologo & USpp missing
___ .0100, blaster damaged, photo is not as close-up of darker tan droid, Innologo
& USpp missing
___ .0100, saber slashed (thick silver stripe), photo is not as close-up of darker tan
droid, Innologo & USpp missing
___ .0100, saber slashed (thin silver stripe), photo is not as close-up of darker tan
droid, Innologo & USpp missing
___ .0200, clean, photo is not as close-up of darker tan droid, Innologo & USpp added
___ .0200, dirty, photo is not as close-up of darker tan droid, Innologo & USpp added
___ .0200, blaster damaged, photo is not as close-up of darker tan droid, Innologo
& USpp added
___ .0200, saber slashed (thick silver stripe), photo is not as close-up of darker tan
droid, Innologo & USpp added
___ .0200, saber slashed (thin silver stripe), photo is not as close-up of darker tan
droid, Innologo & USpp added
Boss Nass - Collection 3
___ .0000, card finish is matte, no emphasis on yellow “Electronic” text on card
back, Innologo & USpp missing
___ .0000, card finish is glossy, no emphasis on “Electronic”, Innologo & USpp
___ .0100, card finish is glossy, no emphasis on “Electronic”, Innologo & USpp
___ .0100, card finish is glossy, emphasis on yellow “Electronic” text on card
back , Innologo & USpp added
___ .0100, card finish is glossy, emphasis on “Electronic”, Innologo & USpp added,
Gungan staff is unpainted (pe)
___ .0100, card finish is glossy, emphasis on “Electronic”, Innologo & USpp added,
Gungan staff is missing (pe)
___ .0100, card finish is glossy, emphasis on “Electronic”, Innologo & USpp added,
w/extra COMMTech chip (pe)
C-3PO - Collection 2
___ .0000, card finish is matte, Innologo & USpp missing
___ .0000, card finish is glossy, Innologo & USpp missing
___ .0100, card finish is glossy, Innologo & USpp added
Captain Panaka - Collection 2
Note - The correct COMMTech chip text lines for Captain Panaka are:
“Get their weapons!”
“Your highness, this is a battle I do not think we can win.”
“We’ll need to free those pilots.”
“The Federation army is also much larger than we thought.”
___ .0000, COMMTech chip text lines are incorrectly listed on card back
___ .0000, sticker with correct COMMTech chip text lines added
___ .0100, correct COMMTech chip text lines are printed
___ .0000, sticker with correct COMMTech chip text lines added, blaster is missing (pe)
Captain Tarpals - Collection 3
___ .0000, wide bubble, w/warning sticker on card front, decimal point (‘.’) missing in card # 5614260000. Should look like; 561426.0000
___ .0000, thin bubble, w/warning sticker, missing decimal point in card #
___ .0100, wide bubble, warning is printed on card front, missing decimal point in card #
___ .0100, thin bubble, warning is printed on card front, decimal point added in card #
___ .0100, wide bubble, warning is printed on card front, missing decimal point in card #, electropole is missing (pe)
Chancellor Valorum - Collection 3
___ .0000, card finish is matte, warning is printed, Innologo & USpp missing
___ .0000, card finish is glossy, warning is printed, Innologo & USpp missing
___ .0000, card finish is matte, printed warning is covered by black sticker applied on top of bubble, Innologo & USpp missing
___ .0000, card finish is glossy, warning covered by black sticker on top of bubble, Innologo & USpp missing
___ .0000, card finish is matte, warning covered by black sticker under bubble, Innologo & USpp missing
___ .0000, card finish is glossy, warning covered by black sticker under bubble, Innologo & USpp missing
___ .0100, card finish is glossy, warning covered by black sticker on top of bubble, Innologo & USpp added
___ .0100, card finish is glossy, warning covered by black sticker under bubble, Innologo & USpp added
___ .0200, card finish is glossy, warning deleted from card, no emphasis on yellow “Electronic” text on card back, Innologo & USpp added
___ .0200, card finish is glossy, warning deleted from card, emphasis on yellow “Electronic” text on card back, Innologo & USpp added
Darth Maul (Jedi Duel) - Collection 1
- The intended vest color for each Darth Maul release is gray. Most of the
variants below have a black vest version that is an unpainted vest production
error. The black vest version is always the more rare and the value is usually
significantly higher.
- There are 2 different head variants in the Darth Maul (Jedi Duel) release.
The first one is slightly larger and the black face paint designs are different.
The black line face paint details are thinner and the yellow/orange eye color
is more apparent. The second head version is slightly smaller and the black
line face paint details are bolder. The second version also will have black
triangular shapes under the nose and the eye color is mostly yellow and does
not fill the white area of the eyes as much.
- There are 2 different C#’s. The first is: C-031A and the second is C-031D.
This number can be found at the bottom of the card back, next to the “MADE
IN CHINA” text.
- The card numbers for Darth Maul (Jedi Duel) are as followsin order of release:
558452.00, 558452.0100 & 565920.0000. The 558452.00 card number is a rarity
in the Episode 1 releases as most of the decimal points are followed by 4
numbers, rather than 2.
- There are 2 different Asst. No.s. The are both found on the bottom right
corner of the card front to the left of the Hasbro logo and one is printed
on top of the other. The first 2 are printed as: Asst. NO. 84085 and beneath
that number; 84088. The second 2 are printed as: Asst. NO. 84085 and beneath;
- The .0000 card number has a variant that has a white COMMTech chip background
instead of the regular hologram background. The white variant is specified
in the list, but the hologram background chips are not. This is due to the
assumption that they are hologram unless otherwise stated.
- There are 3 different ways a card UPC symbol was released. These are found
in the lower, left-hand corner on the card back. The first version is printed
as: 0 76281 84088 8. The second version is a sticker over the first with
a new UPC number printed as: 0 76930 84523 3. The third version is printed
on the card and is the same UPC number as the stickered version.
___ .00, vest is gray, first head version, Innologo & USpp missing, C # is C-031A, first UPC #, first Asst NO.’s are: 84085 & 84088
___ .00, vest is gray, second head version, Innologo & USpp missing, C # is C-031A, first UPC #, first Asst NO.’s are: 84085 & 84088
___ .0100, vest is gray, first head, Innologo & USpp added, C # is C-031A, first UPC #, first Asst. NO.s
___ .0100, vest is gray, second head, Innologo & USpp added, C # is C-031D, first UPC #, first Asst NO.s
___ .0100, vest is gray, first head version, Innologo & USpp added, C # is C-031D, sticker w/new UPC #, first Asst NO.s
___ .0000, vest is gray, first head, Innologo & USpp missing, C # is C-031A, new printed UPC #, new Asst NO.’s printed are: 84085 & 84523
___ .0000, vest is gray, second head, Innologo & USpp missing, C # is C-031A, new printed UPC #, new Asst NO.s
___ .0000, vest is gray, second head, COMMTech chip background is white, Innologo & USpp missing, C # is C-031A, new printed UPC #, new
Asst NO.s
___ .00, first head, Innologo & USpp missing, C # is C-031A, first UPC #, first
Asst. NO.’s, vest is black (pe)
___ .0100, first head, Innologo & USpp added, C # is C-031A, first UPC #, first
Asst. NO.s, vest is black, (pe)
___ .0100, second head version, Innologo & USpp added, C # is C-031D, first UPC #, first Asst NO.s, vest is black (pe)
___ .0100, vest is gray, first head, Innologo & USpp added, C # is C-031A, first UPC #, first Asst. NO.s, backwards skirt (pe)
___ .0100, vest is gray, first head, Innologo & USpp added, C # is C-031A, first UPC #, first Asst. NO.s, missing black paint on lightsaber rings (pe)
___ .0100, vest is gray, first head, Innologo & USpp added, C # is C-031A, first UPC #, first Asst. NO.s, missing black nose paint (pe)
___ .0000, first head version, Innologo & USpp missing, # next to MIC is C-031A,
new printed UPC #, new Asst NO.’s, vest is black (pe)
___ .0000, vest is gray, first head version, Innologo & USpp missing, C # is C-031A, new printed UPC #, new Asst NO.’s, lightsaber is missing
___ .0000, second head, Innologo & USpp missing, C # is C-031A, new printed UPC #, new Asst No.s, vest is black (pe)
___ .0000, second head, COMMTech chip background is white, Innologo & USpp missing, C # is C-031A, new printed UPC #, new Asst NO.s, vest is black (pe)
Darth Maul (Sith Lord) - Collection 1
___ .0000, vest is gray, w/white COMMTech chip background, yellow, triangular sticker on bubble reads; “NEW!”, green, circular sticker in upper R. corner
of card front reads; “You Could Win...”
___ .0000, vest is gray, w/white COMMTech chip background,w/”NEW!” sticker, no
green, circular sticker
___ .0000, w/white COMMTech chip background, w/both stickers, vest is black (pe)
___ .0000, vest is gray, w/white COMMTech chip background, w/both stickers, rounded lightsaber tip is at bottom (normally at top) (pe)
___ .0000, w/white COMMTech chip background, w/both stickers, lightsaber is upside down (hilt is at the top/normally at bottom) (pe)
___ .0000, w/white COMMTech chip background, w/both stickers, second, detached lightsaber blade is missing (pe)
___ .0000, w/white COMMTech chip background, w/both stickers, lightsaber is missing (pe)
___ .0000, w/white COMMTech chip background, w/both stickers, hole for detachable lightsaber piece to fit in lightsaber hilt is missing (Darth Maul
(Tatooine) (lightsaber inserted instead) (pe)
Darth Maul (Tatooine) - Collection 1
___ .0000, vest is gray, chin is pinkish, yellow, triangular sticker on bubble reads; “NEW!”, C # is C031A
___ .0100, vest is gray, chin is pinkish, sticker on bubble reads; “NEW!”, C # is C031A
___ .0100, vest is gray, chin is pinkish, sticker on bubble reads; “NEW!”, C # is C031D
___ .0100, vest is gray, chin is red, no “NEW!” sticker on bubble, C # is C031D
___ .0100, vest is gray, chin is red, COMMTech chip background is white, no “NEW!” sticker on bubble, C # is C031D
___ .0000, chin is pinkish, yellow, triangular sticker on bubble reads; “NEW!”,
C # is C031A, vest is black (pe)
___ .0100, chin is pinkish, sticker on bubble reads; “NEW!”, C # is C031D, vest
is black (pe)
___ .0100, vest is gray, chin is pinkish, sticker on bubble reads; “NEW!”, C # is C031D, R. hand is filled (pe)
___ .0100, chin is red, no “NEW!” sticker on bubble, C # is C031D, vest is black
___ .0100, vest is gray, chin is red, no “NEW!” sticker on bubble, C # is C031D,
COMMTech chip is upside down (pe)
___ .0100, vest is gray, chin is red, no “NEW!” sticker on bubble, C # is C031D,
w/2 biceps on R. arm (pe)
___ .0100, chin is red, no “NEW!” sticker on bubble, C # is C031D, vest is black,
w/2 biceps on R. arm (pe)
___ .0100, chin is red, CTC background is white, no “NEW!” sticker on bubble, C # is C031D, vest is black (pe)
Darth Sidious - Collection 2
___ .00, card finish is matte, Innologo & USpp missing
___ .00, card finish is glossy, Innologo & USpp missing
___ .0100, card finish is glossy, Innologo & USpp added
Darth Sidious (Hologram) - Collection 2
___ .0000, w/white COMMTech chip background
Destroyer Droid - Collection 2
___ .0000, thin stripes on shoulder, silver, triangular sticker on bubble reads; “NEW!”
___ .0000, thick stripes on shoulder, silver, triangular sticker on bubble reads; “NEW!”
___ .0000, thin stripes on shoulder, silver, no “NEW!” sticker
___ .0000, thick stripes on shoulder, silver, no “NEW!” sticker
Destroyer Droid (Battle Damage) - Collection 1
___ .0000, COMMTEch chip background is white, yellow, triangular sticker on bubble reads; “NEW!”
___ .0000, COMMTEch chip background is white, sticker on bubble reads; “NEW!”,
battle damage is unpainted (pe)
Gasgano w/Pit Droid - Collection 3
___ .0100, card finish is matte, no emphasis on yellow “Electronic” text on card
back, no ‘TM’ after Gasgano on card back, Innologo & USpp missing
___ .0100, card finish is glossy, no emphasis on “Electronic”, no ‘TM’, Innologo
& USpp missing
___ .0200, card finish is glossy, no emphasis on “Electronic”, ‘TM’ added after
Gasgano on card back, Innologo & USpp added
___ .0200, card finish is glossy, emphasis on “Electronic”, ‘TM’ added, Innologo
& USpp added
Jar-Jar Binks - Collection 1
___ .00, photo of Jar Jar’s face on card front is large, Innologo & USpp missing
___ .0100, photo of Jar Jar’s face is smaller, Innologo & USpp missing
___ .0200, photo of face is small, Innologo & USpp added
___ .0200, photo of face is small, Innologo & USpp added, Gungan battle staff
is missing (pe)
___ .0200, photo of face is small, Innologo & USpp added, ears are missing (pe)
Jar-Jar Binks (Naboo Swamp/swimming) - Collection 1
___ .0000, COMMTech chip background is white, yellow, triangular sticker on bubble reads; “NEW!”
___ .0000, CTC background is hologram, yellow, triangular sticker on bubble reads; “NEW!”
___ .0000, CTC background is hologram, yellow, triangular sticker on bubble reads; “NEW!”, fish is missing (pe)
Ki-Adi Mundi - Collection 3
___ .0000, lightsaber hilt rings have a thin sculpt, card finish is matte, no emphasis on yellow “Electronic” text on card back, Innologo & USpp missing
___ .0000, lightsaber hilt rings have a thick sculpt, card finish is glossy, no emphasis on “Electronic”, Innologo & USpp missing
___ .0000, hilt rings are thin, card finish is glossy, no emphasis on “Electronic”,
Innologo & USpp missing
___ .0100, hilt rings are thick, card finish is glossy, no emphasis on “Electronic”,
Innologo & USpp added
___ .0100, hilt rings are thin, card finish is glossy, no emphasis on “Electronic”,
Innologo & USpp added
___ .0100, hilt rings are thick, card finish is glossy, emphasis on “Electronic”,
Innologo & USpp added
___ .0100, hilt rings are thin, card finish is glossy, emphasis on “Electronic”,
Innologo & USpp added
___ .0000, card finish is glossy, no emphasis on “Electronic”, Innologo & USpp
missing, lightsaber is missing (pe)
___ .0100, card finish is glossy, emphasis on “Electronic”, Innologo & USpp added,
lightsaber is missing (pe)
___ .0100, card finish is glossy, emphasis on “Electronic”, Innologo & USpp added,
w/micro lightsaber (pe)
Mace Windu - Collection 3
___ .0000, card finish is matte, w/yellow starburst, Episode 1 video sticker on upper L. corner of card front, no emphasis on yellow “Electronic” text on
card back, Innologo & USpp missing
___ .0000, card finish is glossy, w/video sticker, no emphasis on “Electronic”,
Innologo & USpp missing
___ .0100, card finish is glossy, no video sticker, no emphasis on “Electronic”,
Innologo & USpp added
___ .0100, card finish is glossy, no video sticker, emphasis on “Electronic”, Innologo & USpp added
___ .0100, COMMTech chip background is white, card finish is glossy, no video sticker, emphasis on “Electronic”, Innologo & USpp added
___ .0000, card finish is glossy, w/video sticker, no emphasis on “Electronic”,
Innologo & USpp missing, w/micro lightsaber (pe)
___ .0100, card finish is glossy, no video sticker, emphasis on “Electronic”, Innologo & USpp added, w/micro lightsaber (pe)
___ .0100, card finish is glossy, no video sticker, emphasis on “Electronic”, Innologo & USpp added, R. arm is separate from body (pe)
___ .0100, card finish is glossy, no video sticker, emphasis on “Electronic”, Innologo & USpp added, L. arm is separate from body (pe)
___ .0100, card finish is glossy, no video sticker, emphasis on “Electronic”, Innologo & USpp added, lightsaber is upside down (hilt at top) (pe)
___ .0100, card finish is glossy, no video sticker, emphasis on “Electronic”, Innologo & USpp added, w/extra COMMTech chip (pe)
___ .0100, CTC background is white, card finish is glossy, no video sticker, emphasis on “Electronic”, Innologo & USpp added, w/micro lightsaber (pe)
Naboo Royal Guard - Collection 2
___ .0000, COMMTech chip background is white, green, circular sticker in upper R. corner of card front reads; “You Could Win...”
___ .0000, COMMTech chip background is white, no sticker
Naboo Royal Security - Collection 2
___ .0000
___ .0000, L. shoulder is unpainted (normally orange) (pe)
___ .0000, blaster rifle has no silver paint (pe)
___ .0000, packaged w/Yoda COMMTech chip (pe)
Nute Gunray - Collection 2
___ .0000, yellow, triangular sticker on bubble reads; “NEW!”
___ .0000, no sticker
___ .0000, no sticker, neckless is unpainted (normally silver) (pe)
___ .0000, no sticker, R. headress area is unpainted (pe)
___ .0000, no sticker, L. headress area is unpainted (pe)
___ .0000, no sticker, entire headress is unpainted (pe)
Obi-Wan Kenobi (Jedi Duel) - Collection 1
___ .00, chest and bottom flap of clothing are almost white, lightsaber is held at bottom area of hilt, Innologo & USpp missing
___ .00, chest and bottom flap of clothing are more tan,lightsaber is held at bottom area of hilt, Innologo & USpp missing
___ .00, chest and bottom flap are more tan, lightsaber is held further up hilt, Innologo & USpp missing
___ .0100, chest and bottom flap are more tan, lightsaber is held further up hilt, Innologo & USpp added
___ .0100, chest and bottom flap are more tan, lightsaber is held further up hilt, Innologo & USpp added, w/extra hand (pe)
Obi-Wan Kenobi (Jedi Knight) - Collection 1
___ .0000, COMMTech chip background is white, yellow, triangular sticker on bubble reads; “NEW!”
___ .0000, CTC background is white, no “NEW!” sticker, COMMTech chip inserted upside down (pe)
___ .0000, CTC background is white, no “NEW!” sticker, commlink accessory inserted
upside down (pe)
___ .0000, CTC background is white, no “NEW!” sticker, commlink accessory inserted
backwards (pe)
___ .0000, CTC background is white, no “NEW!” sticker, commlink accessory is missing
Obi-Wan Kenobi (Naboo) - Collection 1
___ .0000, C # is C-031A, yellow, triangular sticker on bubble reads; “NEW!”
___ .0100, C # is C-031A, sticker on bubble reads; “NEW!”
___ .0100, C # is C-031D, no “NEW!” sticker
___ .0100, COMMTech chip background is white, C # is C-031D, no “NEW!” sticker
___ .0000, C # is C-031A, sticker on bubble reads; “NEW!”, w/micro lightsaber
___ .0100, C # is C-031A, sticker on bubble reads; “NEW!”, L. hand is filled (pe)
___ .0100, C # is C-031A, sticker on bubble reads; “NEW!”, w/micro lightsaber
___ .0100, C # is C-031D, no “NEW!” sticker, w/micro lightsaber (pe)
___ .0100, C # is C-031D, no “NEW!” sticker, lightsaber packaged upside down (hilt at top) (pe)
___ .0100, C # is C-031D, no “NEW!” sticker, packaged w/Qui-Gon Jinn’s (Naboo)
lightsaber (green blade, normally blue blade) (pe)
Ody Mandrell w/Otoga 222 Pit Droid - Collection 3
___ .0000
___ .0100
___ .0100, COMMTech chip is white
___ .0000, figure with belly button (pe)
___ .0100, figure with belly button (pe)
___ .0100, COMMTech chip is white, figure with belly button (pe)
OOM-9 - Collection 3
___ .0000, bubble is thick, binoculars are blistered seperately
___ .0000, bubble is thick, binoculars are held in OOM-9’s L. hand
___ .0000, bubble is thin, binoculars are held in OOM-9’s L. hand
___ .0000, COMMTech chip is white, bubble is thin, binoculars are held in OOM-9’s
L. hand
___ .0000, bubble is thick, binoculars are held in OOM-9’s L. hand, neck is missing (pe)
___ .0000, bubble is thick, binoculars are held in OOM-9’s L. hand, blaster is missing (pe)
___ .0000, bubble is thick, binoculars are held in OOM-9’s L. hand, both antennae
are missing (pe)
Padme Naberrie - Collection 1
___ .00, R. hand is open, Innologo & USpp missing
___ .00, Innologo & USpp missing, R. hand is closed (pe)
___ .00, Innologo & USpp missing, R. hand is filled (pe)
___ .0100, Innologo & USpp added, R. hand is closed (pe)
___ .0100, Innologo & USpp added, R. hand is filled (pe)
___ .0100, Innologo & USpp added, R. hand is filled (pe)
___ .0100, R. hand is open, Innologo & USpp added
Pit Droid 2-Pack - Collection 2
___ .0000, COMMTech chip is white
Queen Amidala (Battle) - Collection 1
___ .0100, COMMTech chip is white
Queen Amidala (Coruscant) - Collection 1
___ .0000, hair is dark brown, C # is C-031A, yellow, triangular sticker on bubble reads; “NEW!”
___ .0000, hair is light brown, C # is C-031A, sticker on bubble reads; “NEW!”
___ .0100, hair is light brown, C # is C-031D, sticker on bubble reads; “NEW!”
Queen Amidala (Naboo) - Collection 1
___ .00, Innologo & USpp missing
___ .00, Innologo & USpp missing, blaster is missing (pe)
___ .0100, Innologo & USpp added
___ .0100, Innologo & USpp added, w/2 extra blasters (3 total) (pe)
Qui-Gon Jinn (Jedi Duel) - Collection 1
___ .00, skin is light color, Innologo & USpp missing
___ .00, skin is daker color, Innologo & USpp missing
___ .0100, skin is daker color, Innologo & USpp added
Qui-Gon Jinn (Jedi Master) - Collection 1
___ .0000, COMMTech chip is white, yellow, triangular sticker on bubble reads; “NEW!”
___ .0000, COMMTech chip is white, sticker on bubble reads; “NEW!”, comlink accessory
is packaged upside down (pe)
Qui-Gon Jinn (Naboo) - Collection 1
___ .0100, C # is C-031A, yellow, triangular sticker on bubble reads; “NEW!”
___ .0100, C # is C-031D, no “NEW!” sticker
___ .0100, C # is C-031A, sticker on bubble reads; “NEW!”, w/micro lightsaber
___ .0100, C # is C-031D, no “NEW!” sticker, w/micro lightsaber (pe)
___ .0100, C # is C-031D, no “NEW!” sticker, only goatie painted (normally full
beard) (pe)
R2-B1 (Astromech Droid) - Collection 2
___ .0000, COMMTech chip is white, back name text under photo of R2-B1 in available
figures area reads; “R2-B1Astromech” (no space between 1 & A)
___ .0100, COMMTech chip is white, back name text reads; “R2-B1 Astromech” (space
added between 1 & A)
R2-D2 - Collection 2
___ .0000, R2-D2 is positioned at an angle in thick bubble, 6 verticle vents on R2’s R. side are unpainted (should be silver), yellow, triangular sticker
on bubble reads; “NEW!”
___ .0000, R2-D2 is at an angle in thick bubble, 6 verticle vents are painted, sticker on bubble reads; “NEW!”
___ .0000, R2-D2 is at an angle in thick bubble, 6 verticle vents are painted, sticker on bubble reads; “NEW!”
___ .0000, R2-D2 is positioned straight in thin bubble, 6 verticle vents are painted, no “NEW!” sticker, green, circular sticker in upper R. corner of card
front reads; “You Could Win...”
___ .0000, R2-D2 is at an angle in thick bubble, 6 verticle vents are unpainted, sticker on bubble reads; “NEW!”, w/extra L. leg (pe)
___ .0000, R2-D2 is at an angle in thick bubble, 6 verticle vents are painted, sticker on bubble reads; “NEW!”, legs attached forward to backward body (pe)
___ .0000, R2-D2 is at an angle in thick bubble, 6 verticle vents are painted, sticker on bubble reads; “NEW!”, w/extra L. leg (pe)
___ .0000, R2-D2 is at an angle in thick bubble, 6 verticle vents are painted, sticker on bubble reads; “NEW!”, w/extra R. leg (pe)
___ .0000, R2-D2 is at an angle in thick bubble, 6 verticle vents are painted, sticker on bubble reads; “NEW!”
Ric Olie - Collection 2
___ .00, L. hand is in an open grip, card finish is matte, Innologo & USpp missing
___ .00, L. hand is in an open grip, card finish is glossy, Innologo & USpp missing
___ .00, card finish is matte, Innologo & USpp missing, L. hand is in a less open grip (pe)
___ .00, card finish is matte, Innologo & USpp missing, L. hand is in a closed
grip (pe)
___ .00, card finish is matte, Innologo & USpp missing, L. hand is filled (pe)
___ .00, card finish is glossy, Innologo & USpp missing, L. hand is in a less open grip (pe)
___ .00, card finish is glossy, Innologo & USpp missing, L. hand is in a closed
grip (pe)
___ .00, card finish is glossy, Innologo & USpp missing, L. hand is filled (pe)
___ .00, L. hand is in an open grip, card finish is glossy, Innologo & USpp missing, w/extra R. arm (pe)
___ .00, L. hand is in an open grip, card finish is glossy, Innologo & USpp missing, blaster is missing (pe)
___ .00, L. hand is in an open grip, card finish is glossy, Innologo & USpp missing, pouch on chest is unpainted (small pouch, just above R. belt area,
should be light brownish, is reddish-brown) (pe)
___ .0100, L. hand is in an open grip, card finish is glossy, Innologo & USpp added
___ .0100, card finish is glossy, Innologo & USpp added, L. hand is in a less open grip (pe)
___ .0100, card finish is glossy, Innologo & USpp added, L. hand is in a closed
grip (pe)
___ .0100, card finish is glossy, Innologo & USpp added, L. hand is filled (pe)
Rune Haako - Collection 2
___ .0000, eyes are yellow
___ .0000, eyes are yellow on bottom and red on top
___ .0000, eyes are yellow on bottom and red on top, chest stripes are unpainted (pe)
Senator Palpatine - Collection 2
___ .0000, card finish is matte, Innologo & USpp missing,
___ .0000, card finish is glossy, Innologo & USpp missing,
___ .0100, card finish is glossy, Innologo & USpp added,
___ .0000, card finish is matte, Innologo & USpp missing, second, lower necklace
painted gold (normally unpainted) (pe)
___ .0000, card finish is glossy, Innologo & USpp missing, lower necklace painted
gold (normally unpainted) (pe)
___ .0100, card finish is glossy, Innologo & USpp added, lower necklace painted
gold (normally unpainted) (pe)
Sio Bibble - Collection 2
___ .0000, COMMTech chip is white
___ .0000, COMMTech chip is white, buttons on chest are unpainted (pe)
___ .0000, COMMTech chip is white, blaster is missing (pe)
TC-14 (Protocol Droid)- Collection 3
___ .0000, COMMTech chip is white, back name text under photo of R2-B1 in available
figures area reads; “R2-B1Astromech” (no space betwen 1 & A)
___ .0100, COMMTech chip is white, back name text reads; “R2-B1 Astromech” under
photo of other available figures (space betwen 1 & A)
Watto - Collection 2
___ .00, card finish is matte, Innologo & USpp missing
___ .00, card finish is glossy, Innologo & USpp missing
___ .0100, card finish is glossy, Innologo & USpp added
___ .0000, card finish is glossy, Innologo & USpp missing, teeth are unpainted
___ .0100, card finish is glossy, Innologo & USpp added, datapad is missing (pe)
Yoda - Collection 2
___ .0000, “Episode 1” text is not printed on card front under “Star Wars” text
___ .0100, “Episode 1” text is printed on card front under “Star Wars” text
___ .0000, “Episode 1” text is not printed, L. foot is filled (pe)
___ .0000, “Episode 1” text is not printed, R. foot is filled (pe)
___ .0100, “Episode 1” text is printed, L. foot is filled (pe)
___ .0100, “Episode 1” text is printed, R. foot is filled (pe)
Darth Maul
___ Only Version
Darth Maul (w/Sith Infiltrator)
___ Only Version
Final Lightsaber Duel (w/Break-Apart Darth Maul)
___ Only Version
Qui-Gon Jinn
___ Only Version
Obi-Wan Kenobi
___ Only Version
Epic Force
Darth Maul (w/New MovieMotion)
___ Only Version
Obi-Wan Kenobi (w/New MovieMotion)
___ Only Version
Qui-Gon Jinn (w/New MovieMotion)
___ Only Version
Cinema Scenes
Mos Espa Encounter (w/Exclusive Anakin Skywalker, Qui-Gon Jinn and Sebulba)
___ COMMTech chip background is hologram
___ COMMTech chip background is white
Tatooine Showdown (w/Exclusive Anakin Skywalker, Qui-Gon Jinn and Darth Maul)
___ COMMTech chip background is hologram
___ COMMTech chip background is white
Watto's Box (w/Exclusive Shakka, Graxol Kevlyyn and Watto)
___ COMMTech chip background is white
Vendor Exclusives
Darth Maul Light-Up Hologram (Wal-Mart)
___ Only Version
Qui-Gon Jinn Light-Up Hologram (Wal-Mart)
___ Only Version
Exclusive 2-Packs (Sam’s Club/Wholesale Retailers)
Anakin Skywalker (Naboo) & Obi-Wan Kenobi (Naboo)
___ Only Version
COMMTech 2-Pack (COMMTech Reader & Anakin Skywalker (Tatooine)
___ Only Version
COMMTech 2-Pack (COMMTech Reader & Darth Maul (Jedi Duel)
___ Only Version
COMMTech 2-Pack (COMMTech Reader & Jar Jar Binks)
___ Only Version
Darth Maul (Jedi Duel) & Anakin Skywalker (Tatooine)
___ Only Version
Darth Maul (Tatooine) & Battle Droid
___ Only Version
Jar Jar Binks & Qui-Gon Jinn (Naboo)
___ Only Version
Padme Naberrie & Obi-Wan Kenobi (Jedi Duel)
___ Only Version
Queen Amidala (Naboo) & Qui-Gonn Jinn (Jedi Duel)
___ Only Version
Foreign Exclusives
Mini 2” Figures
Anakin Skywalker
___ Only Version
Battle Droid
___ Only Version
Darth Maul
___ Only Version
Jar-Jar Binks
___ Only Version
Obi-Wan Kenobi
___ Only Version
Padme Nabierre
___ Only Version
Queen Amidala
___ Only Version
Qui-Gon Jinn
___ Only Version
Mini Vehicles
Naboo Fighter with Mini Figures Gift Set (w/all 8 mini figures included)
___ Only Version
Naboo Fighter w/Anakin Skywlaker Pilot
___ Only Version
(With Exclusive Battle Droid- all tan)
Anakin Skywalker (Naboo) w/exclusive Battle Droid (all tan)
___ Only Version
Anakin Skywalker (Tatooine) w/exclusive Battle Droid (all tan)
___ Only Version
Battle Droid (blaster damaged) w/exclusive Battle Droid (all tan)
___ Only Version
Battle Droid (clean, has black details) w/exclusive Battle Droid (all tan)
___ Only Version
Battle Droid (dirty) w/exclusive Battle Droid (all tan)
___ Only Version
Battle Droid (lightsaber damaged) w/exclusive Battle Droid (all tan)
___ Only Version
C-3PO w/exclusive Battle Droid (all tan)
___ Only Version
Darth Maul (Jedi Duel) w/exclusive Battle Droid (all tan)
___ Only Version
Darth Maul (Tatooine) w/exclusive Battle Droid (all tan)
___ Only Version
Darth Sidious w/exclusive Battle Droid (all tan)
___ Only Version
Darth Sidious (Holograph) w/exclusive Battle Droid (all tan)
___ Only Version
Destroyer Droid w/exclusive Battle Droid (all tan)
___ Only Version
Jar-Jar Binks w/exclusive Battle Droid (all tan)
___ Only Version
Nute Gunray w/exclusive Battle Droid (all tan)
___ Only Version
Obi-Wan Kenobi (Jedi Duel) w/exclusive Battle Droid (all tan)
___ Only Version
Obi-Wan Kenobi (Naboo) w/exclusive Battle Droid (all tan)
___ Only Version
Padme Nabierre w/exclusive Battle Droid (all tan)
___ Only Version
Queen Amidala (Naboo) w/exclusive Battle Droid (all tan)
___ Only Version
Queen Amidala (Coruscant) w/exclusive Battle Droid (all tan)
___ Only Version
Qui-Gon Jinn (Jedi Duel) w/exclusive Battle Droid (all tan)
___ Only Version
Qui-Gon Jinn (Naboo) w/exclusive Battle Droid (all tan)
___ Only Version
R2-D2 w/exclusive Battle Droid (all tan)
___ Only Version
R2-B1 w/exclusive Battle Droid (all tan)
___ Only Version
Ric Olie w/exclusive Battle Droid (all tan)
___ Only Version
Rune Haako w/exclusive Battle Droid (all tan)
___ Only Version
Watto w/exclusive Battle Droid (all tan)
___ Only Version
Yoda w/exclusive Battle Droid (all tan)
___ Only Version
With Pit Droid
Anakin Skywalker (Naboo Pilot)
___ w/Pit Droid (brown)
___ w/Pit Droid (tan)
___ w/Pit Droid (white)
Darth Maul (Sith Lord)
___ w/Pit Droid (brown)
___ w/Pit Droid (tan)
___ w/Pit Droid (white)
Darth Sidious (Holograph)
___ w/Pit Droid (brown)
___ w/Pit Droid (tan)
___ w/Pit Droid (white)
Naboo Royal Guard
___ w/Pit Droid (brown)
___ w/Pit Droid (tan)
___ w/Pit Droid (white)
Obi-Wan Kenobi (Jedi Knight
___ w/Pit Droid (brown)
___ w/Pit Droid (tan)
___ w/Pit Droid (white)
12” Figures (Action Collection)
Assortment 1
Darth Maul
___ Only Version
Jar Jar Binks
___ Only Version
Qui-Gon Jinn
___ Only Version
Assortment 2
Battle Droid
___ Only Version
Obi-Wan Kenobi
___ Only Version
___ Only Version
Assortment 3
Battle Droid Commander
___ Only Version
Mace Windu
___ Only Version
Qui-Gon Jinn (w/Tatooine Poncho)
___ Only Version
Assortment 4
Anakin with Theed Hanger Droid
___ Only Version
Boss Nass
___ Only Version
___ Only Version
Small Assortment 1
Anakin Skywalker
___ Only Version
Pit Droids - 2-Pack
___ Only Version
___ Only Version
Electronic 12” Figures
C-3PO (Electronic)
___ Only Version
Darth Maul (Electronic)
___ Only Version
Jar Jar Binks (Electronic)
___ Only Version
Qui-Gon Jinn (Electronic)
___ Only Version
Portrait Edition
Queen Amidala - Black Travel Gown - 1999
___ Only Version
Queen Amidala - Red Senate Gown - 1999
___ Only Version
Queen Amidala - Return to Naboo - 2000
___ Only Version
Fashion Dolls
Beautiful Braids Padme
___ Only Version
Queen Amidala - Hidden Majesty
___ Only Version
Queen Amidala - Royal Elegance
___ Only Version
Queen Amidala - Ultimate Hair
___ Only Version
Exclusive 12” Figures
Aurra Sing with “Dawn of the Bounty Hunters” book by Ryder Windham & Josh Ling
(Star Wars Masterpiece Edition/Bookstores)
___ Only Version
Chancellor Valorum and Senate Guard 2-Pack (Star Wars Fan Club)
___ Only Version
Darth Maul with Sith Infiltrator 12” (Walmart)
___ Only Version
Queen Amidala and Qui-Gon Jinn 2-Pack - Defense of Naboo - 2000
___ Only Version
TC-14 (Electronic) (KayBee Toys)
___ Only Version
Accessories & Accessory Sets
Battle Bags:
Sea Creatures 1 (Angel Fish, Trigger, Soe & Opee Sea Killer)
___ .0000
Sea Creatures 2 (Faa, Colo Claw Fish, Grouper & Sando Aqua Monster)
___ .0000
___ .0100
Swamp Creatures 1 (Mott, Ikopi, Kaadu & Falumpaset)
___ .0000
___ .0100
Swamp Creatures 2 (Nuna, Shaak, Pikobis & Fambaa)
___ .0000
___ .0100
COMMTech Chip Reader (Electronic)
___ .0000
___ .0000, “Electronic” text is above COMMTech text and not framed on front of
box, Innovision logo is missing (sticker)
___ .0000, “Electronic” text is above COMMTech text and not framed on front of
box, Innovision logo sticker added
___ .0100, “Electronic” text is above COMMTech text is framed on front of box,
Innovision logo is missing (no sticker)
___ .0100, “Electronic” text is above COMMTech text is framed on front of box,
Innovision logo sticker added
___ .0100
Flash Cannon (Electronic)
___ Only Version
Gungan Catapult (Electronic)
___ Only Version
Hyperdrive repair Kit (w/5 Removable Panels and 4 Tools)
___ Only Version
Naboo Accessory Set (w/Retracting Grappling Hook Backpack)
___ Only Version
Podracer Fuel Station (Fuel Dispenser Shoots Water)
___ Only Version
Rappel Line Attack (w/Rolling Rappel Line)
___ Only Version
Sith Accessory Set (w/Firing Backpack & 2 Droid Missiles)
___ Only Version
Tatooine Accessory Set (w/Pull-Back Droid)
___ Only Version
Tatooine Disguise Set (w/Spring-Activated Attack Backpack)
___ Only Version
Underwater Accessory Set (w/Bubbling Backpack)
___ Only Version
Eopie with Qui-Gon Jinn
___ Only Version
Jabba Glob
___ Only Version
Kaadu with Jar Jar Binks
___ .0000
___ .0100
Opee with Qui-Gon Jinn
___ .0000
___ .0100
Jabba with 2-Headed Announcer (Fode and Bede)
___ Only Version
Exclusive Beasts
Fambaa w/Shield Generator w/Exclusive Gungan Warrior (FAO Schwartz)
___ Only Version
R2-D2 Carryall Playset (w/Exclusive Destroyer Droid Figure)
___ Only Version
Theed Hanger Playset (w/Exclusive Qui-Gon Jinn & Break-Apart Battle Droid Figures)
___ Only Version
Theed Generator Complex (w/Battle Droid Figure)
___ Only Version
Anakin Skywalker’s Pod Racer (w/unique Anakin Skywalker figure)
___ .0000
Armored Scout Tank (w/unique Battle Droid figure)
___ .0000, w/small cellophane window, box front has photo of contents
___ .0100, w/large cellophane window that shows actual contents
Electronic Naboo Fighter
___ .0100
___ .0100
___ .0200, “with Lights and Sounds” text in red oval towards bottom right of box front, “Electronic Naboo Fighter” text is small
___ .0300, “with Lights and Sounds” text in red box that goes out to the pilot
area of fighter on the middle right edge of box front, “Electronic Naboo Fighter”
text is larger
Flash Speeder
___ Only Version
Gungan Assualt Cannon w/Jar Jar Binks figure
___ Only Version
Gungan Scout Sub with Exclusive Obi-Wan Kenobi figure
___ Only Version
Naboo Royal Starship (w/exclusive R2 unit)
___ Only Version
Sebulba’s Pod Racer
___ .0200
___ .0200
Sith Speeder and Darth Maul
___ .0000
___ .0100
Sith Attack Speeder with Darth Maul
___ Only Version
STAP and Battle Droid
___ .0000
___ .0100
Trade Federation Battle Tank
___ Only Version
Trade Federation Droid Fighters
___ .0000
___ .0100
Exclusive Vehicles
Ammo Wagon w/Falumpaset (Walmart)
___ Only Version
Eletronic FX/ Roleplay
Battle Droid Blaster Rifle (Electronic)
___ Only Version
Battle Droid Rifle - Power Soaker
___ Only Version
Battle Droid Rifle - Super Soaker
___ Only Version
Battle Mauser - Power Soaker
___ Only Version
Darth Maul Double-Bladed Lightsaber (Electronic)
___ .0000, w/o "Now with battery protector" sticker
___ .0200, w/"Now with battery protector" sticker
___ .0200, w/"Now with battery protector" printed
Jedi Braid w/Holographic Royal Starship and Holoprojector
___ Only Version
Jedi Gear
___ Only Version
Naboo Foam-Firing Blaster
___ Only Version
Naboo Pistol - Power Soaker
___ Only Version
Naboo Pistol - Super Soaker
___ Only Version
Obi-Wan Kenobi’s Lightsaber (Electronic) - blue
___ Only Version
Queen Amidala Pistol - Super Soaker
___ Only Version
Qui-Gon Jinn Lightsaber (Electronic) - green
___ .0100, w/o "Now with battery protector" sticker
___ .0200, w/"Now with battery protector" sticker
___ .0200, w/"Now with battery protector" printed
Qui-Gon Jinn Lightsaber (non-electronic) - green
___ Only Version
Tatooine Blaster Pistol (Electronic)
___ Only Version
Battle for Naboo 3-D Adventure Game (Hasbro)
___ Only Version
Episode 1: Galactic Battle (Electronic) (Hasbro)
___ Only Version
Escape From Naboo (Tiger)
___ Only Version
Interactive Yoda (Tiger)
___ Only Version
Jar Jar Binks 3-D Adventure Game (Hasbro)
___ Only Version
Lightsaber Duel Game - Darth Maul and Qui-Gon Jinn Final Duel (Hasbro)
___ Only Version
Simon: Space Battle Game (Hasbro)
___ Only Version
Star Wars: Episode 1: Adventures - Darth Maul Case (Scholastic)
___ Only Version
Star Wars Monopoly - Episode 1 Edition (Hasbro)
___ Only Version
Star Wars Monopoly - Episode 1 Edition (Waddington)
___ Only Version
Last Updated 11/10/02 By Thomas Grey
The checklists are in
copyrighted format. These checklists are not to be used for any other reason
than personal collecting reference.
© Copyright 2002-2008 All Rights Reserved.