April 2006
New JD Feature - Kubrick Series 4
 With just a few months until the release of Star Wars Kubrick Series 6 this summer, we thought it'd be a good time to look back on the past few series. Check out our new Kubrick Series 4 re-cap and look for a similar re-cap on Series 5 later this month!
Sunday, April 30, 2006 | Jeff Smentek
Star Wars Classic Dagobah Vehicle with Figure
 Another interesting item has been found on - the "Star Wars Classic Dagobah Vehicle with Figure". Another X-Wing release? A Yoda hovercraft? Hey, if they can make Star Wars "Customs", anything's possible.
Sunday, April 30, 2006 | Jesse Wall
JediDefender Give-Away - Vintage TSC Wave
 Don't forget to enter our latest Give-Away! JediDefender is giving you a chance to win the entire “Vintage” wave from the 2006 Saga Collection! That’s right, it’s your chance to win all five of the 2006 VTSC figures!
Check out our new Give-Away page for all the details on how you can win!
Saturday, April 29, 2006 | Jeff Smentek
AT-AT Listed with Pack-In Figures has listed the upcoming Endor styled AT-AT with two pack-in figures - the "Scout and Driver". The question is, will we be seeing older sculpts or the more recent 2006 Saga ones? For $89.99, let's hope Hasbro at least includes the highly articulated versions. Thanks to forum member Diddly for the heads up!
Saturday, April 29, 2006 | Jesse Wall
Champions of the Force Update
 The Official Site updates tonight with a preview of the upcoming Star Wars Miniatures Champions of the Force expansion set, due to hit shelves this June from Wizards of the Coast. The 60-figure Champions of the Force expansion is the first Star Wars Miniatures set to focus heavily on the Expanded Universe, including characters from The New Jedi Order, Republic Commando, and Knights of the Old Republic! Head on over for all the details!
Friday, April 28, 2006 | Jeff Smentek
Mini Helmets at EE
 TOMY has finally released their Miniature Helmets and Entertainment Earth has them in stock! Blind boxed are Darth Vader, Stormtrooper, C-3PO, TIE Fighter Pilot, X-Wing Pilot, and Rebel Trooper. To guarantee yourself of getting the seventh helmet, Biggs' X-Wing Pilot, you'll want the case of 24.
Friday, April 28, 2006 | Jesse Wall
The End?
 It is with a heavy heart that I end my campaign for the Honorary Title of President of Hyperspace: The Official Star Wars Fan Club.
Friday, April 28, 2006 | Jeff Smentek
The Saga Collection Storage Cases
 Two photos of the new official Star Wars Figure Protective Cases from Hasbro surfaced today. These are rumored to once again be a Target exclusive and should be available this summer. Click on through for a closer look!
Friday, April 28, 2006 | Jeff Smentek
TRU Clone Wars Gunship Found
 JD Forum Member TheBlackDog65 let us know that he found the Toys R US exclusive Clone Wars Republic Gunship (TRU SKU# 430762) at his local Utah store for $44.99 plus tax. Click on the thumbnail above to check out his find and be sure to check your local TRU this weekend!
Friday, April 28, 2006 | Jeff Smentek
SDCC 12" Sith Eyes Anakin Reminder
 If you are NOT heading to San Diego Comic Con International this year, don't forget that today is the day to pre-order your 12" "Sith Eyes" Anakin figure from Sideshow Collectibles. Priority Pre-Ordering (for qualified newsletter members) will begin at 10am (PST)!
Friday, April 28, 2006 | Jeff Smentek
2006 Hyperspace Membership Kits
 The Official Site updates tonight with news on the contents of the 2006 Hyperspace Membership kits! Head on over for all the details on the goodies you can expect in the mail if you're a Hyperspace Fan Club member!
Thursday, April 27, 2006 | Jeff Smentek
New Review: Vintage Han Solo (In Trench Coat)
 Hasbro's "VOTC" Vintage figures were a mixed bag of quality at the deluxe $10 pricepoint. Fans reacted differently to each figure, and reactions were just as mixed about Hasbro revisiting this line this year. This week's reviews are looking closely at the new Vintage Saga Collection by examining the new Han Solo (In Trench Coat) figure. Check out the full review and see where your thoughts lie on these pricey figures. Are they your ultimate incarnation in plastic, or your worst nightmare at inflated retail? For me, Han was a dream come true in the modern line, despite his few flaws.
Of course when you're finished reading, feel free to stop by our Reviews Forum and share your thoughts on this review with us, or create your own critiques on Hasbro's wares.
Thursday, April 27, 2006 | Jesse McCracken
The Newest from Kotobukiya
 Fans of the Japanese Kotobukiya line will be interested to see the next vinyl figure is Bespin Luke. The snap together Jedi apprentice will be available in July with both his lightsaber and blaster. While his facial sculpt is perhaps a bit off, the attention to detail in the rest of the piece looks quite impressive.
Wednesday, April 26, 2006 | Jesse Wall
New Backpacks From Comic Images
 I received a letter in the mail today from Comic Images, the company that produced (among other items) the coolest plush Yoda I've ever seen, available only at Celebration 3. Looks like they are working on 2 new backpacks - Yoda and Darth Vader! Click through for images and the rest of the information.
Wednesday, April 26, 2006 | Dave Castle
SDCC 12" Sith Eyes Anakin Reminder
 If you are heading to San Diego Comic Con International this year, don't forget that tomorrow is the day to pre-order your 12" "Sith Eyes" Anakin figure from Sideshow Collectibles. If you are not headed to SDCC, fear not as there will be an allotment for pre-order the next day (Friday 4/28) for non-attendees!
Wednesday, April 26, 2006 | Jeff Smentek
A Visit to Rancho Obi-Wan - Part 1
 The Official Site has posted the first segment of the Hyperspace Exclusive video tour of Steve Sansweet's Rancho Obi-Wan. In this first episode, aptly titled Introduction, Steve Sansweet invites you to take the first step into the larger world of Star Wars collecting and learn how his collection has evolved into the vast barn-filled expanse it is today!
Wednesday, April 26, 2006 | Jeff Smentek
Target Clones Give-Away Winner
 Congratulations to forum member Spuffy for winning the Target Clones Give-Away here at JediDefender! For those of you interested in entering the latest JediDefender Give-Away, check out the details here!
Tuesday, April 25, 2006 | Jeff Smentek
Sith Get Revenge On MTV
 Revenge of the Sith is in contention for a number of awards at this year's MTV Movie Awards. Will Anakin and Obi win for "Best Fight"? Will Anakin win for "Best Villain"? Or will Obi-Wan be "Best Hero"?
Well they won't if you don't vote, so get over to the MTV Movie Awards Page and vote for the categories Star Wars made it into. Too bad it didn't make "Best Movie" too, considering this was probably the best chance for Star Wars to make that category.
Monday, April 24, 2006 | Jesse McCracken
GG Chrome C-3PO Mini-Bust at StarWarsShop
 The Official Site updates tonight with the news that a limited number of the former MBNA-exclusive Chrome C-3PO Mini Bust from Gentle Giant are now available at! The offer is limited to one per person and is only open to current Hyperspace members while supplies last.
Monday, April 24, 2006 | Jeff Smentek
Hasbro Losses In 1st Quarter '06
 Hasbro posted their 1st Quarter results at a loss with currency values and a slowdown on Star Wars sales being partly to blame. Check out the story here at Yahoo News. With Star Wars still seemingly very popular at retail, it's not easy to imagine it's part of the quarter's results, but make sure to read the story to see the other numerous factors involved.
Monday, April 24, 2006 | Jesse McCracken
Ultimate Galactic Hunt Details at Hasbro
 Hasbro updates today with a summary of the Ultimate Galactic Hunt promotion. Included in the update is a list of what's included in the UGH promo and a few answers to frequently asked questions about how to obtain the mail-away George Lucas (in Stormtrooper Disguise) figure. Head on over for all the details!
Monday, April 24, 2006 | Jeff Smentek
Boxed Saga Vehicles at Retail
 The repackaged Saga Mid-Size Assault Vehicles have landed at retail! We've recieved a number of reports from folks who scored all four of the Episode 3 Assault Vehicles in the new 2006 Saga packaging at their local Target store over the weekend for $19.99 plus tax. Time to add these to your shopping list!
Monday, April 24, 2006 | Jeff Smentek
New JD Give-Away - Vintage TSC Wave
 It's time for a new Give-Away! is giving you a chance to win the entire “Vintage” wave from the 2006 Saga Collection! That’s right, it’s your chance to win all five of the 2006 VTSC figures - Sand People (Tusken Raider), Greedo, Luke Skywalker: X-Wing Pilot, Han Solo (in Trench Coat), and Biker Scout.
Check out our new Give-Away page for all the details on how you can win!
Sunday, April 23, 2006 | Jeff Smentek
JediDefender Custom Challenge Update
 Just one week to go in April, so it's time for a final reminder for the Monthly Customizing Challenge for Month 12 - Gladiators! Click on the thumbnail above to check out the progress of this challenge!
Would you like to participate in the Monthly Customizing Challenge? Well then, head on into the Customs Forum for some great tips and free advice to get you started today!
Sunday, April 23, 2006 | Jeff Smentek
There is Another... 2006 SDCC Exclusive?
 Add this to the "rumor pile" until it's officially confirmed, but a little birdie sent us this photo of another possible 2006 SDCC exclusive - the 501st Legion Stormtrooper, rumored to be available at the Hasbro booth for around $15.
UPDATE: Not only has this figure been confirmed as a 2006 SDCC exclusive, but one of the fine folks from the 501st Legion was kind enough to send over the carded prototype photo. Click on the thumbnail above to check it out!
Saturday, April 22, 2006 | Jeff Smentek
Inside The Complete Visual Dictionary
 The Official Site has updated with a sneak peek inside the upcoming Star Wars: The Complete Visual Dictionary, the ultimate guide to the entire Star Wars saga. This great new book will combine all four of the previous Star Wars Visual Dictionaries into one volume and then add new material from all six films. Look for this volume to hit bookstores in October 2006.
Saturday, April 22, 2006 | Jeff Smentek
Defender Wishlists 2006: The Empire Strikes Back
 For the last couple of years we've run an informal poll with your 10 most wanted characters from the current Star Wars Films. Continuing the tradition and trying to finish up before Comic Con 2006, we thought it would be a good time to revisit those lists. Here's how it works: You send your Wish List for ten 3 3/4" Figures to Scott or post them here, be it new figures, resculpts or even re-releases and we'll tally the votes. After four weeks of list taking, we'll publish the results and move on to the next movie.
We'll continue with Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back. If you need help coming up with names check out the Official Site's Databank for Episode V. Have fun and thanks for sending in your lists (remember to limit it to ten)!
Friday, April 21, 2006 | Jesse Wall
TRU Hunt for Grievous Battle Pack Update
 Our friends at Chinese-Starwars have posted a few boxed photos of the upcoming TRU exclusive The Hunt for Grievous Battle Pack. Watch for this one to make an appearance at your local TRU in the next month or so.
Friday, April 21, 2006 | Jeff Smentek
New TSC Rumor List
 Everyone loves speculating on the future of the Star Wars line, so head on over to the German site to check out the latest The Saga Collection rumor list. As always, remember that nothing is ever official until confirmed by Hasbro. Thanks to forum member jedijaybird for the heads up!
Friday, April 21, 2006 | Jeff Smentek
SDCC Exclusive Medicom Vinyl SD Figure Revealed
 The latest newsletter from Sideshow Collectibles reveals that the previously mentioned San Diego Comic-Con exclusive Medicom Vinyl Super Deformed figure will be a Spec Ops Clone Trooper (aka 501st Legion Clone Trooper)! Priority pre-ordering for SDCC attendees will begin on May 11th ($59.99), while non-attendees must wait until May 12th ($64.99) to pre-order.
Friday, April 21, 2006 | Jeff Smentek
JediDefender Give-Away - Target Clones
 Don't forget to enter our latest Give-Away! is giving you a chance to win both of the Target exclusive Clone Troopers from 2005’s Revenge of the Sith line! That’s right, both the Target Clone Trooper and the Utapau Shadow Trooper are included in this give-away!
Check out our new Give-Away page for all the details on how you can win!
Friday, April 21, 2006 | Jeff Smentek
Exclusive Shadow Stormtrooper for Pre-Order
 The 2006 exclusive Shadow Stormtrooper is now up for pre-order at for $14.99! Scheduled to ship in August, this exclusive figure includes a star case and a chrome-plated stand. Limited quantities are available and you know this one will sell out quickly! Thanks to forum member jedijaybird for the heads up!
UPDATE: Despite the fact that the SDCC Logo appears on the carded photo of this figure, the Official Site updates tonight with confirmation that this figure will NOT be offered at this year's con. StarWarsShop is the only place to get this figure, so order yours if you haven't already!
Thursday, April 20, 2006 | Jeff Smentek
Sugar and Spice and Everything Nice
 The hotly anticipated Princess Leia and R2-D2 Maquette from Gentle Giant is now available for preorder at Entertainment Earth. The animated style follows the success of the Clone Wars maquettes and will also be a limited edition. It is listed on their site as arriving in November.
Thursday, April 20, 2006 | Jesse Wall
Customs Forum Group Project #12 Update
 There are still ten days left in April, plenty of time to complete your entry for The Customs Forum Group Project #12 - Admiral Daala and Ysanne Isard! Head on into the Group Project thread for all the details on how you can participate!
Thursday, April 20, 2006 | Jeff Smentek
Star Wars Weekends 2006 Collectibles
 The Official Site has the scoop on the planned Disney Star Wars Weekends exclusives for 2006. Head on over to check out the goods and start forming your shopping list today!
Thursday, April 20, 2006 | Jeff Smentek
New Review: Sun Fac
 The fans absolutely demanded more Geonosian figures, and now we have them! Well, that's not really true, however one of the surprise figures of 2006 just happens to be the Geonosian Sun Fac, which basically amounted to a vastly improved Geonosian Warrior figure. This week I'm picking the Sun apart, so check out the full review to see why this is one of the better figures we've gotten this year, and a pretty dandy army builder too.
Of course when you're finished reading, feel free to stop by our Reviews Forum and share your thoughts on this review with us, or create your own critiques on Hasbro's wares.
Thursday, April 20, 2006 | Jesse McCracken
Series 3 TOMY Magnets Released
 The third series of the TOMY/Kotobukiya Magnets were released in Hong Kong today and a couple surprises have shown up.
Wednesday, April 19, 2006 | Jesse Wall
Cantina Bookends
 What good is your Star Wars reading or viewing material without proper bookends to display it?
Wednesday, April 19, 2006 | Jesse Wall
Rancor Statue Finally Official
 Gentle Giant teased us earlier with production images of the Rancor Monster statue, so it's great to see this piece officially listed on their site. Priced at $295, it will be released in October. It's not a small piece - sized at 16" x 17" x 11", you're going to need to clear some space off the mantle to display it.
Wednesday, April 19, 2006 | Jesse Wall
Bust-Ups Cantina Band Box Set
 Gentle Giant updates their website today with news of a Star Wars Bust-Ups Cantina Band Box Set. Due in September of this year, the box set will contain all five members of the Bith Cantina band. Thanks to forum member JayDouble for the heads up!
Wednesday, April 19, 2006 | Jeff Smentek
Exclusive Shadow Stormtrooper for Pre-Order
 The 2006 exclusive Shadow Stormtrooper is now up for pre-order at for $14.99! Scheduled to ship in August, this exclusive figure includes a star case and a chrome-plated stand. Limited quantities are available and you know this one will sell out quickly! Thanks to forum member jedijaybird for the heads up!
Wednesday, April 19, 2006 | Jeff Smentek
There is Another... 2006 SDCC Exclusive?
 Add this to the "rumor pile" until it's officially confirmed, but a little birdie sent us this photo of another possible 2006 SDCC exclusive - the 501st Legion Stormtrooper, rumored to be available at the Hasbro booth for around $15. Click on the thumbnail above to check it out!
Wednesday, April 19, 2006 | Jeff Smentek
Loose Gunship Images
 Five various pictures of the upcoming Animated Clone Wars painted Gunship are now available at! They list it as a May 1st release, but you can definitely take that with a grain of salt knowing Amazon's history of following release dates.
Wednesday, April 19, 2006 | Jesse Wall
JediDefender Image Database Update
 Fans of the Japanese Star Wars Kubrick line, take note! In today's Image Database update, the JediDefender photography department has gone back and filled in some of the holes in our Kubrick section for Series 4 and 5 as well as the 2005 TRU Box Set! Click on the thumbnail above to check out the photos!
Wednesday, April 19, 2006 | Jeff Smentek
A Visit to Rancho Obi-Wan
 The Official Site has posted a great insider's tour of Steve Sansweet's Rancho Obi-Wan. Head on over for a look at the largest collection of Star Wars memorabilia anywhere!
Wednesday, April 19, 2006 | Jeff Smentek
One of a Kind!
 This item grabbed my eye as I looked through pictures of the Hong Kong Toy Fair. It is a one-of-a-kind sterling silver Darth Vader ornament. I can only imagine what this piece would be worth, but for a Darth Vader focus collector, it's fun to dream of having it in my collection. Thanks go to for the images.
Tuesday, April 18, 2006 | Jesse Wall
Titanium Wave 2 Figures Found
 More good news for Titanium fans - forum member Darth_Anton has tracked down the second wave of Titanium figures. As he describes it, you can remove the Sandtrooper from his display base and he still stands well.
Tuesday, April 18, 2006 | Jesse Wall
Latest Gift Set Found
 The latest Titanium Gift Set has been found at Wal-Mart. It contains Darth Vader's TIE Fighter, AT-AT, Star Destroyer, Imperial Shuttle and Raw Metal Death Star. According to forum member Darth Gamboa, Vader's TIE, AT-AT and Star Destroyer are repaints whereas the Shuttle is a repack.
Tuesday, April 18, 2006 | Jesse Wall
What's the Story, Round 5
 The Official Site updates tonight with the latest round of What's the Story entries to the Star Wars databank. With each What's the Story update, fans have the chance to develop an original backstory for characters, creatures, and more from the Star Wars films. Head on over and check it out!
Monday, April 17, 2006 | Jeff Smentek
JediDefender Image Database Update
 In today's Image Database update, we look at the final figure in Hasbro's Battle of Coruscant wave. The JediDefender photography department has added high-res loose and carded photos of of Saga-025 Anakin Skywalker, including the UGH variant! Click on the thumbnail above to check out the photos!
Monday, April 17, 2006 | Jeff Smentek
JediDefender Custom Challenge Update
 We've reached the half-way point of April, so it's time for an update on the Monthly Customizing Challenge for Month 12 - Gladiators! Head on into the Monthly Customizing Challenge thread to check out the progress of this challenge!
Would you like to participate in the Monthly Customizing Challenge? Well then, head on into the Customs Forum for some great tips and free advice to get you started today!
Sunday, April 16, 2006 | Jeff Smentek
Rancor Statue Up for Preorder at BBTS
 Gentle Giant continues to impress with their line of statues and the Rancor Monster is no exception. Check out their production images and then head to to preorder it. Regularly priced at $294.99, you can lock in the price of $269.99 now and then relax until October for its arrival!
Sunday, April 16, 2006 | Jesse Wall
New Titanium Waves Listed at EE
 Entertainment Earth has listed two new waves of Titanium ships for preorder. Wave 8 will feature rereleases of vehicles from wave 1 and 2 of 2005 - Boba Fett's Slave I, Millennium Falcon, TIE Fighter, X-Wing Fighter; AT-RT, Jedi Starfighter, and Republic Gunship. Wave 9 will include the blue A-Wing Fighter, Executor Super Star Destroyer, and Sandcrawler. Thanks to forum member Darth Slothus for the heads up!
Sunday, April 16, 2006 | Jesse Wall
Race Your RC Droids!
 You have to give TOMY credit for thinking ahead - their remote control R4-P17 and R2-Q5 droids run on different frequencies from the R2-D2, so you can race them all! Set up an obstacle course and watch 'em go. Thanks to forum member Darth Gamboa for the heads up!
Sunday, April 16, 2006 | Jesse Wall
Sideshow Expanded Universe Poll Update
 With each new Sideshow Collectibles 12" figure announced, so many fans have wondered when they would get to the winner of last year's Star Wars Expanded Universe 12" figure poll - Snow Bunny Padme. Well, Sideshow has updated their production blog with the news that they are ready to launch development on Padme. Head on over for all the details!
Saturday, April 15, 2006 | Jeff Smentek
JD Adds Yakface as an Affiliate
 JediDefender expands its horizons by adding the great as an affiliate. The hard working team brings a unique aspect to the online Star Wars experience, so JD is proud to welcome them!
Saturday, April 15, 2006 | Jesse Wall
JediDefender Image Database Update
 With the Vintage Saga wave and the Target exclusives finished up, we can turn back to the Battle of Coruscant wave for an Image Database update! The JediDefender photography department has added high-res loose and carded photos of of Saga-027 Holographic Ki-Adi-Mundi! Click on the thumbnail above to check out the photos!
Friday, April 14, 2006 | Jeff Smentek
New Scaled Blasters from Master Replicas
 An exciting new line from Master Replicas is officially available next week - the .33 scaled blasters! The weapons of Han Solo and the Stormtrooper are the first pieces in this line, made of diecast metal and plastic components and include display cases (Han, Stormtrooper). They will sell for $45 for Collectors Society members on April 18th at 9am Pacific and non-members can preorder on April 20th. Expect to see these ship near the end of summer 2006.
Friday, April 14, 2006 | Jesse Wall
Preorder Animated Leia at BBTS
 Gentle Giant's sexy Princess Leia and R2-D2 Maquette is now up for preorder at Big Bad Toy Store. It is planned for release in October 2006, the same time as the Boba Fett maquette. Preorder now!
Friday, April 14, 2006 | Jesse Wall
JediDefender Image Database Update
 It's Image Database update time once again. The JediDefender photography department has added high-res loose and carded photos of the Target exclusive Demise of Grievous premium figure, part of 2006's Ultimate Galactic Hunt promotion! Click on the thumbnail above to check out the photos!
Friday, April 14, 2006 | Jeff Smentek
GG Luke on Tauntaun in Stock at EE
 The long-awaited Gentle Giant statue portraying Luke on his Tauntaun is finally in stock at Entertainment Earth! This impressive piece is 12 inches tall and limited to 4000 pieces. Thanks to forum member bluesnaggletooth1 for the heads up.
Friday, April 14, 2006 | Jesse Wall
Comic-Con Exclusive Anakin Preview
 Sideshow Collectibles has finally provided a preview of what will likely be the hottest exclusive at the San Diego Comic-Con - the 12 inch Sith Apprentice Darth Vader! He is the first in the Lords of the Sith sub-line and will feature his infamous Sith Eyes, limited to 6000 pieces. If you are attending Comic-Con, you can Priority Pre-order it on April 27th, and non-attendees can order in the next day. For info on other Sideshow Comic-Con exclusives, click here.
Thursday, April 13, 2006 | Jesse Wall
JediDefender Image Database Update
 Another Image Database update today features the final figure from Hasbro's The Saga Collection "Vintage" wave. Prepare your eyes for a visual treat, as the JediDefender photography department has added high-res loose and carded photos of Sand People aka Tusken Raider! Click on the thumbnail above to check out the photos!
Thursday, April 13, 2006 | Jeff Smentek
Hoth Wave Give-Away Winner
 Congratulations to forum member iFett for winning the Hoth Wave Give-Away here at JediDefender! For those of you interested in entering the latest JediDefender Give-Away, check out the details here!
Thursday, April 13, 2006 | Jeff Smentek
JediDefender Image Database Update
 It's time for another Image Database update! The JediDefender photography department has added high-res loose and boxed photos of the Premium Format Luke Skywalker from Sideshow Collectibles! Click on the thumbnail above to check out the photos!
Thursday, April 13, 2006 | Jeff Smentek
New Review: Sora Bulq
 Back with another review this week, taking a look at the Jedi installment from the "Geonosis Wave", the Jedi Sora Bulq. Check out the full review to see what Hasbro can do right with a Jedi figure, and of course, why they didn't apply any of that to THIS Jedi figure. Hey, they can't all be 2005 works of art like Agen Kolar can they? Especially this year it seems.
Of course when you're finished reading, feel free to stop by our Reviews Forum and share your thoughts on this review with us, or create your own critiques on Hasbro's wares.
Thursday, April 13, 2006 | Jesse McCracken
JediDefender Image Database Update
 Who's ready for another Image Database update? The JediDefender photography department has added high-res loose and boxed photos of the Premium Format Obi-Wan Kenobi from Sideshow Collectibles! Click on the thumbnail above to check out the photos!
Wednesday, April 12, 2006 | Jeff Smentek
Emissary of the Void on Hyperspace
 The Official Site updates tonight with the sixth and final chapter of Emissary of the Void, the epic New Jedi Order serial by Greg Keyes. If you are a Hyperspace member and fan of the EU, then head on over and check it out!
Wednesday, April 12, 2006 | Jeff Smentek
JediDefender Image Database Update
 It's time for another JediDefender Image Database update! Today, the JediDefender photography department has added high-res loose and boxed photos of the Skirmish at the Senate Battle Pack! Click on the thumbnail above to check out the photos!
Wednesday, April 12, 2006 | Jeff Smentek
Unleashed Battle Pack Deluxe Set Update
 The Unleashed Battle Packs get an upgrade this spring as Hasbro releases two new box sets. Click on through for a closer look at the first two planned sets - Snowspeeder Assault and Evacuation at Echo Base!
Wednesday, April 12, 2006 | Jeff Smentek
Updated Star Wars Weekends 2006 Guest List
Are you planning on attending the Star Wars Weekends events at Disney-MGM Studios in Florida this year? An updated guest list is now available at the Official Site to help you plan your summer get-away!
Wednesday, April 12, 2006 | Jeff Smentek
July 2006 Dark Horse Comics
 The Official Site updates tonight with a preview of the upcoming Dark Horse comics for July 2006. Head on over for a sneak peek!
Wednesday, April 12, 2006 | Jeff Smentek
Building a Bigger Bobble Head
 So you're looking for a rather unique collectible? Cards Inc. in the UK has the series for you - three foot tall bobble heads! Darth Vader, R2-D2, C-3PO and Yoda are all to be released in the near future. Thanks to JD forum member kirk_dougall for the heads up!
Tuesday, April 11, 2006 | Jesse Wall
Kubrick Series 6 Chase Figures Announced
 Forum member evenflow relays that in the latest Star Wars Insider, the chase figures for Series 6 are pictured. They are:
Grand Moff Tarkin Wedge Antilles (X-Wing) Imperial Commander
Series 6 (Luke X-Wing, TIE Pilot, RA-7, R4-M9, DS Trooper and Rebel Fleet Trooper) will be released in June. Look for more news soon and check out our forums for the best place for Star Wars Kubrick information on the net!
Tuesday, April 11, 2006 | Scott Pearson Re-Celebrates 5-Years
 Bill from wrote in to let us know that the site is back up and better than ever after some server issues amidst their CCG game celebrating their 5-year anniversary. Read on for the details incase you missed out before due to the downtime at the site that "Sucks!", and check out their unique promotion they have that includes many sites in our hobby.
Monday, April 10, 2006 | Jesse McCracken
New JD Give-Away - Target Clones
 It's time for a new Give-Away! is giving you a chance to win both of the Target exclusive Clone Troopers from 2005’s Revenge of the Sith line! That’s right, both the Target Clone Trooper and the Utapau Shadow Trooper are included in this give-away!
Check out our new Give-Away page for all the details on how you can win!
Sunday, April 9, 2006 | Jeff Smentek
JediDefender Image Database Update
 Tonight's Image Database update features our fourth figure from Hasbro's The Saga Collection "Vintage" wave. Prepare your eyes for a visual treat, as the JediDefender photography department has added high-res loose and carded photos of Luke Skywalker: X-Wing Pilot! Click on the thumbnail above to check out the photos!
Sunday, April 9, 2006 | Jeff Smentek
Falcon Transformer Packaged
 Fans of the Star Wars Transformers can be on the lookout for this new deluxe piece, which should be hitting stores soon. Click on through for a closer look at the final packaging for the Han and Chewbacca Millennium Falcon Deluxe Transformer!
Sunday, April 9, 2006 | Jeff Smentek
Target Exclusives Arrive at Retail
 We reported last week that the Target exclusives would be here soon, and soon has arrived. JD Staff Member Jared was able to pick up both the exclusive Demise of Grievous Premium Figure and the exclusive Skirmish in the Senate Battlepack at his local California Target. Time to hit those stores near you!
Demise of Grievous: DPCI# 087-06-0781 - $12.99 Skirmish at the Senate: DPCI# 087-06-0863 - $19.99
Sunday, April 9, 2006 | Jeff Smentek
Endor Wave at EE
 Another EntertainmentEarth update to pass along this morning. EE has added the recently confirmed Battle of Endor Wave to the website. Head on over and pre-order your case today!
Saturday, April 8, 2006 | Jeff Smentek
New Titanium Photos
 Photos of a new Titanium 3" Vehicles wave and box set surfaced this week. Click on through for a preview of three new additions to the line, including the next Limited Edition ship!
Saturday, April 8, 2006 | Jeff Smentek
RotS Greatest Hits Wave 2
 EntertainmentEarth updates this morning with news of a second planned wave of Revenge of the Sith figures in the new Saga packaging. Head on over and pre-order your case today!
Saturday, April 8, 2006 | Jeff Smentek
JediDefender Image Database Update
 It's time for another Image Database update! Today, the JediDefender photography department has added high-res loose and carded photos of our third figure from Hasbro's The Saga Collection "Vintage" wave! Click on the thumbnail above to check out the photos of Greedo!
Saturday, April 8, 2006 | Jeff Smentek
New JD Give-Away - Battle of Hoth Wave
 Don't forget, today is the last day to enter the latest JediDefender Give-Away for the chance to win the entire second wave of figures from Hasbro’s 2006 Saga Collection! The Battle of Hoth wave includes all eight of the following figures: General Veers, Major Bren Derlin, AT-AT Driver, R2-D2, Snowtrooper, General Rieekan, Darth Vader, and Power Droid.
Check out our new Give-Away page for all the details on how you can win!
Saturday, April 8, 2006 | Jeff Smentek
Star Wars Insider #87 Shipping Soon
 The Official Site updates tonight with a sneak preview of Star Wars Insider #87. Scheduled to start shipping to subscribers next week, this issue is packed with an exclusive tour of the new Lucasfilm offices, a look at the new Star Wars Legacy series from Dark Horse Comics, and more!
Friday, April 7, 2006 | Jeff Smentek
Lucas Collector Set Preview
 Can't wait for your Lucas Collector Set to ship from at the end of the month? Then click on through for a preview of this exclusive 4-pack!
Friday, April 7, 2006 | Jeff Smentek
Boxed Saga Vehicles Preview
 The Mid-Size Assault Vehicles line gets a make-over as several Episode 3 vehicles will be repackaged with the nifty Saga 2006 look. Click on through for a closer look at the first four vehicles, which are scheduled to arrive this spring!
Friday, April 7, 2006 | Jeff Smentek
New Titanium Sandtrooper Photos
 Following up on our pictures from earlier in the week, we present a few new photos of the Sandtrooper from Wave 2 of the Titanium Series 3.75" figure line. Click on through for a closer look at the "regular" version of this upcoming figure!
Friday, April 7, 2006 | Jeff Smentek
Sideshow Announces Comic Con Exclusives
 The long awaited list of San Diego Comic Con exclusives from Sideshow Collectibles were finally announced tonight! The most important to Star Wars fans is the Darth Vader (Anakin) Sith Apprentice 12-inch figure, but also of interest is a brand new character by Medicom as a Vinyl Super Deformed figure. Sideshow will announce the edition sizes and Priority Pre-Ordering schedules for Attendees and Non-Attendees on April 12th.
Friday, April 7, 2006 | Jesse Wall
Shipping Dates for Sideshow Products
 The latest Sideshow Collectibles newsletter was released tonight, listing a number of shipping dates for upcoming Star Wars pieces.
Friday, April 7, 2006 | Jesse Wall
Fett Blaster Available Tuesday
 Tuesday, April 11th is a big day for members of Master Replicas Collectors Society because it's the day the Boba Fett Blaster goes on sale!
Friday, April 7, 2006 | Jesse Wall
JediDefender Image Database Update
 You might not think he's as exciting as one of the new "Vintage" Saga Collection figures, but after you see the latest Image Database update, you may have to reconsider. The JediDefender photography department has added high-res loose and carded photos of our sixth figure from Hasbro's Battle of Coruscant wave. Click on the thumbnail above to check out the photos of Saga-028 Obi-Wan Kenobi!
Thursday, April 6, 2006 | Jeff Smentek
JediDefender Custom Challenge Update
 With April upon us, it's time to close the Customizing Challenge for Month 11 - Fan Fiction Aliens. Click on the thumbnail above to check out the figures created over the last month by the members of JediDefender's Customs Forum!
Do you think you've got what it takes to participate in the Monthly Customizing Challenges? Well then, head on into the forums for all the details on the challenge for Month 12 - Gladiators!
Thursday, April 6, 2006 | Jeff Smentek
New Review: Scorch (Republic Commando)
 With the Hoth Wave in his rear view mirror, our review ace Jesse James tackles the Geonosis Wave! First up is the all-new Scorch (Republic Commando). Check out the review for all the highs and lows of Hasbro's latest clone offering.
Of course when you're finished reading, feel free to stop by our Reviews Forum and share your thoughts on this review with us, or create your own critiques on Hasbro's wares.
Thursday, April 6, 2006 | Jeff Smentek
JediDefender Image Database Update
 It's time for another Image Database update! Prepare your eyes for a visual treat, as the JediDefender photography department has added high-res loose and carded photos of another figure from Hasbro's The Saga Collection "Vintage" wave! Click on the thumbnail above to check out the photos of Endor Han Solo!
Thursday, April 6, 2006 | Jeff Smentek
Custom Star Wars T-Shirts Now Available
 The Official Site updates tonight with details on how you can get your very own custom Star Wars T-Shirt from! Head on over for all the details!
Thursday, April 6, 2006 | Jeff Smentek
"Vintage" Saga Collection Arrives
 Time to start hitting those retail stores as the 2006 Vintage Saga Collection figures have arrived! The figures were found by staff member Jared at his local Target store in California and rang up at $11.99 each (DPCI #087-06-1511). Click the thumbnail above for a closer look!
Wednesday, April 5, 2006 | Jeff Smentek
Battle of Endor Wave at Hasbro
 Hasbro updates their website today with the official announcement of the Battle of Endor wave that they showed at Toy Fair in February. This wave includes four new figures and only one repack. Head on over to Hasbro for all the details!
Wednesday, April 5, 2006 | Jeff Smentek Celebrates 5-Year Anniversary
 The guys over at CreatureCantina are celebrating their 5-year anniversary this week. Click on through for all the details, including a special CCG card just for JD readers!
Wednesday, April 5, 2006 | Jeff Smentek
Customs Forum Group Project 12
  Group Project #12 is now underway in the JediDefender Customs Forum. This month's project focuses on two of the Empire's finest officers - Admiral Daala and Ysanne Isard. Head on into the Customs Forum for all the details on how you can participate!
Tuesday, April 4, 2006 | Jeff Smentek
Titanium 3.75" Wave 2 Packaged Photos
 Wave 2 of the Titanium Series 3.75" Figure line will be hitting retail stores soon. Click on through for a closer look at the "Vintage Finish" variants of Bossk and the Sandtrooper!
Tuesday, April 4, 2006 | Jeff Smentek
Lucasfilm's Collectibles Showroom
 Have you ever wondered what Lucasfilm does with all of the product samples that are sent to them by the licensees? Well, then check out the newest feature at the Official Site, which offers a look at a few of their product showrooms and the merchandising bonanza that was Revenge of the Sith.
Tuesday, April 4, 2006 | Jeff Smentek
LEGO: Star Wars Video Game Update
 The Official Site updates tonight with some LEGO Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy news. The sequel to last year's smash hit will add an additional 50 characters to the game for a total of over 100 playable characters! Check out the story for more details on this great new sequel.
Monday, April 3, 2006 | Jeff Smentek
SWG Community Summits Planned
 Starting this spring, Sony Online Entertainment will be hosting a series of community summit meetings around the USA. Starting on April 7th, members of the Star Wars Galaxies development team will meet with players to discuss a variety of game topics. Head on over to the SWG Community Summit page for all the details.
Monday, April 3, 2006 | Jeff Smentek
Del Ray Star Wars Update
 The Official Site has updated with some Star Wars Novels news. First, there is a preview of the cover of the upcoming Star Wars: Darth Bane: Path of Destruction, scheduled for October 2006. Second, check out an updated list of the confirmed titles in the nine-book Legacy of the Force series.
Monday, April 3, 2006 | Jeff Smentek
Look Sir, Droids!
 Following on the success of the Remote Control R2-D2, TOMY has released two more astromechs! The previously announced Remote Control R4-P17 and R2-Q5 have been found in China, so those of you with orders pending for them to North America should be seeing them soon. Thanks to for the info.
Sunday, April 2, 2006 | Jesse Wall
Skirmish In the Senate Sneak Preview
 Appearing soon on a Target shelf near you will be the exclusive Skirmish in the Senate Battle Pack. Click on through for a sneak preview, including a closer look at the star of the set - the super-articulated Shocktrooper, a repaint of the RotS #41 sculpt.
Saturday, April 1, 2006 | Jeff Smentek
JediDefender Image Database Update
 Are you ready for a little tease? If so, then tonight's Image Database update is for you! Today, the JediDefender photography department has added high-res loose photos of the first figure from Hasbro's The Saga Collection "Vintage" wave! Click on the thumbnail above to check out the photos of the Biker Scout (and prepare to drool)!
Saturday, April 1, 2006 | Jeff Smentek
Japanese Gentle Giant Exclusives
 A couple of interesting Gentle Giant exclusives have popped up, only available at this time from in Japan. The Blackhole Stormtrooper mini-bust with multiple poses will be limited to 500 pieces in Japan and a total of 1000 worldwide. The Chrome Darth Vader statue with light-up lightsaber will have 1000 pieces sold in Japan and a total of 2500 worldwide. The remaining pieces will likely be made available to North America in time. Thanks to forum member Morgbug for the heads up!
Saturday, April 1, 2006 | Jesse Wall
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