Author Topic: Group Project #IX - Tonnika Sisters  (Read 36627 times)

Offline Glassman6

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Re: Group Project #IX - Tonnika Sisters
« Reply #60 on: December 27, 2005, 09:20 PM »
well i just finished the head sculpt i'm going to use.

I also just cast the body parts i'm gonna use minus the boots. Will do that tomorrow morning before i leave for work.
Then i need to sculpt the outfit details and cast the heads and duplicate parts and paint...  Saturday, i should be done.

another last minute custom...

Offline darth_ripley

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Re: Group Project #IX - Tonnika Sisters
« Reply #61 on: December 27, 2005, 10:25 PM »
great job on these so far everyone. Phruby, i love the way the hair turned out on yours. i'm not feeling too hot myself today so i will have to give the nighttime cold medicine experiment a whirl on my current 12" project  ;)

i wanted to join in on this project, but i knew there was no way i could squeeze it in with the holidays.

Darth_Ennis, don't feel bad about being behind. it took me awhile to get my chest....burster completed and photos taken, i get kinda shy every now & then lol!  :P

Offline Phrubruh

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Re: Group Project #IX - Tonnika Sisters
« Reply #62 on: December 29, 2005, 12:45 AM »
Thanks Ripley. When your feeling better you should try this custom. I think its right up your alley.
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Offline Glassman6

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Re: Group Project #IX - Tonnika Sisters
« Reply #63 on: December 29, 2005, 09:55 AM »
Ok guys, I dont think i'll ever learn.
We have a month to do these and i always wait till the last week.

I am using casts of the  Ayy Vida bodyparts. I also cast pilot padme's boots.
I am modifying them and addng wax for the details.

I sculpted the head i'm using in wax. I didnt think i would have time to sculpt 2 distinct heads,
so i sculpted a cross between the 2 and I'm just adjusting the chin for a different size face.

I using the same arms and legs for both figs, so i only have to sculpt/mold it once, but
i will shorten one at the shins for the height difference, after the cast is made.(for the blue sister)

I decided to cast 2 torso's. I took about 1/8"  out of one so it will be shorter. (for the blue sister)

I still have to sculpt the belts and then make molds.
I most likely will get this done tonight and get the cast made by saturday and
paint on saturday since its supposed to be a rainy day.

Offline Phrubruh

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Re: Group Project #IX - Tonnika Sisters
« Reply #64 on: December 29, 2005, 10:10 AM »
That head detail is really good. I like the texture of the hair. I think they are going to turn out great. Maybe the next group project I should shorten it to two weeks instead of six to get you going. ;)
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Offline Glassman6

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Re: Group Project #IX - Tonnika Sisters
« Reply #65 on: December 29, 2005, 11:10 AM »
With the other customs i make/casting helmets/life, i woulndt be able to do it in 2 weeks.

I need 4-5 weeks to get other stuff out the way before i can start... ::)

The hair was just a criss croos hatching. It really came acroos as braided
hair after the cast was made. THe pics are bad, but it sort of come across.

Offline CHEWIE

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Re: Group Project #IX - Tonnika Sisters
« Reply #66 on: December 29, 2005, 11:09 PM »
I'm almost done with the hair on these fine ladies and did some first paint coats.  Covered them in two coats of black first, then their primary colors.


Offline Phrubruh

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Re: Group Project #IX - Tonnika Sisters
« Reply #67 on: December 29, 2005, 11:43 PM »
Did you add any sculpty Chewie?
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Offline CHEWIE

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Re: Group Project #IX - Tonnika Sisters
« Reply #68 on: December 30, 2005, 01:37 AM »
No sculpy - here they are.  Not pefect, I might work on the hair some more, change the coloring of the green outfit and add a few more details.  But here's my entry!


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Re: Group Project #IX - Tonnika Sisters
« Reply #69 on: December 30, 2005, 09:38 AM »
Cool. I like that color green you used. It goes well with the light blue one. You forgot to add the little band around their left leg. For that I just used electrical tape. The hair came out really well. I think the green one's hair is the better of the two. There seems to be more of it. Its funny how making the same figure twice they can come out so different.
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Offline Glassman6

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Re: Group Project #IX - Tonnika Sisters
« Reply #70 on: December 30, 2005, 10:13 AM »
Chewie, your sisters look nice, but where is the "Chewie paint job" we are acustom to seeing?

I dint think you need to make the colors darker, just drybrush on the dark colors ( like you do so well)
And they would look fine. Are the panties on the green one supposed to be green or blue?

I made my mold last night, i will be casting and painting over the weekend.

My modem or router (cant figure out which) crapped out on me yesterday, so i have no internet at home.
So, i wont be able to post my pics till tuesday. (I'm off on monday)
Unless i get the internet running, I'll post them tuesday.

Offline CHEWIE

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Re: Group Project #IX - Tonnika Sisters
« Reply #71 on: December 30, 2005, 10:33 AM »
Thanks guys.  I went into further detail my personal custom update thread on what I did and didn't get accomplished on them.

I'm not sure if I like them or not.  In person I think they look great hanging out in my cantina, but in the pic I don't know if they look ok or not. 

There are some details that I need to work on with these two -

- leg straps (just didn't have time)
- rework the hair a bit (didn't have time either)
- paint the belts more (again a time restraint)
- work on the panties some (they are both gray right now)

For dry-brushing, I might do a bit on them.  I wasn't sure if they should get it or not.  On these ladies I might stick with the clean outfit look?

Glassman, as always I'm amazed at your sculpting.  I can't wait to see it all come together.


Offline darth_ripley

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Re: Group Project #IX - Tonnika Sisters
« Reply #72 on: December 30, 2005, 04:17 PM »
Chewie, i like the way your sisters turned out & for a change i like the "clean" look with no drybrushing. i just can't see these gals getting into anything too dirty lol  :P

i also like the hair better on the green one, the blue one's hair is just a little flat in comparison (just if you want to nit-pick) they aren't supposed to be identical anyways actually. i think they work well, just add the few little details here & there & you got a nice Team Tonnika  :D

can't wait to see how yours turn out Glassman...the scuplted hair looks cool already!

Offline Darth_Ennis

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Re: Group Project #IX - Tonnika Sisters
« Reply #73 on: December 30, 2005, 09:12 PM »
I have actually made a lot of progress with mine, but unfortunately they will not be ready by the deadline. Ive got everything sculpted and the primary paint coat is on it. Ill probably finish up the paint and try to work on the hair tonight. Hopefully I will have all of my pics up next week, as my freind and I have finally gotten a day off together.

I have to say when this project was first brought up, I wasn't very excited about it. These were two characters that I couldn't have cared less about, so they were never on my custom agenda. BUt now, seeing how well they are turning out I'm glad I go to be a part of this.

This is something I never would have done otherwise. Thanks Phruby. ;D

Any thoughts on what next months is going to be?

BTW I know how you feel Glassman I can only use the computer at work myself right now.

Offline Phrubruh

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Re: Group Project #IX - Tonnika Sisters
« Reply #74 on: December 31, 2005, 01:10 PM »
That's kind of the point of these. It's a way to get everybody to try something they would have never tried before. I can't wait to see the final product from you guys. Chewie, don't dirty the girls up. Unless they just entered a mud wrestling contest. ;)
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