Collecting > Collections

Custom Lightsaber Dispaly Case

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Boba Binks:
As many of you know I have a Lightsaber Collection. As I have been acquiring more and more I have noticed that the Display Case is no longer packed in with the sabers. You have to buy them.  
So after I got my Master Replica Obi-Wan and Yoda Sabers (Dooku on the way) (custom Mace Windu on the way) I realized that I want to be able to dispaly them without them getting all dusty and or damaged. So I looked into the plastic cases...I do not want to spend $50.00+/- each on them.
This led me into making my own display case where I could rearrange the sabers as needed.

Here is my finsihed result.

The Lightsabers are-

empty ----- Custom Jedi Luke Skywalker
Icons Obi-Wan Kenobi ----- Icons Darth Vader
Icons Skywalker ----- Master Replica Yoda
custom E2 Mace Windu coming soon ----- Master Replica Dooku coming soon
Qui-Gon Jinn need to acquire ----- Master Replica Obi-Wan Kenobi
Darth Maul need to acquire
Custom Lego Saber

What do you think?


That's very nice.  All in one display case.  8)
I must say that is eye catching.  :)

Chris Belle:
Very, very nice!! ;)

That is a very nice display case you have there.  Do you have it hanging on a wall, or is it sitting on a table top surface?  Nicely done!

Good Job !!! but I would like to see a better view of the case !!! Could you take another pic, but  about a step and a half back and one step to the side (your choice left or right) !!!!


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