Collectibles > Saga Collection '06

Previews Exclusive Death Star Briefing 7-Pack

(1/40) > >>

So...I'm pretty sure I can see at least:

Colonel Henrick Wulff Yalaren
Admiral Motti
Grand Moff Tarkin

I sure hope this is a Death Star Conference Pack

Which would mean we'd probably also get Chief Bast and General Tagge

I'd also be happy with a new Piett and maybe a Needa...that leaves really only the Black Tuniced Officers from ANH to be made

The Officers usually are right up there on the JD Wishlists so they'd be nice to see (my only wish is that it is Yularen and not Thrawn (Puke))

Hope number 2 is that someway somehow, the Death Star Conference Table comes with this set.  I can live without it, but it would kick ass

My hope is that they didn't just stick a new "old Tarkin" head on the old "new Tarkin" body (does that make any sense at all?).

. . .but that looks like what they did.

Oh well. 

A re-painted body by the looks of it. Great set though from what can be seen,definately picking up this set!


--- Quote from: OCB on July 20, 2006, 10:40 PM ---I sure hope this is a Death Star Conference Pack

--- End quote ---

Me too... although my "if it looks too good to be true" sense is tingling.   :-\

I guess we wait for the other shoe to drop.  It'll suck ass if it turns out to be a EE exclusive for $40 or something.   :P

Yeeeesh,that makes you think. :-[


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