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I was looking through the DCUC gallery at TNI, and noticed this picture:

Darth Mater

Its apparently for a charity auction.

I picked up the Wal-Mart exclusive Wally Hauler for my son. We have been picking up the different semi's and he loves them.

I picked up the latest Launchers for my boys from an online vendor this last week (Mood Springs, Easy Idle, Retread and Fiber Fuel).  But what is really whacky is what is happening with the mainline.  As far I can tell, there are lenticular (moving) eyes Cars as well as the old style still going to be shipping.  It may or may not be that the old style will be Target exclusives.  Add to the shift to real rubber tires on some of the newer upcoming Piston Cup racers and other styling changes and it adds up to super confusion across a fairly successful toy line.  I just don't get the shift so late in the game :-\

I haven't seen anything new in months.  All we see are Lightnings (with green **** around his eyes), blimps, and the little guy that moves tires around with Luigi.

This might be a bit of old news, but I just saw it for the first time today.  I have to admit, aside from our daughter having a handful of the Cars cars, I didn't get too into hunting these down, but these new Disney exclusives are kind of neat.  I wouldn't mind the R2/3PO pack, or the Leia one for our daughter.


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