Author Topic: Heroes on NBC  (Read 43631 times)

Offline JediJman

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Re: Heroes on NBC
« Reply #165 on: October 23, 2007, 05:01 PM »
Well at least we now know who Peter got those electrocity powers from.  Looking forward to the flashback first meeting between him and evil Veronica Mars.

That whole storyline last night was really lame.  She shows up, introduces herself, *SPOILER*, kills that dude, and then is called off before getting to Peter?  What?!  I did like the part with Hartman's dad though.  If he was telling the truth about them havin the same power and that power still developing, AND if the rumors are true that there are a finite # of powers available, then I wonder if Hartman and dad are related to the woman that was holding Sylar captive via illusion in the earlier episodes (Kandace?).  If so, could she read minds or did she access a different part of the same ability? 
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Offline efranks

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Re: Heroes on NBC
« Reply #166 on: October 23, 2007, 06:18 PM »
Spoilers may apply here....

I don't think Peter has Elle's powers yet.  If you're talking about him shooting "lightning" out of his hands this season I think those are Ted's nuclear powers

I think you mean Parkman, not Hartman.  Candice had the power of illusion and that seems to be what Parkman's father had as well but it will be interesting to see if Matt has that as well or if he can just read minds.  We've already seen that there is more to Claire's power than just healing wounds so it's possible that Matt and others have just touched on the surface of what they can do.

As far as a there being a finite number of powers goes, that doesn't mean that there aren't a lot of them!  We've already seen at least five new powers this season.

Clair can regenerate, not just heal.  Bob can turn things to gold.  Elle controls electricity.  The twins have some killing/healing power and Micah's cousin is a mimic.  Parkman's dad can create illusions that may or may not be the same as Candice's power.  If it's different then that's six.  Plus all of last season's heroes and all of the powers that Sylar absorbed, not all of which have been shown yet, that's a lot of possibilities.

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Offline Mikey D

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Re: Heroes on NBC
« Reply #167 on: October 23, 2007, 06:38 PM »
Spoilers may apply here....

I don't think Peter has Elle's powers yet.  If you're talking about him shooting "lightning" out of his hands this season I think those are Ted's nuclear powers

When Peter used Ted's powers, his hands glowed red, not blue.  I really think evil Veronica Mars and Peter have met up before.  I hope we find out for certain soon.

Parkman's dad can create illusions that may or may not be the same as Candice's power. 

I think Parkman's dad's power is more telepathy based.  He specifically said to Parkman when he found out he had the same powers that mind reading is just the beginning and so much more can be done.  I think what we saw with Dad and Nathan and Parkman was Dad in their minds "creating" their biggest fears.  And we saw a bit of Parkman's powers expanding when he and Nathan were fighting.  Instead of reading Nathan's mind, he entered it and told him to stop hitting him in the head.
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Offline efranks

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Re: Heroes on NBC
« Reply #168 on: October 23, 2007, 11:13 PM »
Actually, when Ted used his powers in season 1 to generate the EM pulse while he was trying to break out with Parkman and HRG his hands glowed blue.  And since Peter didn't seem to burn the guys he tossed across the shipping container it seemed to be more of an energy punch than a burn.

Elle burned the **** out of the dude in the bar with her power. 

We'll see.  They may have met but I'm thinking at this point it was Ted's power Peter used in the shipping container.

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Offline Darth Slothus

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Re: Heroes on NBC
« Reply #169 on: October 23, 2007, 11:28 PM »
I want to know more about the new rogue mimic girl.
I wonder if she only has to see it to do it...then is there a limit to what she can do?
So she could stop time, cast fireballs, lightning..use telechenetic ability ect if she sees it?
With the way the show seems to be casting out characters....then does Peter get knocked off next and mimic girl becomes the next Peter?


Offline John C

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Re: Heroes on NBC
« Reply #170 on: October 30, 2007, 01:07 PM »
Last night's episode was the best yet IMO.  Lots of betryals/people doing bad things to others.  HRG is a bad@ss mofo.  Don't mess with him or you die.  Another biblical name in Adam.  I wonder if he's Kensei or someone else?  Adam would be a fitting name for the original SG human.

Offline efranks

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Re: Heroes on NBC
« Reply #171 on: October 30, 2007, 04:13 PM »
Even though they split the show across 6 story lines, last night's episode was one of the better ones this season.  Just looks like it took them a couple weeks to hit their stride.

I'm really interested in what's going on with Bob and the company.  After trying to press Suresh into giving Monica that shot it looks like he just gave up and took her home while HRG is executing guys in their living rooms. 

The trailers were right, to an extent, they mixed it up and kind of left us guessing who the good guys really might be. 

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Offline Darth Slothus

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Re: Heroes on NBC
« Reply #172 on: October 30, 2007, 05:54 PM »
Sorry guys...I disagree!

I was really dissapointed in last nights' episode.

Why do I feel the producers change the story as they go along? I swear they listen to fans' comms on the net and change up their story to try and 'surprise' folks. At some point though, you have to deliver a believable storyline which IMO the show is failing to do right now. So then what your left with is cleaning up a huge mess of too many subplots you've created over the year to create a climatic ending- which I fear in this case, will be not so climatic. I'm trying to not get too excited in this show anymore this year so the ending will possibly impress's difficult.... the way the shows heading I may not make it to the end.

I tire of the comic book-on line photo novel story filler fodder here too. There's really little correlation to the on line show. See that? I said little- meaning insignificant.

My thoughts

Hiro's betrayal, dumb- why not kill the guy off like everyone else this year(not that I want to see Hiro dead
                              but, it seems to be the show pattern annually..kill off prior season members to make
                              room for new cast next year)
HRG's murderous intent- overrated, we already knew he was more than capable of this- a big nothing waste
                                 show air time for this segment...all this to somehow intro this lame Ukranian's
                                 daughter? Is she the lightning girl =  -dumb, who cares
Sylar's whiny powerless- Anyone else tired of this? what did it take, 3-4 episodes to enter the US? Oh,
                                 Sylar will kill them when he has his power? Yeah, duh. Just when will that be-I'm
                                 wondering when that will be-his powerless condition is a story element that needs
                                 to speed up, if they wanted to bring him back in this episode, then this wasn't the
                                 way, lemme guess...just when we get bored of his whiny condition he gets all his
                                 powers back just in time for the final Episode so he can have a big battle again ::)
Peter's new hitchhiker- I really dislike the new sandbag tagalong girfriend, look if she has no power then
                                kill her off the show already(mistaken sub character development)
Suresh can't do it.......- I told my son before the show came back from commercial that mohinder will not
                                give the girl a shot- he's the same guy-An A, thanks for the no-change heroestaff.
                                ..but, right back to a D for intoducing yet another subplot with Nikki as the partner
                                and the 'new' characters' name here
Micah,Matt,Peter's bro - not explored..yeah, imagine- like last year we get to start going back and forth
                                  between episodes covering storylines and characters (because there's too many)
                                  so that we can pull them all together for a messy, not-so-climatic ending(I really
                                  want to be wrong though)
Cheerleader saga        - I actually enjoyed this segment of last nights' show.


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Re: Heroes on NBC
« Reply #173 on: November 2, 2007, 03:07 PM »
I bet Adam Monroe is Kensei. And I bet that Japanese lady was supposed to be Hiro's great great grandmother or something and he's messing up history by falling in love with her and making Kensei mad.

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Offline JediJman

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Re: Heroes on NBC
« Reply #174 on: November 2, 2007, 03:13 PM »
I want to know more about the new rogue mimic girl.
I wonder if she only has to see it to do it...then is there a limit to what she can do?
So she could stop time, cast fireballs, lightning..use telechenetic ability ect if she sees it?
With the way the show seems to be casting out characters....then does Peter get knocked off next and mimic girl becomes the next Peter?


I suspect that she can copy actions and skills that her body is capable of following, but I don't think she can absorb and re-use powers the way Peter and Sylar can.  She doesn't seem to have Micah's ability to control tech for example. 
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Re: Heroes on NBC
« Reply #175 on: November 2, 2007, 03:18 PM »
She doesn't seem to have Micah's ability to control tech for example. 

If so, they would've shown her doing the eyeball thing when Micah fixed the TV.
David Delgado
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Offline JediJman

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Re: Heroes on NBC
« Reply #176 on: November 2, 2007, 06:31 PM »
She doesn't seem to have Micah's ability to control tech for example. 

If so, they would've shown her doing the eyeball thing when Micah fixed the TV.

Exactly.  For those of you old-skule marvel comics readers, she has the same power as the Taskmaster.
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Offline Darth Slothus

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Re: Heroes on NBC
« Reply #177 on: November 2, 2007, 07:47 PM »
interesting take on that-I'll provide the opposite viewpoint.

I didn't necessarily see her try to copy his ability and fail at it either.
Have they shown her doing her eye thing at every single thing going on? no.
With that in mind it's hard for me to believe she can't do those supernatural things yet until she has actually tried and failed at them.

So, I still wonder if it's possible with her.


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Re: Heroes on NBC
« Reply #178 on: November 2, 2007, 08:25 PM »
She doesn't seem to have Micah's ability to control tech for example. 

If so, they would've shown her doing the eyeball thing when Micah fixed the TV.

Exactly.  For those of you old-skule marvel comics readers, she has the same power as the Taskmaster.

righto....muscle mimic.  For the youngsters..taskmaster could watch spiderman fight and duplicate his fighting style, but he couldn't cling to walls.
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Re: Heroes on NBC
« Reply #179 on: November 2, 2007, 11:54 PM »
Exactly shes just adding the muscle memory to her mind.