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Indiana Jones 4 - The Movie SPOILER THREAD

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Saw it... liked some aspects of it quite a bit, others not as much as I'd hoped.  I won't go into details since I know I'd be mentioning several spoilers.

First off, any chance a Mod could mark this thread with spoilers? I think we'd all like to have a discussion without having to warn people like I'm about to...

Ok, I just got back from the midnight showing... SPOILERS GALORE











My thoughts will probably change on this once I see the movie a few more times, but my initial reaction:


Now I went in knowing that after the way the prequels came out Indiana Jones wouldn't be the same. So I basically went in with little expectations, and I was still shocked by what I saw, and not in a good way.

It... I really don't know how to describe it. Like the prequels, as an adventure/action movie it's pretty good. As an Indiana Jones flick? Horrible. The thing I enjoyed about the past movies is that the plots all revolve around stuff that COULD happen. I'm no religious expert but the thought of an archaeological exploration to find the Ark is something that really could happen in real life. Not only that, but the plots in the past films progressed naturally. Indy gets some motivation for one thing (find the Ark, get the stones, rescue his dad) and the rest progresses naturally. In Kingdom, it seems as if everyone and their mother already knows about the story of the Crystal Skull and so they're just kinda like "oh hey, let's go get that Skull! We have nothing better to do!"

And the aliens? Yeah, the rumors are true. I noticed the Roswell marking on the one crate when I first saw the teaser but thought it was either a nod to Roswell or one of Spielberg's earlier alien flicks. But no, this whole "plot" revolves around returning an alien skull to the body, reviving an ACTUAL ALIEN and having it fly back to "another dimension" (yeah, they weren't called aliens in the film, they're beings from another dimension as stated by John Hurt) IN A ******* UFO. Ugh. Just totally unrealistic and it totally turned the Indy movie into a sci-fi movie rather than an adventure one.

I really enjoyed the score, however. I've never been disappointed with a John Williams soundtrack and he continues his awesome work here. My one complaint is that it doesn't really feel like an Indy soundtrack. It made me feel like I was listening to a Star Wars soundtrack with the main Indy theme thrown in with a hint of the Marion romance theme from Raiders.

I felt the references to the original movies was a bit forced. I figured we'd get a cameo from the Ark when we saw the Government Warehouse in the previews but the way they showed it just felt forced. Yeah, the Russians just happen to crash into the crate holding the Ark of the Covenant, how convenient. Also, the pictures of Senior and Brody, while simply there to explain why the characters aren't in the movie, reminded me of that line from ROTS where Padme is like "hold me like you did on the lake that day on Naboo". It just felt a little too detailed and forced to me. Same thing with the opening credits, using the exact same font as the Raiders opening credits. It was like Lucas and Spielberg were going "LOL remember the originals, let's relive them here!"

The new characters pretty much stunk up the joint. Spalko was... odd, and didn't really feel like an Indy villain. She seemed like she'd be a better fit for a 007 movie. Dovechenko, or however you spell it, was like an odd mix of Dietrich, Vogel, and the German Mechanic. His death was cool, I will admit, but nowhere near as gruesome as Toht's was. I did like John Hurt playing the crazy old man and felt like he played his role well.

Mack. Yeah, I'm devoting a whole paragraph to him. He SUCKED. Every time he was on screen after his first turn on Indy I wanted him to die or something. Sadly he doesn't die until the very end, after about 20 billion swerves. Is he working for the Reds? Is he working with Indy? Who cares? Yes folks, they've finally created an Indy character more annoying than Willie Scott. I never thought it would be possible, yet we now have this Mack guy.

Mutt Williams. I'm really hoping they don't start a new series with him. It's not that he's a bad character or anything, they just establish him as sort of a rebel in the movie, with the Fonz image and all. He doesn't seem like the educated archaeologist kind of person (in fact one of his characteristics is that he quit school due to him being sick of the many rules) and would seem out of place in an adventure movie. Could you imagine Raiders with the Fonz instead of Indy? Neither can I, and that's what I fear a Mutt Williams trilogy would be like.

This is all I can remember for now, as I'm tired. I'll have more thoughts after more posts come in as I'm sure my memory will be jogged by specific comments but for now all I can say is that this doesn't feel like an Indiana Jones movie and more like a Scary Movie parody. Of course, I'll end up buying the DVD for a complete collection, but it'll definitely be the red headed stepchild of the Indy movies.











just got back form the 12:01 showing. the movie wasn't that good. it said that George wrote the script, maybe that's why it was too forced and unbelievable. they should of done a trilogy of that film it would probably be the only way it would flow right.the dammed thin was jumping all over the place...

I went last night at midnight was alright. I thought it was a little unbelievable. Its not that the other movies were not, this one just seemed over the top and really predictable. Nothing surprised me and i figured the whole movie out very early on and i avoided pretty much all of the spoilers. I am not a fan of Mutt and wouldnt follow the series with him as the lead.

I think the saddest part is that the part of the movie that got me most excited was in the warehouse when we get a glimpse of a old artifact from indy's past  :D

I went out to watch an early viewing of it last night at 8pm. It was a good movie. Not the best by my standards as Crusade was by far the best IMO however I still enjoyed this movie a lot as it was deffierent yet the same Indy style we all know and love.


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