Author Topic: Beginning of the End?  (Read 90456 times)

Offline Scott

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Beginning of the End?
« on: October 3, 2009, 05:21 PM »
As a lot of others have said, it sure seems like Hasbro is content on killing the Legacy Basic line.  Is this the end of our beloved line, finally? :-\

Offline Morgbug

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Re: Beginning of the End?
« Reply #1 on: October 3, 2009, 05:55 PM »

It's already dead north of the border (and some places overseas).  I suspect Hasbro got nailed hard by the recession but the BS about Legacy not selling I'm not prepared to buy.  They willingly screwing up this aspect of the line to get rid of it.  I can see the point to a degree, but I think it will backfire on them.   Kids may well be driving and buying the CW stuff in droves, but I doubt they'll sustain the line down the road as they move on to other stuff.

It's mostly ok by me though, there's little more I want really.  I'd have kept buying the newer sculpts of figures we already had (OT) and offloaded the older stuff but I'm ok sitting on older sculpts too.  Like the Marvel Legends stuff Hasbro made a choice to alienate those deeply invested in the older scale in hopes we'd buy the new scale.  Nope, sorry.  I don't need a SW fix so badly that I'll buy something I know nothing about.  And I'm not saying the CW series isn't enjoyable; what I've seen has been quite good and I didn't even totally hate the movie (no great love either).  I'm just not mentally invested in it.  If Hasbro is happy no longer taking any of my money so much the better for me. 
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Offline JES

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Re: Beginning of the End?
« Reply #2 on: October 3, 2009, 05:58 PM »
Sadly I'm leaning on yes more than a no...

Clone Wars is a cash cow now, but that will only last for so long unless LFL decides to keep renewing the cartoon series... and even then... Yet we get bent over with no kiss and get **** like SW Transformers (sorry these are d-e-a-d here), and the wonderful Legends. I'm just real bitter about how they are treating the classic stuff these days...  >:(

Offline Jim

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Re: Beginning of the End?
« Reply #3 on: October 3, 2009, 05:59 PM »
Scott, not sure if you are talking just the Legacy line or figs from the 6 films in general. I would honestly be quite content with Hasbro refocussing mainly on the Clone Wars and upcoming TV Show.  Maybe just limit figs from the 6 films to around 25 figs a year.  Maybe a wave for each film, a couple ships and an exclusive or two. We are really pretty close to having every main fig and background fig at a quality that most collectors can live with.  But then again, I am looking at it from my standpoint, which is I just cant afford or justify  this hobby like I used to.  I have totally refocused my collection and sold off more than 50% of it.  If it didnt appear in any of the 6 films then I dont bother.  If it ended tomorrow can anyone really believe it lasted this long?  Not me.  I thought 10 years would have been pushing it.  It would be sweet if Hasbro just released the best of the best on vintage cards much like the Joe series has done.  Looking over my figs, each film has released right around 100 figs each which is still a huge number to sometimes comprehend. Nothing personal to the people that want figures to keep coming out til 2018 but if it dies I am content.
« Last Edit: October 3, 2009, 06:00 PM by Jim »

Offline Scott

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Re: Beginning of the End?
« Reply #4 on: October 3, 2009, 06:01 PM »
Jim...just the legacy 6 film sort of deal and not CW or the upcoming TV Show.  I expect and know they will market and produce those to the hily

I guess I'm not really that pissed about it either, Brent.  I've gotten so many years of enjoyment out of buying plastic that it would be a welcome relief if 2010 was the end.  I got my dream figure made, I got most of the updated vintage figures, they went to town on the Cantina. A lot of the EpIV Rebel Pilots finally came out.  Really, the only hole I see in the collection is ROTJ Skiff Guards.  And that is a small nit to pick IMO.

Offline iFett

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Re: Beginning of the End?
« Reply #5 on: October 3, 2009, 06:57 PM »
My guess is that Clone Wars will carry the line through until the live action tv series starts, but I'm sure we'll still get a bone here and there.  Not sure how some collectors out there are going to make it with these new case ratios unless they start buying by the case online or unless HTS stays strong.

I'm just real bitter about how they are treating the classic stuff these days...  >:(

These movies are 30 years old - well despite the prequels of course.  How many more upgrades/EU/2 second screen time characters can they continue to turn out  ???  It has been a fun ride, but I wouldn't mind a break personally.  Not even sure I can handle another 8 years of this stuff especially with Hasbro's BEEFY 4th quarter every year.   :-\
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Offline Nicklab

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Re: Beginning of the End?
« Reply #6 on: October 3, 2009, 07:16 PM »
I think that as long as the animated series continues, there's going to be a toy line.  I think I could just see it being diminished and slowly fading away. 

The closest parallel I can draw to what I potentially see happening is the very low numbers of POTF2 CommTech figures compared to the Episode I line.  There was very little in terms of new figures in that POTF2 CommTech line, but a very robust Episode I line.  And I could see Legacy dwindling down to those kinds of numbers while Clone Wars continues to thrive.  But I don't see that happening for at least a couple of years.

As for the economy and how it has affected Hasbro?  I don't see them as a company that can really make a sudden correction to suit the needs of the marketplace.  They got hit hard by the economic downturn, especially since they planned production numbers for the first couple of waves of TLC BLUE that were not in line with what the market could handle.  And now we're dealing with production numbers for figures that were planned during that economic downturn.  I think we're likely to see the supply and demand for movie figures even out by the end of 2010's Q1.
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Offline Darth Broem

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Re: Beginning of the End?
« Reply #7 on: October 3, 2009, 07:41 PM »
Oh I am sure they will mainly be focusing upon the Clone Wars and upcoming TV show.  I am not sure if they will entirely get rid of doing figures from the 6 films though?  They can still draw upon a steady groupl of main characters/army builders.  I think the days of 30-50 OT/PT figures a year are done though.  It seems like most of the OT vehicles or other PT items other than 3 3/4 figures are strictly high-priced exclusives that only an adult could actually buy. 

If it is the end or close to it we had a helluva run.   Maybe if Lucas ever actually puts the 6 films back out for a 3-D release then we may get back to seeing more OT on the shelves.  But I think it's just going to be aimed right at adult collectors until then with mostly main characters/recognizeable army builders etc in case some kids find them appealing.   Good thing Yarna and Willrow made it out when they did. 

As much as it may be hard to believe kids are growing up with that cartoon show now and really don't pay much attention to the OT if at all.  In their eyes it's "old" and if I were a kid I'd proably feel the same way.  Heck my kid barely can name who Han and Luke or the Emperor are but he sure as hell knows who Anakin, Cad Bane, and Ahsoka are without any hesitation whatsover.  Maybe when he gets older he'll get into dad's old Star Wars stuff but probably nothing the way I or others have on here for 20-30 years or whatever it is. 

Offline Rob

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Re: Beginning of the End?
« Reply #8 on: October 3, 2009, 08:00 PM »
I wouldn't mind if if they scaled it back, but killing it would be a mistake.

Maybe this would be good Q&A material if no one's asked yet...

Offline Brian

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Re: Beginning of the End?
« Reply #9 on: October 3, 2009, 08:05 PM »
I think we're starting to see the writing on the wall for a big slow down in the Legacy line, if nothing else.  Just out of curiosity, were there a number of answers leaning this way in the recent Q and A's?  Just curious what brought this about - not that I can disagree.

I'm in the same boat as the majority of you.  As far as the quality of the figures go, I don't know that I've ever enjoyed collecting more.  Everything looks amazing, and we're getting figures I never dreamed would be made.  That being said, I can also see that the well is sort of drying up for the non-CW stuff.  We've gotten more than we probably ever should have as far as character selection, and each new super-background character is just more icing on the cake.  I do feel like it is more difficult/stressful than ever to actually collect this stuff though, with the combination of distribution/shipping issues, price increases, and just figuring out where to put all this stuff after 10+ years.

I've advocated for a long time a slow down in the Legacy releases, at least as long as they've got this two line (or three with Legends) thing going.  It is just too much, and something (most often Legacy) gets squeezed out at retail.  I didn't believe it before, but it does seem like collectors have slowed down a bit or something.  Whether it is at HTS or at retail, I never used to see figures from a new wave sit quite as long as they do now.  Don't get me wrong, they still sell (or, as in the ROTJ wave, sell out), but some of it (like the TPM) is still available.  I see some figures from the TPM wave sitting at retail locally as well, and I remember days where the day a new wave hit the pegs it was usually gone (especially with the one per case stuff).

All of the focus now seems to be on CW, which I guess in a way makes sense.  The show is really fun, and kids do seem to be into it.  I think there is some truth that many kids don't even know/care about the OT characters anymore, aside from "children of fans".  Retail is showing the CW push as well, as I've seen an absolute ton of CW figures lately at retail, and just a trace of Legacy stuff.  Hasbro seems to have plans for Legacy stuff at least through 2011, and honestly if they planned it out right, they could probably hit a lot of what needs to be done (or what we want to be done) in the next couple years.  I think we'd all like to see the original Kenner line get finished up, and I personally would like to see the remakes of the main characters wrapped up (examples like Bespin Han, Hoth Luke/Leia, etc.), and a few more POTF2 days remakes (Gam. Guard, Ackbar, etc.).  It may be that the CW covers that "prequel era", but I can't say there is a ton of stuff left there that I need to see done.  This year we got the Obi-Wan's finished out, and I wouldn't mind seeing re-dos of some others (TPM Jar Jar/Anakin, Zam, ROTS Sidious/Palps, etc.), but we're starting to get covered pretty well there too.  There will always be more stuff that we'd like to see, but I think we can all admit that we've seen a good run of figures - and a whole lot of incredibly background characters.  If the line would end without a Toonbuck Toora or something for instance, I think I'd be ok.  I just want all the main characters (and OT characters in particular) to get the "ultimate" versions before the end.

It also seems like any new vehicles from the movies will be done as exclusives, and looking at the vehicles done since the beginning of CW, most of them will be from the OT.  That is ok with me I guess, and I understand why.  I hope we continue to see some re-dos (can't wait for next year's Snowspeeder), and they get more covered before the line ends (if it does).  I could see it getting more focused in the future, with maybe 25-30 figures a year, maybe even just sold through HTS (although Hasbro seems adverse to doing that).  I think more and more of us are resorting to online with the Legacy stuff anymore anyways.  Just put them on those vintage-esque cardbacks that are rumored for next year, and cater completely the collectors with it now.  I honestly think the majority of kids could care less about Rum Sleg or Nien Nunb, but we enjoy the heck out of them.

Offline darth_sidious

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Re: Beginning of the End?
« Reply #10 on: October 3, 2009, 08:18 PM »
I love both the Legacy and CW lines, but there is simply too much product out at one time, and its overwhelming.  I'd prefer to have one solid line - and with the CW, Legacy, and Legends all on the same cards - maybe its time Hasbro merged all three.  This idea would kill the BAD program, but it might give Legacy figures a longer life if packed with the seemingly most popular figures...CW.

Offline JesseVader08

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Re: Beginning of the End?
« Reply #11 on: October 3, 2009, 09:15 PM »
The end?  No, I don't think we're there quite yet.  However, I do believe that Hasbro will scale back the number of waves of figures per year until the saga finds new life in the theatres in 3D form (as mentioned earlier).  That will create new life for these characters and Hasbro can ramp up production again. 

Offline McMetal

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Re: Beginning of the End?
« Reply #12 on: October 3, 2009, 10:44 PM »
I'm sure I'll be starting a thread like this in a few years for the CW line...I am in the infinitesimal minority who only collects that stuff and not the Legacy. (no, I'm not 12 either)

But yeah, it does seem like a strategic shift in their marketing plan. I'm sure it will likewise re-focus once the love action show hits. They have to keep the entertainment product fresh, and we all know Eps 7-9 ain't getting made.

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Offline JediJman

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Re: Beginning of the End?
« Reply #13 on: October 3, 2009, 11:37 PM »
The end?  No, I don't think we're there quite yet.  However, I do believe that Hasbro will scale back the number of waves of figures per year until the saga finds new life in the theatres in 3D form (as mentioned earlier).  That will create new life for these characters and Hasbro can ramp up production again. 

Agreed.  I just can't see this line on the way out yet.  Lower production numbers? Sure. Fewer waves? Perhaps, though we haven't seen that yet have we?  As much as there's talk of lower Legacy sales, I bet sales still beat the tar out of anything else in the action figure aisle.  If a line can support equal or better sales than movie-backed figures (GI Joe, Transformers), retailers will continue to make space for it.  And if retailers still want it, Hasbro will continue to make it.
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Re: Beginning of the End?
« Reply #14 on: October 3, 2009, 11:52 PM »
I wouldn't mind if if they scaled it back, but killing it would be a mistake.

I agree with scaling back. I couldn't see it ending though. Not yet, anyway. Just too many figures I'd like to see done or remade. Just look at all the wishlists on here of figures that we'd like to see. Even if it meant that Hasbro scaled back on articulation on the background characters, I'd be happy with them. But if they want to end the Legacy line and focus on the cartoon then they won't be getting any of my money.