Author Topic: Marvel Legends  (Read 462649 times)

Offline Morgbug

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« Reply #2685 on: May 19, 2007, 11:34 PM »
Obviously the strategy is to get you to buy everything in the wave to build the BAF.  If there's stuff you wouldn't normally have bought, but you did to get the BAF, then their marketing dept. is doing their job.  ::)

Agreed, this is the point of BAFs, to get you to buy more than you normally would.

This is no different than having to buy one of each vintage style SW figure to get your mail-away Lucas is it? 
Actually, yes, it is.  Unlike Star Wars, the Marvel Universe entails a bunch of stories, over a rather lengthy (40+ years of real time) period of time that isn't really always well hinged together.  I'm familiar with all of the Star Wars stories, but it would cost a massive fortune to keep up with all of Marvel's titles that are eligible for the Legends lineup.  Xorn?  Uh, no, thanks.  Some folks like Avengers, some folks don't.  Same holds true for the X-men, Fantastic Four, etc.  Relatively few people buy ALL of the titles, so it is very different.

Movie figures plunked into a LEGENDS line?  Nope, sorry.  They're neither Legends nor was the movie all that good.  Why?  Because the movie franchise isn't strong enough to support a line of its own.  Oops. 

Hasbro is trying to force me to buy figures I don't want from a movie not so good with characters definitely not Legendary other than the back story in the comic books they're based on.  I'll buy the comic based figures, but I'm not into the movie figures from Legends just like I'm not buying movie figures from Spiderman because of a (stupid) scale  switch.

Not buying some of the BAF figures isn't any different than me not buying some of the prequel figures.  I can assure you, if they release prequel figures on VOTC style cardbacks, I'll be both bitching about them AND not buying them. 

And yet people whine that they have to get a few extra figs for the BAF.  You know, Hasbro could just stop putting BAF parts in with the reg figs. They'd charge the same price, you'd still get the figures you want, but instead of having a chance to build a BAF you'd have nothing extra.  Then they could make Blob a Target exclusive and charge you $25 for him.  Orrrr, you could just spend a few extra bucks to get the couple of figures you really don't want, use them to make Blob, and get rid of the extra figures on here or Ebay or use them for customs or whatever. 

More than a few problems here:
- yes, we're whining.
- yes, they could stop putting BAF parts in and sell the figures as a Target exclusive.  I'd be way, way more in favor of that because I've got useless BAF parts here from figures I don't want to build, but I sure would have liked two Sentinels without buying the whole ******* series twice over. 
- it's not a few extra bucks.  It's $50 extra bucks to get a Xorn that I don't want; a Wolverine that I have no need of given I already have 8 or so; a movie Phoenix figure that I don't want; ANOTHER Thor that I have zero need of given I'm happy with the two other versions I already have; a juggernaut figure that sucks relative to the Comic book based version we already have.
- nobody wants the figures that are extra, not even on ebay.  I'm going to drop $10 plus shipping on a figure from and then sell it for $3 if I'm lucky?  No, I don't think that's fair or reasonable at all. 

Yeah, we're bitching, but if you're so sick of it, drop $50 on the five figures I'm missing and send me the BAF parts.  I'll send you $20 in return and then you can sell the five figures for maybe $10 and you'll only be out of pocket $10 in the end.  Be a bud, or does throwing money away only matter when it's you? 

And I ALREADY bought a Thor figure I didn't really want or need for a different BAF.  It was all of a year ago and now I'm supposed to snap up a different one for another BAF part?  Hell, I was happy with the first Thor figure.  I understood re-releasing it again, lots of people missed out on earlier waves.  But again a year later?  When did Thor get THAT popular?  Oh right, he didn't. 

On top of all of that, the BAF figures are relatively tiny compared to what ToyBiz was putting out.  I'm certain Blob is fairly cool.  Having not seen one, I can't say for sure, but I'd guess that it's roughly the same size as many of the Hulk figures, or the earlier Juggernaut figure.  Or the Hulk Buster Iron Man figure too, which came with a pack in accessory as well. 

Couple that with thus far some iffy sculpts (Banshee, Emma Frost) and Hasbro is pushing the limits.  Buying all of these online or sight unseen?  Naw, I don't think so.  And maybe $50 doesn't factor into your buying decisions but it does into mine. 
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Offline JediJman

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« Reply #2686 on: May 20, 2007, 02:28 PM »
Unlike Star Wars, the Marvel Universe entails a bunch of stories, over a rather lengthy (40+ years of real time) period of time that isn't really always well hinged together.  I'm familiar with all of the Star Wars stories, but it would cost a massive fortune to keep up with all of Marvel's titles that are eligible for the Legends lineup.  Xorn?  Uh, no, thanks.  Some folks like Avengers, some folks don't.  Same holds true for the X-men, Fantastic Four, etc.  Relatively few people buy ALL of the titles, so it is very different.

Wow, didn't mean to get you so riled up man.  I disagree with most of what you're still complaining about though.

1.) Star Wars has lines with EU stuff verus movie stuff.  I know for a fact that a number of people collect only movie figures.  Other people just collect figures they think are cool, but not every one of them.  Still others like to keep their stuff sealed.  Its really no different than the Legends stuff - if you want mail away coins or Lucas Trooper or whatever, you need to buy everything offered to get it.  More to your point, compare the number of SW figures to the number of legends and I would argue that its ten times easier to follow the backstory of every legends character made to date than it is to figure out the story behind every SW figure that is released.  And if you're really struggling that much on who xorn is, a simple google search will tell you in about 30 seconds and its free!

2.) At least you get a BAF with Legends.  What do you get free with SW stuff? Mini chess pieces, a coin, a stand?  I'd rather get a BAF of some kind, regardless of its size.  You could get nothing at all.  If you only want three of the eight figures, then just toss your extra Blob pieces and be done with it.  Or...

3.) If you really want the Blob, you can buy the extra figures or buy a loose Blob on Ebay.  Either way costs you about $50.  If that's more than you want to pay, then don't buy it - at least you have an option.  I would really like the C4 McQuarrie exclusives and will probably have to pay twice the price to get them, but that's life.  At least witht he BAF you have a chance to get the figures at retail.  If there was no BAF parts and Blob was a convention exclusive for $50, would you be happier?

4.) I don't think anyone likes every figure in every line of any kind of toy that's released.  Look up the forums on the TAC waves and you will find dozens of people that don't want a Scuba Trooper or another Han or repainted clones.  There are others, both kids and collectors, who do want those figs and maybe they don't want some of the ones you would consider cool.  Hasbro will never please everyone with an entire line of figures - SW or ML.

What it all boils down to is this - you're getting something free with your collectible figure and complaining about it, and that's what I have a problem with.  I think if you take a moment to think about it this way, maybe you'll be a lot less upset about something that should be bringing you joy.  ;)
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Offline Morgbug

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« Reply #2687 on: May 20, 2007, 03:29 PM »
Wow, didn't mean to get you so riled up man.  I disagree with most of what you're still complaining about though.

Nah, no worries, arguing is fun.  I know you're not meaning anything personal and I'm not either.

1.) Star Wars has lines with EU stuff verus movie stuff.  I know for a fact that a number of people collect only movie figures.  Other people just collect figures they think are cool, but not every one of them.  Still others like to keep their stuff sealed.  Its really no different than the Legends stuff - if you want mail away coins or Lucas Trooper or whatever, you need to buy everything offered to get it.
Ok, no.  First, yes, lots of EU, but how hard is it to figure out a blackhole stormtrooper?  Darth Revan?  Wow, that's tough.  But who says I'm buying it?  Maybe some I am (bhs) but some I'm not (Revan).  Same philosophy as my approach to Legends. 

And if I want a Lucas trooper or coin, I buy five figures that are core figures in the movies.  They typically consistent of a main character (Luke/Leia/Han) a bounty hunter or two and some other relatively historically significant main character or even better, an army builder of Imperial origin.  I'm not stretching just to figure out who someone is.  Plus these are 'premium' figures to begin with, not filler in the line like the 75th release of Cantina Han or Wolverine.  It's not even remotely the same.  Xorn = VOTC Stormtrooper?  Nope, not even close.  Hell, you can't even make that a valid comparison for any of the figures released in VOTC/VTSC.

More to your point, compare the number of SW figures to the number of legends and I would argue that its ten times easier to follow the backstory of every legends character made to date than it is to figure out the story behind every SW figure that is released.  And if you're really struggling that much on who xorn is, a simple google search will tell you in about 30 seconds and its free!

Google, what's that? ::)  And even if I did Google him (which I don't need to, I actually do know who he is) what makes you think just because I suddenly know who it is I'm going to give a **** and drop $10 on it? 

I'm not sure how you can seriously compare the SW universe to Marvel's universe.  For the most part you're talking about 12 hours worth of movies versus thousands of issues of comic books.  Sure, the EU not withstanding messes it up a bit, but I'm not jumping all over the EU stuff, so my argument remains consistent.  A pointless Cantina alien doesn't have much a backstory with 1.3867 seconds of screen time, it's just filler we lap up.  Totally different scenario: being in the scene is sufficient to make me want to complete the scene.  Whole other character with full backstory I don't give a crap about = me no buy.

At least you get a BAF with Legends.  What do you get free with SW stuff? Mini chess pieces, a coin, a stand?  I'd rather get a BAF of some kind, regardless of its size.  You could get nothing at all.  If you only want three of the eight figures, then just toss your extra Blob pieces and be done with it.  Or...

You're sort of assuming I love all the BAFs here, which I don't.  Blob I like, it's a key character in the comic book based X-men line.  Onslaught I don't give a flying hooey about, so I don't have the figure.  It's not as simple as getting something for "nothing" because we're not getting it for nothing.  I never really cared for the comic books being included.  I really don't care all that much for the mini-holos in the SW figures, aside from my absurd OCD in finishing things out at times.  Stands are cool and functional, but I'd rather they pack in a Real Stand that has a consistent dimension.  The best choice would be to go with the Target retail exclusive for Blob, IMO.  Then if I want the figure, I'll find a way to buy it, rather than bumbling and stumbling around trying to get the missing pieces or dropping $50 on it. 

If you really want the Blob, you can buy the extra figures or buy a loose Blob on Ebay.  Either way costs you about $50.  If that's more than you want to pay, then don't buy it - at least you have an option.  I would really like the C4 McQuarrie exclusives and will probably have to pay twice the price to get them, but that's life.  At least witht he BAF you have a chance to get the figures at retail.  If there was no BAF parts and Blob was a convention exclusive for $50, would you be happier?

How can you say I have an option and you don't?  That's utter BS.  You don't HAVE to buy the McQ figures, you could just live without them, like you're suggesting I do (and likely will) with the Blob figure.  If you exercise just a little bit of patience you'll probably be able to get the McQ figures for about $5 over retail.  That's what the C3 Vader runs these days.  Remember, it's not a $6.99 retail figure either, they're selling it for $15-18 plus $3 for the star case, so it's $21.  If you pay $25, that's a whopping $4 over cost, somewhat different than dropping $50 to finish out Blob.  And I don't think Blob will settle out in price, just like the Sentinel hasn't either.  You see I've been watching them on Ebay to see if they come down to a price that's not unreasonable and they haven't.  Blob won't either, because many collectors are in the same boat as me.  Not all, but a big enough chunk of them. 

On top of all of that, I'm still guessing they'll release the McQ figures down the line on another cardback.  Why?  Hasbro consistently says they won't retool something entirely because it's not worth it for them.  Previous Celebration exclusives have been retoolings or a minor change by adding a different head or accessory, but not totally new.  Toyfare Vader was just a repaint when it comes down to it.  No, if you wait a year, you'll be able to get the same darn figures in a regular assortment for $7.  Now, Hasbro could release Blob down the road in a regular assortment too, but I think that less likely.

Were it a $50 con exclusive I wouldn't buy it, because it's a complete ripoff at that price.  Again, it's no bigger than a Hulk Buster Ironman figure that retailed for under $10. 

I don't think anyone likes every figure in every line of any kind of toy that's released.  Look up the forums on the TAC waves and you will find dozens of people that don't want a Scuba Trooper or another Han or repainted clones.  There are others, both kids and collectors, who do want those figs and maybe they don't want some of the ones you would consider cool.  Hasbro will never please everyone with an entire line of figures - SW or ML.


What it all boils down to is this - you're getting something free with your collectible figure and complaining about it, and that's what I have a problem with.  I think if you take a moment to think about it this way, maybe you'll be a lot less upset about something that should be bringing you joy.  ;)

And obviously I disagree.  I think Hasbro should have released Blob as a regular figure, it's important enough to do so.  With ToyBiz, they were releasing figures that were considerably larger and not practical to fit into a regular package (Galactus, Sentinel, Giant Man).  There was merit to it and I sucked it up to complete those figures too.  I didn't really want or need even a second Thor figure but I bought it to get the Giant Man figure.  Throwing a third at me this fast?  Nuh-uh. 

This just isn't the case with this figure that is a fairly important figure in the comic books.  And I'm really unclear how exactly this constitutes something "Free"?  You don't think the price reflects this piece being in there?  Wow, that's an amazing approach to economics.  Unlike the holograms with star wars, these pieces are unique and can't be made into something different by injecting different colored plastic into the mold.  No, I assure you, I'm paying for this piece either by the change in packaging to something smaller, the discontinuation of the posters/comic books or the increase in price.  It ain't free, no way, no how. 

I'd rather they drop the BAFs and pull the price back down.  If they want to make store exclusives for larger figures, I am completely for that because I'll be able to pick and choose whether I want it or not and if I think the price is fair.  If I don't want it, I don't accumulate anything, especially unwanted extra figures.

Put it this way: At the size of figure they're releasing Blob is at best a $20, maybe $25 figure, but that's an awful lot of leeway for Hasbro (again I bring up larger figures in the past sold for under $10).  It's not worth accumulating five figures I don't want and will have a hard time selling.  It's not worth the $50-80 it'll generate on Ebay, though given what the figures cost, it is a reasonable price for the seller to expect considering that's what they spent on the item.  Blob should have been a regular release, plain and simple.
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Offline Brian

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« Reply #2688 on: May 21, 2007, 09:55 AM »
A few more pics of the Stan Lee figure at the TNI forums.  Still rumored to be a SDCC exclusive, so I really hope I'm able to pick one up (or they put it on HTS or something).

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« Reply #2689 on: May 21, 2007, 02:46 PM »
It is such a great figure. I have wanted a Stan Lee figure and Peter Parker figure for a long time now, and here it is 2 in one.
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« Reply #2690 on: May 21, 2007, 04:22 PM »
We should probably just agree to disagree.  ;D  Just to respond to your comments...

Ok, no.  First, yes, lots of EU, but how hard is it to figure out a blackhole stormtrooper?  Darth Revan?  Wow, that's tough.  But who says I'm buying it? 

The point is that sometimes you need to buy something you don't want to get what you do want.  If you bought 3 scouts and wanted three lucas troopers, you would have to buy 3 of everything else in the line to get the extra figure.  Well, until they changed the offer that is.  ;)

I'm not sure how you can seriously compare the SW universe to Marvel's universe.  For the most part you're talking about 12 hours worth of movies versus thousands of issues of comic books.  Sure, the EU not withstanding messes it up a bit, but I'm not jumping all over the EU stuff, so my argument remains consistent. 
Well, I can't argue for what fits with your personal preference.  Maybe I only like the EU stuff, or maybe I just collect imperials.  What if I say that the Avengers storyline is the only one you need to pay attention to and you should skip X-men villians like Blob or skip villians all together and only buy heroes?  Your point was that its too difficult to follow who all the ML characters are, but there are 10 Pote Snitkins in the SW line for every ML Xorn.

Previous Celebration exclusives have been retoolings or a minor change by adding a different head or accessory, but not totally new.  Toyfare Vader was just a repaint when it comes down to it.  No, if you wait a year, you'll be able to get the same darn figures in a regular assortment for $7. 

Not sure where this insight is coming from.  When exactly will Hasbro be releasing the Jorg Sacul figure with the rest of the line?  Or the Lucas Trooper? Or the C3 Vader with talking base?  Are you suggesting that I can just repaint or make customs of anything that's too expensive?  If that's the case, just take a Hulk, put some clay on the belly, and swap out the head to make your own custom blob.

I think Hasbro should have released Blob as a regular figure, it's important enough to do so.  This just isn't the case with this figure that is a fairly important figure in the comic books.  And I'm really unclear how exactly this constitutes something "Free"?  You don't think the price reflects this piece being in there?  I'd rather they drop the BAFs and pull the price back down. 

If you don't realize this is "Free" then you obviously don't work for a major manufacturer.  I think the average Legends figure today costs $9.99 at retail?  If Hasbro dropped the BAF parts, what would you pay?  You'd pay $9.99.  They consider the piece as an investment spend to get you to purchase more product, but there is no way that they would lower the price to $9 if they took that piece out.  Sure, their margin per figure would increase or the retailers margin would increase, but show me an example anywhere in the history of toys when a manufacturer took out an 'extra' portion of the product and lowered the retail price.  If anything, you might pay more if they took out the BAF pieces, because they'd sell less overall and would probably need to jack up the price to make the line worthwhile. 

I also would argue that Blob is not a major character in the Marvel U.  I collect ML figs (mostly avengers/some X-Ment and Villians), but have no problem keeping this guy out of my collection.  What you're basically telling me is that you specifically really want this figure and are irritated that you'll have to pay $50 to get it.  I really wanted a Flip up visor Biker Scout, but not the TRU exclusive AT-AT - not much you can do about that.

Talk all you want about the size of the figs or whether or not you buy the comparisons to star wars... at the end of the day, you would be paying the same amount for the core line of figures you want with or without the Blob pieces, so all I'm saying is that you shouldn't complain about a freebie.
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Offline Morgbug

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« Reply #2691 on: May 21, 2007, 10:53 PM »
I'm torn whether we should really just agree to disagree or whether we should continue boring the rest of the folks here to tears with our bickering?  Ah, they haven't started complaining yet: ;)

The point is that sometimes you need to buy something you don't want to get what you do want. 

Believe me I get it.  I bought a box set to get a Black cat figure.  I bought a box set to get an Electro figure.  I bought a box set to get a Rogue figure.  I bought a second Thor to build Giant Man.  Trust me on this, I get it.  It's happened with all the BAFs, just to a lesser degree in most cases.

Well, I can't argue for what fits with your personal preference.  Maybe I only like the EU stuff, or maybe I just collect imperials.  What if I say that the Avengers storyline is the only one you need to pay attention to and you should skip X-men villians like Blob or skip villians all together and only buy heroes?  Your point was that its too difficult to follow who all the ML characters are, but there are 10 Pote Snitkins in the SW line for every ML Xorn.
Kinda.  But those Pote Snitkins don't require me to buy anything else.  I buy them or I don't.  I don't lose out on an accessory I want or a BAF or anything at all.  I just leave it on the shelf and keep the money in my pocket.  That's not the choice I'm given here with Blob at all.  The worst part is I own three parts I can't even assemble to pretend it's a dismembered Blob that Wolvie got pissed at.   ;)

Not sure where this insight is coming from.  When exactly will Hasbro be releasing the Jorg Sacul figure with the rest of the line?  Or the Lucas Trooper? Or the C3 Vader with talking base?  Are you suggesting that I can just repaint or make customs of anything that's too expensive?  If that's the case, just take a Hulk, put some clay on the belly, and swap out the head to make your own custom blob.
Sorry, I explained that poorly.  I keep thinking you're inside my head and know what I'm driving at but thankfully you don't suffer that fate. 

My point is this:
Hasbro has repeatedly said they won't do an all new mold for something with a low production run, lower than what they'd release at retail. 
 - Jorg Sacul was a rebel pilot body with a new head, not an all new sculpt.  No, you're not getting a Sacul anytime soon, but it backs up the point I'll make shortly.  Exclusive yes, new sculpt no.
 - Toyfare Vader was an old POTF2 sculpt repainted.  Not a new sculpt.
 - C3 Vader was an old sculpt as well.  Again, not a new sculpt.
My point, which I made very poorly, is that Hasbro is extremely likely to release both the McQuarrie Luke and McQuarrie droids down the line on different cardbacks.  Why?  Simply because of their stated approach to all new sculpts: they won't do them for limited runs.  So they'll bide their time let people eat up the ebay sales and then 8-16 months or so (yeah, wild ass guess on my part) they'll release these things in a way so that we can all get them fairly easily on a different cardback.  Now if you're a carded guy, well you have my sympathies, but otherwise it's an issue of patience.
Blob is not a resculpt, not a re-release or anything else.  It's not available any other way and certainly not at a reasonable price.  Not without acquiring a bunch of crap I don't want.  Is that a better explanation?

If you don't realize this is "Free" then you obviously don't work for a major manufacturer.  I think the average Legends figure today costs $9.99 at retail?  If Hasbro dropped the BAF parts, what would you pay?  You'd pay $9.99.  They consider the piece as an investment spend to get you to purchase more product, but there is no way that they would lower the price to $9 if they took that piece out.  Sure, their margin per figure would increase or the retailers margin would increase, but show me an example anywhere in the history of toys when a manufacturer took out an 'extra' portion of the product and lowered the retail price.  If anything, you might pay more if they took out the BAF pieces, because they'd sell less overall and would probably need to jack up the price to make the line worthwhile. 

That's a bit disingenous in terms of an argument because yes, if they remove the BAF, they're not going to drop the price.  Same as if they drop the holograms, stands or coins out of the Star Wars figures.  But that doesn't mean the BAF parts didn't drive the price up initially.  Without those parts being in there, I doubt the price would have climbed to $9.99, rather they'd still be cheaper.  And remember, they've also changed the packaging and dropped the comic/poster. 
If you want to say it's free because once they discontinue the BAF parts the price will remain the same, I can't argue because you're right about the price staying static.  But not because there's no free part in there, it's because they've established a price point and won't reset it.  They'll simply sit there and enjoy the additional profit.  As for raising the price, I think Hasbro's screwed up the line enough as it is already that raising the price is just going to kill it.   

I also would argue that Blob is not a major character in the Marvel U.  I collect ML figs (mostly avengers/some X-Ment and Villians), but have no problem keeping this guy out of my collection.  What you're basically telling me is that you specifically really want this figure and are irritated that you'll have to pay $50 to get it.  I really wanted a Flip up visor Biker Scout, but not the TRU exclusive AT-AT - not much you can do about that.

What was that you told me about ebay?  Oh yeah.  That's where I got my visor Biker for a measly $10 off a guy overseas that seemed to have a bunch of them.   :-*  So you're contrasting a $50 figure (or more for Blob) with something I found pretty darn easily for $10.  Hmmm.  Bad analogy. 

I'll agree that Blob isn't a major character, but he's important in the X-universe as a member of the Brotherhood of evil mutants at one point and was a major player in the time I was buying comics, 1984-1993 or so. 

Talk all you want about the size of the figs or whether or not you buy the comparisons to star wars... at the end of the day, you would be paying the same amount for the core line of figures you want with or without the Blob pieces, so all I'm saying is that you shouldn't complain about a freebie.
It's not free.  How is me buying an additional $50 worth of toys I don't want to get the extra bits inside free? 

So, wanna hook me up with some half price Order 66 packs ;) :P
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« Reply #2692 on: May 22, 2007, 08:12 AM »
So, wanna hook me up with some half price Order 66 packs ;) :P

I'll get you some if you'll agree to all of my points.  ;D  PM me if you really want some - there are a ton at the Targets around here.
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« Reply #2693 on: May 24, 2007, 12:12 AM »
A few more pics of the Stan Lee figure at the TNI forums.  Still rumored to be a SDCC exclusive, so I really hope I'm able to pick one up (or they put it on HTS or something).

According to the SDCC guide book (p. 46) there appears to be a Stan Lee and a She-Hulk that are both listed as Marvel Legends ??? :-\  Had to be She-Hulk didn't it.  Ah well, that'll get me griping about something new anyway :-*
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« Reply #2694 on: May 24, 2007, 12:14 AM »
I'm gonna guess it is a Fantastic Four She Hulk

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« Reply #2695 on: May 24, 2007, 09:36 AM »
I hope its a clear diamond She-Hulk or a Silver She-Hulk!  That would be great!  Then I can promptly add it to my list of stuff I'll never even consider getting.
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From this moment for all my life. What could I say? Was born to be this way. And what could I say?  Just livin' for today

Offline evenflow

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Marvel Legends
« Reply #2696 on: May 24, 2007, 09:52 AM »
The Stan Lee is great and i hope its an FF She-Hulk, I was wondering why she was not the obvious variant in the regular wave.
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Offline Morgbug

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Marvel Legends
« Reply #2697 on: May 24, 2007, 10:24 AM »
I hope its a clear diamond She-Hulk or a Silver She-Hulk!  That would be great!  Then I can promptly add it to my list of stuff I'll never even consider getting.

I'll be right behind you on that.  If it is a FF variant, that'll be neat. 

Is the Stan Lee figure a Legends style or is it more the Mego-style type of figure?  I'd be up for the former for novelty sake, but not the latter. 
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Offline evenflow

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Marvel Legends
« Reply #2698 on: May 24, 2007, 11:01 AM »
I hope its a clear diamond She-Hulk or a Silver She-Hulk!  That would be great!  Then I can promptly add it to my list of stuff I'll never even consider getting.

I'll be right behind you on that.  If it is a FF variant, that'll be neat. 

Is the Stan Lee figure a Legends style or is it more the Mego-style type of figure?  I'd be up for the former for novelty sake, but not the latter. 

I am pretty sure it is a LEgends style figure becuase it doubles as a Peter Parker figure. It comes with 3 different heads. Peter, Stan Lee, and masked spider-man.
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Marvel Legends
« Reply #2699 on: May 24, 2007, 11:09 AM »
That could be cool. I still haven't bought a Peter Parker figure, I never really liked any of them.  Sort of like not buying JJJ.  I should have, because we aren't seeing another one.  BTW, have I flogged my idea for a Spiderman Classics (6" scale >:() Friends and Family box set lately?  Yeah, I know. 
Minivans: a sign of the apocalypse.