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Captain America: Winter Soldier: The Toys!

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I am really excited for this weekend as it should be our first glimpse at Cap toys.  I don't expect a full onslaught ala Spidey/Hulk/Iron Man but I do expect them to do something.  With the WII/military aspect of this film it will be cool to see if they can incorporate any failed or retooled Indy stuff into the line

wow - I had no idea that these could already possibly be debuted this weekend - that is pretty exciting!

I wasn't sure if we'd see something or not, but it would be cool if we did.  I'm wondering how big of a lull SW will have next year, as Hasbro has a lot of licensed stuff (possibly) going on with Thor, Cap, and Transformers.  Plus, there is X-Men: First Class, but it is being put together so quickly who knows if it will get a toyline or not.  A Cap line (with movie and comic series, like IM) could be pretty cool though.

After the way Hasbro screwed up the Iron Man and Wolverine lines, I have very low expectations. We'll get an awesome comic Cap I'm sure, but we'll also get a million crappy Cap repaints that nobody would possibly want. The line will pegwarm for 6 months and that'll be it.

I myself just want a kickass accurate comic version of Cap since the Marvel Universe attempts were missing details.

Greedo The Green Menace:
I'm hoping for the same sort of thing as the Iron Man and Wolvie lines, that being a separate comic series line on top of the movie line. Here's hoping they'll have learned their lesson from the last two bombs though and not pack in a million Caps with no villains. A nice comic Cap, maybe a new Bucky, Red Skull, Hydra Soldier, Baron Zemo, maybe Crossbones or somthing? That would be neat.


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