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DC Imaginext

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I thought I had seen these discussed on here somewhere before, but didn't see them in the DC board (or I missed them).  Anyways, I don't follow the line closely or anything, but we were walking through one of those TRU Express stores this weekend and I saw a Green Lantern w/Jet that I hadn't seen before for this line.  Like I said, could be old news and I'm sorry if it is, but it looked kind of spiffy and I thought I'd just pass it along for anyone interested.  I know sometimes those Express stores have a few different items that you don't see at "regular" TRU stores (our Express stores have the 25th anniversary Turtles line, for example), so I thought I would pass it along just in case.

There has been talk scattered in other threads, but there isn't a thread yet.  We love the Imaginext stuff at our house.  We have huge tubs of Imaginext toys for Dragons, Space, City, Lost World, and DC.  The Imaginext stuff is way superior to the JLU stuff - same level of articulation and way more accessories, playsets, and ships! ;)

The Green Lantern Jet was put out last December I think.  I think we bought it right before or right after Christmas.  The jet was even repainted as a TRU exclusive Robin Redbird Jet over the summer. 

That is one of the neat things about the line - all sort of things get re-purposed so there are tons of options.  Examples - the city Ambulance was re-used as a Joker Van and is now shipping again as Two-Face's van.  The Lost World bi-plane became Riddler's bi-plane.  The Ocean World submarine was repainted as Penguin's submarine.  Etc.  Tons of things to buy!

So far they've made figures for:
Good Guys - Batman, Superman, Robin, Green Lantern (Hal). 
Bad Guys - Joker, Penguin, Mr. Freeze, Riddler, Two-Face.

Coming soon are Kilowog & Ch'p (with a GL/Oa Playset), a Flash & Hawkman 2-pack, and Killer Croc too!


--- Quote from: Jeff on October 12, 2010, 01:06 PM ---The Green Lantern Jet was put out last December I think.  I think we bought it right before or right after Christmas.  The jet was even repainted as a TRU exclusive Robin Redbird Jet over the summer. 

--- End quote ---

Whoa, I was way late on that then, sorry about that.  Like I said, I haven't watched it closely, so I had no idea.  We've picked up some of the stuff for our nephews (the Batman helicopter and one of the Batmobiles), and they love the stuff as well.  Our daughter, who is way into superhero stuff, has been asking about it more when we see it in stores or on commercials, so we've thought about picking up a set for her to see how she likes it.

--- Quote ---Coming soon are Kilowog & Ch'p (with a GL/Oa Playset), a Flash & Hawkman 2-pack, and Killer Croc too!
--- End quote ---

That's really cool that they are delving into stuff further, I can't believe they are making Kilowog - that's awesome.


--- Quote from: Brian on October 12, 2010, 02:04 PM ---I can't believe they are making Kilowog - that's awesome.
--- End quote ---

Here was the (only) pic I saw of the Oa set from SDCC coverage - Mattel buzzed past it since it was sort of a GL sneak peek thing.  Sounds like they are planning some more GL Imaginext stuff for the movie (a la the Toy Story 3 stuff TRU had for that movie).

My 2 year old is all this stuff. We are purposefully not getting him stuff so the grandparents can rest assured they are getting him something he doesn't have. I think Santa is bringing the Batcave.

hawk man will be awesome. 


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