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DC Imaginext

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Saw some new (to me) DC sets at Target today - centering around Green Lantern.  They had an Oa set that looked really sweet, as well as a Hal with Robot/Mech suit, and a Target exclusive set with Hal and the Jet (along with Flash and Hawkman).  Our little girl wanted all three, but settled for the cheapest (Hal with Jet) set.  I have to say though, they all looked pretty cool and the line in general is pretty sweet.

Our daughter, who loves superheroes, got some Imaginext (and the Marvel Superhero stuff) both for her birthday and a couple other things over the past couple months - so I've been paying closer attention to this line.  Anyways, I noticed some sets I hadn't seen before at Target today.  They were all in the smaller "figure and accessory" line, and I saw the return of Superman/Krypto, as well as a Catwoman (with cat), and a new (large) Clayface.  Kind of cool.  It really is a fun little line.

There is also a great new Penguin Mini-sub, BAtboat, and Super Powers-esque two-seat BAtmobile out right now in the $11 line.  The boys are still Imaginext fiends and I think have pretty much all the newest sets (Croc, Catwoman, Clayface). 

SDCC unveiled quite a few new things for 2012 too - Joker Tank, Arkham Asylum (with Bane!), Batpod, new jetpack


--- Quote from: Jeff on September  8, 2011, 02:24 PM ---There is also a great new Penguin Mini-sub, BAtboat, and Super Powers-esque two-seat BAtmobile out right now in the $11 line.  The boys are still Imaginext fiends and I think have pretty much all the newest sets (Croc, Catwoman, Clayface). 

SDCC unveiled quite a few new things for 2012 too - Joker Tank, Arkham Asylum (with Bane!), Batpod, new jetpack

--- End quote ---

Yeah, we saw some of those (Penguin Sub, new Batmobile) as well.  Might have to get the Batmobile, although she does already have the smaller one.  Although I know females aren't super likely in this line (although there is Catwoman), I really hope they make a Batgirl.  That is her favorite DC character, and it would be cool to add her to the mix.  Like I said, a real fun (and sturdy) line for the kiddos.  You could get quite a setup with all the figures, vehicles, and playsets.

We were looking at the big Batman/Batcave Imaginext display at TRU the other day (which is pretty nifty), and although we have seen most of that at retail somewhere - one we've never found is the Batwing.  As someone relatively new to Imaginext (our daughter just got into them in the past 6 months), is this an older vehicle or something that should be available now (or coming soon)?

Other than that, we've picked up and stashed away the Super Powers-esque Batmobile, as well as the Batboat.  I hope we see this line continue to expand, because it sure is fun.  I know our little girl is really hoping we see a Batgirl figure at some point :).


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