Collectibles > Shadows of the Dark Side

SDCC/TRU Star Wars: Republic Commando Figure Set

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I think EVERYONE is tired of Clone Troopers and Stormtroopers, too.  When I stopped in at TRU's flagship store in NYC the other evening the ONLY TVC figures on the pegs were Sandtroopers, Ep II Clones and Ep III Clones.  There was nothing else!  The heady days of the army building craze (2004-2007 or so) are over, and it seems that collectors have had their fill.  This revisitation of the Republic Commandos might SEEM cool on the surface, but at this point it's just old hat.

Never ordered the original so I'll take it, but I'm going to focus on snagging the Indy set first.

Nice they redid them, but the idea of redoing them points to how repetitive and irritating Star Wars collecting gets. If they'd done the mold right the first time, there'd be no need for this set. It wasn't like they weren't doing super articulated troopers then, either.

Also, TRU exclusive = $50 price tag probably.

Since it's TRU I might be able to get this when I get back from Afghanistan.

Can't say it's not a good idea. I might pick it up because of the articulation upgrades.


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