Collecting > Other Custom Figures (non Star Wars)

Dressel Rebel's Marvel Universe Customs


Dressel Rebel:
I finished up a 3 3/4" custom of Mystique today.

I've not too swift with a camera, so these will do for the moment.

I used a base figure of Ms. Marvel Carol Danvers, some paint and a snippet of my wife's wedding dress for the soft goods (shhhhh don't tell).

Dressel Rebel:
Hey all!

2 new Marvel Universe customs!

1st up: Bullseye

I used an Electro that was hanging around on the Walmart pegs forever, because I hated the Wave 1 version of Bullseye which was way too short and stocky for my liking.  But the Electro head and body was a direct hit!  Even the smirk was a pretty nifty match.

Next: Warren Worthington III

I'm not sure I'm thrilled with the head, it's okay.  But overall I love the way he came out.  He's made from MU Torch and DC Hawkman wings.

Thanks for looking!


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