Multimedia > Star Wars Universe

Lucas NY Times Interview

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Lucas is/was on the Early Show (or whatever they call it now on CBS) this morning discussing Red Tails and....what's wrong with America.  I didn't have time to watch though thanks to some snow.

What is disappointing to me is that there is no sense of value or worth given to the army of Star Wars fans that have helped George get to where he is today.  I'm sure there is fault on both sides of that equation, but it is a shame that George undervalues the fans, collectors, and even the kids. 

I would almost liken this situation to that of a popular sports figure or movie star who gets caught setting a bad example, be it infidelity, drugs, criminal acts, whatever.  The argument I often hear from those people is that they never asked to be a role model to others and that it isn't their responsibility to set a good example or protect the industry that made them famous.  Personally, I think that is total B.S. 

When you become a role model, however unintended it may have been, you have an ethical and social responsibility to foster and care for that audience.   Yes, these people have some kind of skill or talent or idea that draws followers, so give them credit for that.  But when you build success, fame, and fortune off the favor of others, then you owe them some level of respect in return.  I don't think I've ever seen George display anything of the sort. 

Interesting choice of words for the Early Show interview.  I think what is "wrong with America" is that too many people are selfish, self-absorbed hypocrates.  Take 60 seconds to think about what might be best for the people that made/make you who you are and the world would be a much better place. 

Saw this on today:

Not necessarily relating to the article, but figured it fit here somewhat too.


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