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The Clone Wars - Season Five Discussion Thread

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Jesse James:
Oh my...  :)

Cool battle on Cato Nemoidia interrupted for Coruscant procedural. Why was Cato Nemoidia being invaded? Aren't Nemoidians separatists?

Nano-machines? One wonders why they cannot be used for medical purposes, like to restore some lava-burnt lungs or...never mind, the tech in Star Wars is random, inconsistent and/or nonsensical.

Cin Drallig cameo.

It was an okay episode.  Though it did little to explain why the Jedi are scapegoats for anti-war sentiment, when its the senate that runs the show.

This was a terribly written episode. The Cato Nemoidia thing - exactly. And why does Ahsoka find out the suspect's duties and specialty at the temple several scenes after she has his profile? Why does she ask Anakin who could be able to bomb the temple when she already knows (hey remember when the Separatists hired bounty hunters to infiltrate the temple? Oh, and attack the senate? Oh and knock the power in Coruscant?) Anti-war sentiment - they way this kind of story information is communicated is the worst aspect of the PT. Show, don't tell. Rule #1 in writing. If there is an anti-war movement in the Republic, then we need to see it in action. Pinning the war on the Jedi makes sense for Palpatine, as ultimately he needs them for scapegoats, but let's see it.

Nick Gillard on ep.17!
turquoise 2-1Bs  (OT design)

A chapter focused on intrigue, this is other register this series explores.
Lara and Jakar a mixed marriage, but why human could marry so ugly aliens?

When a defector clone married a Twilek it was acceptable, but human with so odd creatures?

For a while it looked like Lara was kinda of Zam Wessel metamorpho especies.

Jabba the Slug:
If that lady (forgot her name) purposely set up her husband and blew him up, then why did she go to the Temple afterwards and ask the Jedi for him? Makes no sense. I'm tired by some of these senseless plot details, to me they're very childish and lower the quality of Star Wars' seriousness. 

While I was mostly disappointed by this episode (which sucks too considering it's part of the finale; hell, last year's finale we got witch zombies, Asajj vs. Grievous, Maul returning), I understand it's probably the vehicle into the next episodes and is meant to set them up. Still, I don't grant it as an excuse to get lazy and allow some of these episodes to be lackluster.


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