Collecting > Star Wars Action Figures

Who are the best SW customizers out there currently?

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I am working on a side project (more info coming soon - it is very cool) and wondered who everyone thought were the best customizers out there working on figures today.

I am looking for various skills sets and abiliities from overall quality, to sculpting, molds, painting etc.



Well there are so few out there anymore. My personal favorites are Chewie, Incom, Fritzkrieg and Daigo-Bah.

Hangerbay 94 does some great work as well.

Siths Herald:
I agree with the names Phruby threw out - oh... and Sillof should probably be on that list too!  ;)


--- Quote from: Siths Herald on May 29, 2012, 08:53 AM ---I agree with the names Phruby threw out - oh... and Sillof should probably be on that list too!  ;)

--- End quote ---

I've seen Siths Herald's work in person and would rank Steve in the top five easily.  He's got some pretty amazing stuff.


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