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Only 2

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If there can be only 2 - a Sith Master and and apprentice why is Vader so eager to take Luke to the Emperor in ROTJ ?  Where would his part be if Luke would have fallen to the darkside and he would have lived?  Cleaning toilets?


--- Quote from: iFett on November 26, 2012, 08:23 PM ---If there can be only 2 - a Sith Master and and apprentice why is Vader so eager to take Luke to the Emperor in ROTJ ?  Where would his part be if Luke would have fallen to the darkside and he would have lived?  Cleaning toilets?

--- End quote ---

I think Vader's offer of "We could rule the galaxy together as father and son" said it all... Vader would take Luke on as his apprentice after killing the Emperor, similar to how Palpatine killed Plaugiuis (sp?) and took on apprentices of his own.

His plan was always to overthrow the emperor and "rule the galaxy as father and son." (EP V) But when Luke turned himself in on Endor he really was left with no choice than to let things play out, (I would assume they would both become marked men if they took off on a father and son retreat). It may be that the "good in him" had a plan all along and knew that the emperor could be overcome only with the battle and converting Luke going on at the same time to distract him.

The Sith are always plotting against each other.  I think both Vader and Palp were eying up Luke to be their apprentice, and yeah, the odd man out would have been killed off.  Just like in AOTC when Palpatine gives up Dooku to push Anakin closer to the dark side.

Jesse James:
I agree, I think Palpatine was always looking at Vader suspiciously and Vader was always plotting to be the Master, and both were wanting Luke to be their new apprentice.

I think Palpatine would play of Luke's anger/hatred, and Vader would pull at Luke's bond to him as his son.  Ultimately Vader won, but for different reasons.  He won because he was swayed by Luke's selflessness, and dedication...  He saw someone confront Palpatine, to make things right, and saw Palps for what he was...  The tinge of Vader that was good saw that.  It was very briefly glimpsed on Endor when Vader and Luke had their talk.  It came to be when he felt the love and compassion for his son when he needed him most, and realized he could fight back too.


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