Collectibles > The Vintage Collection

Kmart Imperial Scanning Crew 2-Pack

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Jesse James:
Pretty positive that's a new head on the officer, and rank as well may be new.  Disappointed in the leg choice, but such is life.  It's an articulated black tunic officer.  It'll do till they do an all new one on the card right?  *sigh*

The box...  More than meets the eye. :P

They're pretty easy snags for me...  I want multiples of the top box for sure.  And who am I kidding?  I want multiples of the bottom part as well, despite having probably 30 or 40 of those things laying about already.

I'm aiming for several Catapults too.  Expensive year at K-Mart for me.

Ugh, I'm going to need like 30 each of these and the nearest K-Mart is like 30 hours away. I did get lucky and found the Ewok sets at a Sears Grand but that store stocks toys about once per year so I'm hoping these are very abundant online.

I LOVE me some VOTC Stormtrooper though and will take that figure any day of the week over the POS ball joint hip version

Jesse James:
Sears Grand here MAY be removing their toy aisles all together...  :(  I found some of the exclusives there as well, but alas my store is totally removing toys right now.  not sure if they're moving to another part of the store perhaps, but ALL toys are being clearance there as we speak, and whole shelving units taken out.

Nice surprise with two sets. It's going to be hard to pass any of these up.

Nice.  Can't wait.


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