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Star Wars Rebels - Coming Fall 2014

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At least it's not set between Episode 1 and Episode 2.

Maybe Starkiller will appear.

This seems like a natural progression, but CW needed a better ending.

Jesse James:

--- Quote from: Jayson on May 20, 2013, 10:55 AM ---For those that hated The Clone Wars series (or at least never gave it a chance) hopefully the McQuarrie aesthetic and close-to-OT timeline will help placate them.

--- End quote ---

Quote that for truth!

This has me geeked...  honestly I'm just simply stoked for the era.  Lots of OT goodness possible.  Again a time of war and strife...  I'm hopeful they don't really have Yoda/OWK in it at all, but everything else is fair game for the most part...  I'd dig it if they showed "How Hannie Met Chewie", early rebellion stuff...  I'm excited for it really. 

For toys, I prefer realistic stuff that doesn't separate itself from the main line...  Not totally hopeful of that.  It was an LFL decree though, before.  Possible they won't be I guess now that things have changed dramatically.

Either way, I'm stoked...  Mon Mothma, Rebel Alliance, maybe seeing Z95's in Alliance service?  Early Y-Wing teardowns?  Wedge's join-up?  Boba Fett becoming the OT badass people love?  Vader kicking ass with Tarkin?  The Empire's grip growing but also how they pull the wool over others and make them believe in their overall message and cause?

I think it has a lot more potential than TCW did because it's largely unexplored and an obviously much broader era in terms of time.

The show will focus on the Lucas sisters' and how Terr Taneel and Chi Eekway save the galaxy by forming the Rebellion (we'll retcon Mon Mothma out of Jedi).

Jesse James:
Had a mean ass comment to make and I'm going to just refrain.


--- Quote from: Jesse James on May 20, 2013, 11:12 PM ---Had a mean ass comment to make and I'm going to just refrain.

--- End quote --- are like me when posting at JTA.

How exactly is a piece of recently made cardboard worth $90?


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