Multimedia > The Sequel Trilogy

Star Wars: The Last Jedi (SPOILERS)

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EW has a bunch of TLJ Stories coming this week...

The Last Jedi rules the galaxy as the cover of EW's Fall Movie Preview

Exclusive New Star Wars Images from The Last Jedi (with more to come!)

I like this part...  "Later this morning, we'll showcase the first images of some fearsome new protectors "   well, the first images, except for all the toy images of the Elite Guards that have been leaking for the past two weeks. :P

edit - more story links:

Can Rey save Luke Skywalker from his own darkness?

With Finn and Rose, a 'big deal' is redeemed by 'a nobody'

Meet the porgs and 'The Caretakers' from Luke Skywalker's island

Supreme Leader Snoke emerges with elite Praetorian Guard

I'd rather have hoojibs than porgs.

Magazine is at B&N today. Loving everything I'm hearing so far. Not hip on some of the designs, but no major gripes. I'm no longer surprised by the griping/complaining online from certain quarters, but always surprised by its sustainability. I shouldn't be, because it's primarily attributable to the marketability of the negativity itself. But so it goes.

Most of the HOW DARE THEY with Luke seems to ignore the premise of the last film. I like what they're doing. He's the Fisher King. Rey is the Knight Errant. The saber is the grail, perhaps, and Luke's rejuvenation will be the galaxy's. I totally buy Luke retreating from duty and from life after such a massive failure as he experienced with Kylo. He had accomplished this miracle with his father and defeating the Empire than he might have felt he could do anything, and as his Jedi fathers did before him, looked past some important stuff. Looking forward to the movie.

In case you are one of the 5 people who haven't sen it yet......

That might be a good movie.  :P

Last scene is a fake out, the lighting doesn't even match.

After Rogue One, can we expect any of this to be in the final movie?


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