Multimedia > The Sequel Trilogy

Captain Phasma's voice?

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We know Captain Phasma is being played by Gwendoline Christie but do we know if she is playing the just the body or doing the voice too? She is very tall at 6' 3". Just wondering if she is the new David Prowse.

She is 100% Phasma - "unlike the original “Star Wars” trilogy, in which David Prowse gave the physical performance for Darth Vader on set while James Earl Jones provided the villain’s iconic voice, Christie told Variety that she was able to embody the character completely during filming, at the insistence of director J.J. Abrams."

I came across some audio of an electronic Captain Phasma figure. And it most certainly had Gwendoline Christie's voice.

I wonder if we get to see her under the helmet. I kind of like the idea that the stormtrooper commander is a very tallwoman.


--- Quote from: Nicklab on October  7, 2015, 05:44 PM ---I came across some audio of an electronic Captain Phasma figure. And it most certainly had Gwendoline Christie's voice.

--- End quote ---

Found it.  There's an electronic Captain Phasma helmet with some dialogue phrases which you can hear on YouTube.


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