Collectibles > Disney Parks Droid Factory

2017 Droid Factory R2-D2 & C-3PO Carded 2-Pack


Coming soon to Disney Parks - two-pack featuring R2-D2 and C-3PO celebrating the 40th Anniversary of Star Wars:

Like the C-3PO and Artoo set.  Hope they'll still be around in August.


--- Quote from: P-Siddy on April 11, 2017, 04:58 PM ---Like the C-3PO and Artoo set.  Hope they'll still be around in August.

--- End quote ---

You're going in August?  I used to go to Disney then, but it would be hot as blazes.  Good luck!

This set isn't on my radar, but I'm liking the look of some of the other Droid Factory sets.

I'd like a better look at that 3PO. Looks like it could be the best one yet!

If anyone's been waiting for this one on the App, there's a seller with two left asking $36 shipped.  To me that's only $3 or $4 more than it would cost to order through said app, so...


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