Collectibles > Disney Parks Droid Factory

Droid Depot - 3.75" Color Changing Droids

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Galaxy's Edge 3.75" Color Changing Droid 4-Packs revealed at Star Wars Celebration - sounds like they color change in warm/cold water. 

There are a couple of different sets being shown, not sure how many there are in total.

Here is a picture of one set from The Force Guide:

And here's another from

What!?  Are these actual action figures?  My son used to have a Hot Wheels car that did this.  It was pretty cool for his bath time, but didn't get used much outside of that.  I'd be a little worried about getting water stuck in the joints.

Water and collecting toys. Ok


--- Quote from: GrandMoffNick on April 15, 2019, 01:29 PM ---Water and collecting toys. Ok

--- End quote ---

The Luke in Bacta tank was designed to fill the tank with water.  Luke had a hole in his back in order to keep him from trying to float and there's a tube you can blow into to make bubbles form from his mask.

What about that Filoni/Pittsburgh homage Chopper? Now if they could do him in his Imperial colors that would be awesome.


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