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Worlds of Wonder: Germs


Anyone else remember these awesome little figures?

Starting in the top left corner, moving left to right in both rows are:

Ahahchoosiosus (a Sneeze)
Sweatystinkiosus (Body Odor)
Winkyblinkyigoopiola (Eyeball Goop)
Innyouttyitis (Bellybutton Lint)
Muggywumpiosus (Smelly Feet)
Hackahackasilliae (a Cough)
Bubblebuppilitus (a Burp)
Oochiachitickleorum (an Itch)
Grumpyrumbleosus (a Tummyache)
Yoggayoggyitus (a Yawn)
Huppahickasillia (a Hiccup)
Gidgygidgyitus (a Giggle)

I hit the motherload today while going through the basement. I found loads upon loads of TMNT, GI Joe, MASK and all kinds of other stuff, including these bad boys! :)

I'm actually four short, and I know this is a longshot, but I could use the help in finding:
Bellybutton Lint (the bright red fella)
Cough (the bright green guy with pink growths)
Hiccup (the two headed turqoise fella with pink spots)
Giggle (the light blue guy with the pink pucker mouth)                              


--- Quote from: BigDumbWookiee on September 17, 2003, 05:39 PM ---Anyone else remember these awesome little figures?
--- End quote ---

Uh...  No!   :P

What kinda time frame are we talkin' about here Adam?  Mid 80's?

Yeah, Id venture to say around then. I think I had these before Ninja Turtles, so use that to judge time.

These things are absolutely corny, but they are some of my most cherished childhood toys, right below Battle Beasts (which I have YET to find! So help me god, if these fell victim to the infamous garage sales of the late 80s, Im gonna **** myself)


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