Multimedia > The Original Trilogy

The Forest Moon Of Endor

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Alright,if the Death Star is the size of a moon,so why is the forest MOON of Endor so friggen large?The Death star was much smaller than that ''moon''

So my question is what gives?

Jesse James:
Moons come in a lot of sizes, by our own galaxies evidence it would seem.  I think the moons of some planets are larger than Earth, are they not?  I'm not an astronomer so I'm not entirely sure of that, but I think it's true.

Like they said in ANH, "He's  headed for tha small moon", so they just assumed it was a small moon of Alderaan I guess.

Though you'd think Han knew something about Alderaan, I dunno, like that it actually had a moon or two floating around, and where they would be.  Maybe he's not Alderaan expert though I guess.

Anyway, I think it's simply a matter of moons not having a set size, and that they can be bigger, or maybe even smaller than either Death Star.  

Yavin IV is a moon as well, and it was substantially larger than the DS I also.

Here is a comparison of the Death Stars and Earth's moon...pretty amazing

Wow!Nice link.

Jesse James:
Hey Scott, thanks for that link.  That site was one I lost when I had to reformat everything.  Thanks a bunch...

And dang, I'd never really thought about it, but yeesh...  We need to start colonizing the moon methinks.


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