Author Topic: top 10 classic trilogy moments  (Read 2242 times)

Offline jokabofe

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top 10 classic trilogy moments
« on: July 20, 2004, 11:04 PM »
okay, got the newest issue of insider today (#77) and was reading this top 10 classic trilogy moments. i agreed with a little more than half, but not in the exact same order. the other four... not so sure. so, here are my personal top 10 moments, along with the insider rankings (where applicable).

10. the crawl/ tantive 4 chase (insider ranking #10) so i agreed with this one, because it kind of opens up the saga and shows who seems to have the upper hand. the rebels are using small ships to battle the evil empire, and the giant star destroyers.

9. lando double crosses han and the rebels (insider ranking - not ranked) this to me is an important scene, because again it shows how powerful the empire is, and how scared people are of them (and darth vader in particular). even though it appears in esb, and you already know vader and the empire are evil, it's still an important point to me.

8. han kills greedo in the cantina (insider ranking - not ranked) this is an important scene to me, because it shows (or at least it did show at one time  ::) ) that han solo really isn't a goody goody, and he will take action when it's neccesary to do so.

7. ben feels a disturbance in the force when alderaan is destroyed (insider ranking - not ranked) ben feels the death of millions through the force when the planet is blown up. this to me shows the scope of the force itself, that he can feel all of those deaths even though he is no where near the planet. it shows how all encompassing the force really can be.

6. ben sacrifices himself to vader to save luke/leia (insider ranking - not ranked) shows how much ben believed that luke would be the saviour - the greatest jedi master of all - the same way that he watched anakin's power grow before he fell to the dark side, but ben can sense that luke must survive if the galaxy has any chance to. and of course, saving the galaxy is more important than one's own life, at least to a true jedi master.

5. destruction of the first death star (insider ranking #4) okay, so my pick for this one is pretty close to the insiders, but i just don't see as being as important to the overall story as they did. but it's just off by 1 place.

4. luke faces vader on dagobah (insider ranking #6) to me this is a very important aspect of luke's training, showing him that if he is not careful walking the line between the light side and the dark side of the force, he will follow in his father's footsteps towards the dark side.

3. darth vader overthrows the emperor (inside ranking #3) okay, so i agreed with this one as well. very important turning point in anakin's redemption.

2. luke returns home to find his aunt and uncle dead (insider ranking #8) #8?? what!!?? without this, there would probably be no story. how can you rank this as #8?? with his aunt and uncle dead, there is nothing to keep him at the farm, and he can follow ben on his quest to find the princess. this is what puts him on the path to becoming a freakin jedi, fer crying out loud. #8??!?!

1. luke, i am your father (insider ranking #1) okay so i agreed with this one too, this is quite possibly the best scene in cinematic history.

and here's the rest of the insider list's top 10 that didn't make my list:
9. we have spotted imperial walkers - esb
7. darth vader unmasked - rotj - i kinda put this in with my #3 to be honest.
5. yoda makes the x-wing take flight - esb
2. han solo's deep freeze - esb - #2?!?!

so, what about you guys? how many of the insider's (or my) picks do you agree with/disagree with? and what's your top 10 moments?

Offline Morgbug

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Re: top 10 classic trilogy moments
« Reply #1 on: July 22, 2004, 12:54 AM »
I'll let you know after I receive that issue of the Insider.  Probably around September, maybe late August.

No, I'm not kidding.  
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Offline Angry Ewok

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Re: top 10 classic trilogy moments
« Reply #2 on: July 22, 2004, 01:52 PM »
I was going to start a thread on this - but not about the article itself, but rather the article's design and layout. Jesus, this article is the worst layout I've seen in the Insider after many many years of subscribing.

There's a transparent number with an image embedded in it that covers another image - and as if that wasn't enough to confuse the eyes, the numbers stretch to the top/bottom of the page making it even more harder to identify. I think #5, #6, and #7 are the hardest ones for me to make out... Bottom line the layout is horrible, its like someone just wanted to see how much fancy crap they could do.

It's a train wreck.

Note to whoever designed that - Keep it simple, next time.

Regarding the article itself, I would # something like this...

10. Luke and the Wampa scene, "Smell something, girl?"
9. Han Solo fries Greedo.
8. Yoda raises the X-Wing...
7. When Luke appears in ROTJ, wearing all black, and force chokes the guards.
6. Luke goes home to find it destroyed.
5. Obi-Wan gives his life. Only to return to Luke in spirit. "Run Luke, run!"
4. Vader boards the Tantive! "[Breathing noise"]
3. Luke destroys the Death Star! "Evacuate? In our moment of triumph?" :o
2. Vader otherthrows Emperor Palpatine! :o
1. Vader reveals he's Luke's father!  :o

Offline jokabofe

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Re: top 10 classic trilogy moments
« Reply #3 on: July 22, 2004, 09:41 PM »
I was going to start a thread on this - but not about the article itself, but rather the article's design and layout. Jesus, this article is the worst layout I've seen in the Insider after many many years of subscribing.

There's a transparent number with an image embedded in it that covers another image - and as if that wasn't enough to confuse the eyes, the numbers stretch to the top/bottom of the page making it even more harder to identify. I think #5, #6, and #7 are the hardest ones for me to make out... Bottom line the layout is horrible, its like someone just wanted to see how much fancy crap they could do.

you know what's funny? the first two times i read through the article, i didn't even realize there were numbers under there. i was looking through it again, when i was making my list and comparing my top 10 spots with theres, and i said to myself "why didn't they number these?" - and only then did i realize that they were numbered, but like you said, it was a horrible idea.