Author Topic: NBA 2004/05  (Read 53526 times)

Offline JediMAC

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Re: NBA 2004/05
« Reply #210 on: May 12, 2005, 07:29 PM »
Wait a second here...  Has anyone talked **** to Brent yet for the Celt's getting waxed and eliminated from the playoffs?!  Dammit, I totally brainfarted on that!  Naaa-na-nah-na-naaaa-nah!   :P

[Morgbug]I'm sorry, and your Lakers have been where exactly?![/Morgbug]


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Re: NBA 2004/05
« Reply #211 on: May 12, 2005, 09:29 PM »

[Morgbug]I'm sorry, and your Lakers have been where exactly?![/Morgbug]


They didn't deserve to be in game 7.  The curse of Len Bias continues.
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Re: NBA 2004/05
« Reply #212 on: May 13, 2005, 07:04 PM »
Pretty pathetic to see the Wizards lose at home to Miami, without Shaq playing.  Damn, if their 3 studs can't take care of Miami's 1 stud, then they have no business even being in the playoffs.  Weak.  That means Shaq will likely sit another game and rest and recover, and then get to sit around another week while Indy and Detroit hammer away at eachother.  Way to give the big fella a whole couple weeks off Washington.  ::)

Bummer to see Phoenix lose Joe Johnson the other night.  Probably cost 'em the game too, since they only lost by two points on Dirk's clutch shot with a few seconds remaining.  The Mavs' new and rather unconventional defensive scheme and matchups seemed to put a kink in the Suns' usual offensive rhythm.  Hopefully Phoenix bounces back in Game 3 though.

And Brent, when are you going to stop using that stupid and outdated Len Bias excuse, dude?!  Is that gonna run as long as the Curse of the Bambino did, or what?  ::)

Offline JediMAC

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Re: NBA 2004/05
« Reply #213 on: May 31, 2005, 06:14 PM »
It's playoff time, so where the hell is everyone?!

Nice to see the Suns bounce back last night in San Antonio and stave off elimination.  Really sucked seeing them go down 0-3 to the Spurs.  I really think a healthy Joe Johnson would've made a difference in one of the first two games, resulting in a competitive 2-2 split right now.  Oh well.  Back to Phoenix, so hopefully the Suns can hold their home court and push a Game 6 at least, and eventually pull a Boston Red Sox miracle comeback to win the series.  But damn is Manu impressive.  That guy's seriously got to be one of the best players in the NBA, if not one of the most unknown still, for whatever reason...

Getting pissed at seeing Shaq and the Heat come back for a 2-1 lead over the Pistons too.  Brilliant timing on Larry Brown's part to be in discussion for taking over as the Cavs' team president next year.  Nice distraction for the team there, Larry.  ::)  Pistons' once formidable defense has been super sloppy the last couple games too.  Hope they pull their **** together, 'cause I'm gonna be irate if Shaq makes it to the Finals again!  >:(

Anybody still watching this stuff, or do you guys just all tune out when your teams are toast...?

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Re: NBA 2004/05
« Reply #214 on: May 31, 2005, 08:48 PM »
Didn't Larry do the same **** with Philly?

Offline Jeff

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Re: NBA 2004/05
« Reply #215 on: May 31, 2005, 10:27 PM »
Anybody still watching this stuff, or do you guys just all tune out when your teams are toast...?

Yes, when it comes to the NBA (this year especially) I'm a total "tune out" when my team is elimnated. 

I'll usually come back for Game 1-2 of the NBA Finals.  I will then stick around for the remainder of the NBA Finals if it isn't a complete blow-out after 2 games...

I just don't like the NBA enough to stick with it until the end, the NBA Playoffs are TOO LONG.  I liked it better when it was best of 5 to start...

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Offline Brian

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Re: NBA 2004/05
« Reply #216 on: June 1, 2005, 09:36 AM »
I haven't totally tuned out, but haven't necessarily been watching the entire games either.  I've been watching Phoenix play whenever they are on, but it was disappointing to see them go down 0-3 to San Antonio.  I was quite happy to see them pull a win out the other night, and I hope they can get another one tonight.  I think their chances of winning the series are slim, but at least making it competitive would be ok too.  Watching them play the great as Tim Duncan is (and he is), he sure seems to get away with a lot, and get a lot of calls.  I swear that guy travels every time he catches the ball at the top of the key at the start of their offensive setup.  Of course, maybe that is just sour grapes from a fan of the Suns ;).

I watched quite a bit of the Pistons-Heat game last night, with the Pistons winning.  It reminded me of how I greatly dislike Detroit.  I really didn't like them in their "bad boys" days, but found myself rooting for them against the Lakers last year because they seemed like such a huge underdog.  Now I don't know that I like them so much.  They get a lot of praise for their defense, sometimes deservedly so, but they have to be one of the most overly physical (read fouling nonstop) teams that I've seen play.  I guess I'm just not a fan of that type of play, and that is what bogs down the playoffs and made them boring in the past.  Those days in the 90s with the "playoff physical play" teams like Indiana, New York, and Detroit and those games with scores in the 70s.  At least it isn't that bad anymore, but they really do seem to push, hack, and slap a lot.  And, as talented as Ben Wallace is as a player (particularly defensively), he really seems to do no wrong in the eyes of the referees, announcers, etc.  I still think he deserved a little harsher punishment than he received for his role in that whole Pistons-Pacers melee.  Not that he deserved an Artest-like suspension, but his retaliation for a foul that really wasn't all that hard, is what started the whole incident in the first place.  Anyways, again, maybe more sour grapes...because I was a little disappointed in their fans' reactions in that Pacers incident, and then noticed last night them chanting "bull****" over and over after a bad foul call.  I remember fans at our games doing that high school or college....but not as grown men/women ;)  Anyways....go Suns (and Heat I suppose) :P.

As far as Larry Brown goes, it seems like the same old story.  Actually, I think it might be a mistake for Cleveland to go in his direction.  From what I have read/heard, it sounds like he would be in charge of personnel and all that, not actually coaching.  Coaching is what he does, he hasn't ever been the great player guy.  Trades a lot of guys on a whim, and has never been known for his personnel management skills.  Should be interesting, but I don't know if it is the best move for Cleveland.  Then again, it seems like most teams change coaches far too easily and too often these days anyways.  There's only a handful of teams that are championship contenders, but it seems like lots more think they are as well, and if they aren't playing to that level, it must be the coach.  Sometimes it is just plain talent of the players too.  I have heard that PJ Carliesemo (sp?) is interviewing for the Timberwolves coaching job.  That should seal Sprewell leaving town for sure :P.

Offline Scott

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Re: NBA 2004/05
« Reply #217 on: June 1, 2005, 11:57 PM »
Stick a fork in the Suns :-\

I really don't want the Spurs to win another one, makes KG look bad :-\ :-\ :-\

Offline JediMAC

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Re: NBA 2004/05
« Reply #218 on: June 2, 2005, 12:25 AM »
Stick a fork in the Suns :-\

Dammit.   :'(

I really don't want the Spurs to win another one, makes KG look bad :-\ :-\ :-\

And I don't want them to win it 'cause it makes the Lakers look bad (or at least not as impressive).  Now I'm stuck with the lesser of the 3 evils though: Shaq, a repeat by Detroit, or a 3rd by the Spurs (matching the Lakers).  ****.

Miami is my absolute MUST LOSE though.  I guess I'd prefer the Spurs now.  I dunno.  This sucks ass.

Offline Brian

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Re: NBA 2004/05
« Reply #219 on: June 2, 2005, 09:37 AM »
Disappointed seeing the Suns lose the series, but not surprised I guess.  It also helps me to lose interest a little more in the playoffs at this point, although I still enjoy watching the games.  I'm not really a big fan of any of the remaining teams, so its kind of the lesser of evils for me as well.  I suppose if I had to pick one team to win it all, I'd go for Miami, just because they are someone different/new.  Plus, like Shaq or not, D. Wade is definitely fun to watch.  Detroit and San Antonio is a toss up, but I'd probably go with SA if I had to pick one.  Just not a big fan of the Pistons I guess.  Duncan and Co. should have a nice rest now though, for whoever they play.

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Re: NBA 2004/05
« Reply #220 on: June 2, 2005, 02:26 PM »
The Phoenix run was fun while it lasted 8).

We'll heres to next year.  They better find a way to resign Joe Johnson :P.


Offline JediMAC

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Re: NBA 2004/05
« Reply #221 on: June 6, 2005, 07:52 PM »
Please God, let Detroit win.

Please God, let Detroit win.

Please God, let Detroit win.

Please God, let Detroit win.

Please God, let Detroit win.

Please God, let Detroit win.

Please God, let Detroit win.

Please God, let Detroit win.

Please God, let Detroit win.

Please God, let Detroit win.

Please God, let Detroit win.

Please God, let Detroit win.

They better find a way to resign Joe Johnson.

No doubt.  I still maintain that if Johnson was healthy and able to play those first couple games, that Phoenix wins at least one of them, and then you're looking at a different series.  Spurs are still the better team, with the greater depth, more experience, etc., but at least having Joe Johnson around would've made the series a lot more interesting, and given Phoenix a fighting chance...  :-\

Offline Jeff

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Re: NBA 2004/05
« Reply #222 on: June 7, 2005, 12:24 AM »
Please God, let Detroit win.

I guess you got your wish...

Here's to another "Who Cares?" NBA Finals!   :P
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Offline JediMAC

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Re: NBA 2004/05
« Reply #223 on: June 7, 2005, 12:01 PM »
Woohoo!  Thank you, God.  Phew!

Yeah, boring series coming up, but still a good one (from a "fundamentals" standpoint) with probably the two best teams in the NBA squaring off.  Still not sure who I'm gonna root for yet, but it'll probably be the Spurs.  Should've seen us rooting for the Pistons last night.  We were going so crazy, you'd think we were watching the Lakers playing in a Game 7 or something.  Damn, we wanted Shaq to lose BAD.  Touch and go there for a while, but stupid Miami went away from Shaq in the last couple minutes there and it cost 'em.  Good.  8)

Bummer that Wade wasn't healthy, but he admirably gave it a good go, and played decently during a couple stretches.  Obviously it would've been a different game had he been at 100%, and Miami may have taken it.  We'll never know.  I'm kinda bummed that Shaq actually had his best game of the playoffs, since I was hoping the lion's share of the blame for the loss would fall on his shoulders (maybe on some missed free throws or something).  But it's still a loss for Miama, and that's what's most important.

I loved the totally perplexed look on Shaq's face as the game ended.  Looked like he was just started to comprehend what had happened, and was completely confused about the final result.  I was hoping to hear some postgame comments from him, but it appears he refused to talk to the media afterwards.  I'm anxious to see if he's gonna start pointing fingers and saying ****, like he usually does.  It'd be stupid to rip his teammate Wade, since he was injured, but then again, Dwayne did take a fair amount of pretty bad shots throughout the game.  I'm sure Kobe's grinning from ear to ear right now though...  ;)

So, who's everyone picking to win the Finals now?  I think it's gonna be another 7 game thriller, with San Antonio barely prevailing in the end.
« Last Edit: June 7, 2005, 03:47 PM by JediMAC »

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Re: NBA 2004/05
« Reply #224 on: June 8, 2005, 12:03 PM »
I think Duncan and his boys will win in 6 with Duncan picking up another Finals MVP and really showing KG up...  :-\
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