Multimedia > Star Wars Universe

Shadows and EU

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Yeah, I see your point. My thing is though, Lucas did not come up with the ideas and they are not in a movie, he just approves them.

I also think not having a visual of what people in the EU look like detracts from the ideas of figures as well.

I would say I'm in the majority that don't  want a lot of EU...

Thomas Grey:
I just think that Mara Jade, Darktrooper, Leia Organa Solo, Spacetrooper and Grand Admiral Thrawn from EU are really nice figures. I also like Chewbacca as Snoova (I know it's a bit hokie, but it's Chewbacca). The 2-packs from SOTE are great! I just like the stuff and want more. I agree to disagree at this point.

Chris Belle:
Okay, now its my turn to weigh in on the subject of the EU.  I LOVE it!! ;D  In 3 years what are you all going to do when there are no more movies to make?  The EU has some amazing characters, Corran Horn, Mara Jade, Talon Karrde, etc.  The EU also gives you the chance to get the backstory on a lot of the major characters in the movies.  The EU is here to stay, I respect your opinions about it, and I'm sure that a lot of people don't consider it "canon", but it is all approved by Lucas himself.  Even GL has used the EU for characters and ideas, ie: Aayla Secura.  I'm out of time right now, but I'll be back.

It's funny to see how Hasbro's line tends to follow the trends in customizing.  As a particular character becomes a popular subject, it's not too long after that Hasbro releases their version.  Given that trend, I would think that the logical point for an EU figure line would be the NJO.  This series seems to be growing in popularity.  Look at all the NJO customs appearing on the web.   These books and novels are gaining a must read rep similar to, but not as broad as, the Thrawn Trilogy cult.

Personally I think the series has been hit or miss.  Some stories such as Star by Star have been riveting.  Others like Dark Journey fall flat on their face.


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