Collectibles > Saga Collection '06

Props Assortment

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Ok, this is probably something that won't happen, but how cool would it be if Hasbro started some sort of Diorama Props Assortments?

For $14.99, you get a figure (probably repacked knowing Hasbro), along with several "props" - and not just little dingy accessories, but cool stuff that is recognizable in the Star Wars universe. 

These would be a step up from the typical deluxe/ultra figures.

Here's what I mean... and there are obviously many more possibilities -

- TPM Anakin Skywalker w/ giant Pod engine, Pit Droid, spare parts, etc.

- AOTC Clone Pilot w/ Gun Pod, weapons, removable helmet, etc.

- ROTS Emperor w/ office throne chair, desk, lightsaber, red outfit w/ removable black hood, etc.

- ANH Luke Skywalker w/ moisture vaporator, farm droid, storage crates, etc.

- ESB Chewbacca w/ incinerator belt/track, Ungaught, box of C3PO parts, junk, etc.

- ROTJ C3PO w/ Ewok throne, Ewok, baby Ewok, spears, etc.

Thoughts?  Just trying to come up with something new...


That would be ******* awesome.    ;D  I would also do:

ROTS Chewie w/ wookie weapons, holographic tactical display (alternate battle and Jedi Council scenes), chair for Yoda


--- Quote from: CHEWIE on August 17, 2005, 12:34 PM ---Thoughts?  Just trying to come up with something new...


--- End quote ---

Sounds like you just invented a new name/price point for more complicated deluxe/ultra figures to me...  :P

I think the deluxe figures have been kinda hit or miss.  Some (Luke w/Bacta Chamber) were phenominal, others (Amanaman) were a waste for the price.

I'd be OK with spending $15 for a small vehicle type thing, but I really wouldn't want the deluxe type stuff to slip past the $10-12 mark.


I'd like them to do more accessory sets like this, but they should be $10, like the other two assortments were. However, these sets are usually hit and miss for Hasbro. Remember the Episode 1 sets? I don't recall them selling well. Remember the Target sets from 2002? The Endor and Death Star sets were awesome, as was the Geonosis set, but the Hoth set pegwarmed for months.

So it all really depends on the figure, accessories, and price.

Hmmm. Interesting idea. I'd buy 'em.


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