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Messages - dafoo

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Clone Wars '03-'05 / Re: What's a Bootleg Clones?
« on: July 5, 2005, 03:08 AM »
I've got these crazy figures I got from "Star Tours" in Disney world in like 1994.  A chewie, vader, and two Stormtroopers

they are rubbery and can't move at all, they just stand up with their hands down.  The chewie is an off light brown, and the stromtroopes have gray paint on the top of their helmets from the eyes up.

The have an LFL copyright for 1990 too. I've NEVER seen them other than the ones I have

Clone Wars '03-'05 / Re: What's a Bootleg Clones?
« on: July 5, 2005, 03:06 AM »
I'm an articulation fiend, so not impressed. lol

Revenge of the Sith / Re: ROTS Figure Sales (or price hikes)!
« on: July 5, 2005, 02:45 AM »
$5.24 is a pretty good price I think.  I remember the 1995 start  Wal-Mart had them at $4.76, heh.

then they went up to like $5.25. Most bitter I was about that. I think that's what spurred them to start with the stupid slides and comtech junk.  I like the idea of having a free battle droid with each figure!

Revenge of the Sith / Re: More articulation!
« on: July 5, 2005, 02:31 AM »
Hasbros already nailed a lot of stuff.

It is piecing it altogether to be the standard for the figures that is the problem.  That and the Waist piece.  The legs are always sticking out in one manner.  GI Joe waists allowed for so much freedom of movement. YOu could put the legs together so they could stand in a place, or bend them to site in ANY vehicle. That was very nice

I like most of the Articulation in the SA Clone Trooper now.  The ankles, knees (with their swivel!), wrists, elbows (also swivel), Shoulders (w/swivel), Ball and socket heads.  It is just that darn waist!

A rubber band waist section like GI Joe has, is KING!

It is perfection!!!

LEGO / Re: TRU Exclusive "Imperial Inspection" LEGO Set
« on: July 5, 2005, 02:23 AM »
Some many Legos so little money

Hey Hasbro! / Re: Soft Goods Jedi/Sith Cloak packs
« on: July 5, 2005, 02:17 AM »
yeah, there wasn't much left in the place.  Looked like they hadn't had new stock in a dozen years.

It was going out of business. kinda sad.

About the only good places to get the surprise old finds, is last year's stock of Figures that Wal-Mart happens to find in the back.

Jocasta's Reading Room / Re: This week in SW Comics.....
« on: July 5, 2005, 01:56 AM »
Wow, I need to get back into the comics, I started Empire and some of Republic, but I'm way behind.

At least I have most of the first years of DH comics.  up through like 2000.  X-wing is my favorite series...oh tales of the Jedi is up there too

The Prequel Trilogy / Re: Movies Should be able to stand alone!
« on: July 5, 2005, 01:52 AM »
He only coughs for a while and then is fine.  Clone wars shows were that came from, just a little blurb in the text scroll at the start would have been fine.

General injured by Windu alighting with the Chancellor

The Prequel Trilogy / Re: Movies Should be able to stand alone!
« on: July 4, 2005, 08:54 PM »
I'm fine with a character just being, but they have action taking place elsewhere that when you start RotS you are supposed to know.

Like Windu crushing the General's chest in Clone Wars.  If you didn't see that, the General's behavior in the movie is odd. All the gasping and coughing like he can't stand up...then blam he's all the sudden healthy and vigorous.

I wished they'd explained more definitely about Syfo Dius and Tyrannus and how that worked.  I know they let you know Dooku is Tyrannus in AotC.

Leaving things open ended from the moive for the EU to take up is fine, I don't think they should do it backwards.

As to Topps and their incessant evilness, Yeah I've got like 8 sets I'll never complete thanks to case chase cards.  I didn't even know they existed till years later.  It just isn't fun anymore.  No fun of the hunt as they just keep blind siding you with extras.

Announcements / Re: Need a Checklist?
« on: July 4, 2005, 08:44 PM »

The Prequel Trilogy / Movies Should be able to stand alone!
« on: July 3, 2005, 05:12 PM »
I noticed comments about how RotS relies on other sources to rely information that just accepted in the movie.  I completely agree. 

they never provide needed details about Greivous, Syfo Dius, or Lord Tyrannus.  They just are there and you should know about it already.

It is one thing to bring in EU elements to the movies, as long as they aren't just dropped in like a white elephant, but to rely on EU to explain things in the movies is just bad.

I'm reminded of the NJO books and how they made a couple of ebooks for it, that is then just accepted as having been known in the next real book.  Sure I hate ebooks, but I don't want to have to search around in other media and product types to find information.

Think about the trading cards too.  you can't be a completist anymore, cuz they hide promo/special/bonus cards all over the place.  In toys, games, books, mazagines.  Even Box and Case chase cards.  When they issues TWO sets of Special Edition cards (same cards with different borders) that's when I gave up collecting cards.

They just keep squeezing the turnip (us) for more cash. =(

The Prequel Trilogy / Re: Whose Side Are You On Anyway?
« on: July 3, 2005, 05:04 PM »
Well it seems how the two sides were aligned during the Prequels is well fleshed out.

The disconnect is how'd the Quarrens end up with the Empire and the Mon Cals with the Rebels.

Perhaps the mass majority of the Mon Cals had a special affinity towards the Jedi and seeing them betrayed set them towards helping the Rebellios Senators (Organa, Mothma) to bring back the republic.

And it seems the Quarren factoion that was with the Seperatists had great hatred towards the Mon Cals, so it isn't too hard to believe that they'd sell out the Surface Cities to the Empire out of spite...which in turn would greatly heighten the strife between the entire population of both sides...then Civil War?

During the Old Triology the Mon Cals are totally with the republic, while the Quarren's are relegated to 'neutral/bounty hunter under class' positions.  like Jabba the Hutt and the like.

And further, about the Mon Cal cruisers. They were talked about as having been refurbished luxury liners. Thus, there isn't a need to have them in docks above Mon Cal and under Imperial attack

anywho.  I flee for now...

The Wookiee Arcade / Re: Star Wars Strategy Game Coming
« on: July 3, 2005, 04:40 PM »
Oh I'd love a combination of Rebellion and Force commander, with the improvements.

Rebellion was great having 'tactics' for the space battles would be neat, but I'm not sure how they'd go about that.

Force Commander stunk do to the interface, it is difficult to play and the 3D camera movement can be a pain

Hey Hasbro! / Re: Soft Goods Jedi/Sith Cloak packs
« on: July 3, 2005, 04:32 PM »
Speaking of Accessory packs that don't sell, I was in a tiny town a couple of days ago and I went into their ancient "Ben Franklin" store.

Hanging there still, for 20+ years were GI Joe Accessory packs!

Other Collectibles / Re: Decipher CCG Checklist?
« on: July 3, 2005, 04:29 PM »
I'm so glad I never got into collecting the CCG sets, too much effort.

I don't think I'll ever complete my Galaxy Series 1-3 either.  Alas

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