Collecting > Star Wars Dioramas and Displays

Custom Carbonite Chamber Steps Display Stand

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I've started 3d printing some display stands. This one is carbonite chamber inspired.

THOSE ARE AWESOME.  How are you handling the lighting?  Are you planning to sell any of these?  *hint hint*

Jesse James:
I like that too.  A really nice "Bespin" display in general for figures and such from that locale...  I'd buy too.  What materials were used?

Thanks guys!
This is 3d printed plastic with an LED Strip light on the inside, you can see the cord sticking out the back in the first picture. I designed it as a modular system so I can add on to it (this is 3, ~6" sections connected).

I have always found it hard to display a large collection in a clean way so this was my solution. I did sell one of these, but it has really been a passion project to clean up my displays. If there is a demand I would consider selling more of them though.

I'm definitely interested in hearing what your pricing might be like if you were to consider selling these.


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