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Messages - jokabofe

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1:6 Scale Figures and Collectibles / Re: Favorite/Worst 12" Figure
« on: March 16, 2006, 01:15 AM »

Sorry Medicom Vader.  You don't win.

Best. Picture/Quote. Ever.

Made me laugh my ass off, which lately has been tough to do. Thanks, I needed that. I don't know which is funnier, Vader crying or the Stormtrooper consoling him... or the other Trooper looking on. You should enter that pic in some kind of photo contest or something.

1 Jun E. Rutherford New Jersey Continental Airlines Arena
3 Jun E. Rutherford New Jersey Continental Airlines Arena

Woo Hoo!! I am so there. I'm pretty sure my fan club buddy has already picked up the tix for these shows... I can't wait.

I'd have to say Darth Maul. That guys was on just about every piece of promo art from Episode 1, even though he was in the movie for about 4 minutes.

Customizing Tips and Tricks / Re: Plasti Dip???
« on: February 24, 2006, 06:21 PM »
You really shouldn't be casting anything with Plasti-Dip, IMO. This stuff is made to dip tools into, so you can coat the handle with a better gripping plastic layer. I once tried to dip a custom-made lightsaber (full size, not a 3-3/4" version)  into this crap, instead of trying to work out a better solution for a hand grip. It was ****. I ended up peeling it off a day later and throwing the can in the garbage.

Good luck if you go that route.

I know that these two busts have not come out yet, and won't be available until the summer convention season, but I have an Archangel Minibust that was available only at the New York City Comic Con that I'm looking to trade for one of these. It was limited to only 500 pieces, and I'm pretty sure I read that it is already sold out, but I'm not 100% sure about that. If you're going to the con(s) in question and want to set up a future trade, please let me know.

Revenge of the Sith / Re: ROTS Recent Purchases
« on: February 24, 2006, 12:11 AM »
I was just able to pick up Saga '06 Wave 3 (minus Scorch and Utapau Clone, of course) at Target, and then found the last Wave 2 figures I needed (Gonk, R2) at TRU for $4.99. Also scored a few of the mega packs with the 501st troops alongside Ask Aak, Gov'nr Tarkin, Meena Tills, Wookies and a few others for $8.97 each. Not bad. Now if I could just find another Vader (#13) I'd be pretty much set.

Gentle Giant / Re: Gentle Giant Busts
« on: February 21, 2006, 12:50 AM »
As if it wasn't bad enough in past years with these stupid exclusives that I never got, now I'm gonna miss out on 4 new ones this year - 2 busts and 2 bust-ups. Why do they do this? What do they have to gain by allowing people to buy these at the shows when 50% of them end up on ebay? And then people like myself have to spend $150 - $200 to get a $50 bust?

It's time like this that I want to just sell of all my stuff and give up. GG makes me sick with this crap.

Add me to the list for the busts and bust-ups if anyone gets extras  ::)

Yes, my valentine gift arrived a few days ago, or at least that's when I was able to get out of the house and go to the post office and get it. It may have been in there for a few days for all I know. But it actually included a "Razapplemagic" Wonka Fun Dip Valentine, I'll have to scan it. It's funny.

Thanks Santa Cupid :)

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: JD Pics to Names!
« on: February 21, 2006, 12:13 AM »
The newest picture of me from the last time my band played a show late last year:

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: JD and Toy Fair
« on: February 19, 2006, 12:23 AM »
All right, here it is. I'm the ******* who ****** up this site's coverage of Toy Fair this year (as well as in 2004). If you want to bitch about it to anyone, do it to me. Send me a pm. Ask for my address, so you can send me a hate package of dog ****. But it's all my fault. Don't blame anyone else. Blame me. I suck.

And for the record, the reason the other sites were able to get coverage of Toy Fair while we were not? Location. You see, being a staff member here works out well for the site, because I live in New Jersey, about a 20 minute car ride outside of Manhattan. Less than an hour by public transportation. Convenient? Sure is. 99% of those other sites had people who live outside of NYC, and flew in to town for the weekend to cover the event. They were probably staying at a hotel somewhere within walking distance of the Javits Center. So when they woke up on Sunday morning, and there was 27" of snow outside, it wasn't a big deal to them. But for me, waking up on Sunday morning and finding 27" of snow outside was a nightmare. I won't even get into the "I have a 103 fever and the flu" excuse. We'll skip over that. That's my fault.

On a normal, everyday morning, it takes about 20 minutes by bus to get from my house to Journal Square, where I can catch the PATH train over to NYC. From there it's maybe another 20 minutes by train, and I'm smack dab in the middle of NYC. On a normal day.

When I wake up and there are 27" of snow on the ground, guess what? My car is not leaving it's spot on the street. I have the absolute worst car in the snow (trust me, I've tried to drive in the snow and it sucks balls) - a 1990 Nissan 240SX. And the bus that would have taken me from my house to Journal Square wasn't running. I guess the bus company decided that since it was Sunday, and most people were off from work anyway, they weren't going to put any lives in danger by running the bus service. And you know what? It was the right choice.

And in case anyone forgot, back in 2004 was an almost identical case. Yeah, I was sick then too, but hey, that's my fault.

So yeah, maybe those other sites were able to get to the show. And yeah, maybe some of them are considered "below" us on the scale, but they showed us up at Toy Fair. Good for them. Go you.

So what it all comes down to is this: blame me. I dropped the ball. Me. No one else. Don't blamce Chris, or Jesse, or Matt, or the other guy named Jesse, or Scott, Dale, Jeff, Rob, Brad, Jared, or Thomas (who?) - it's all me. I'll be honest, I didn't read the thread. Maybe the first two or three posts. But I just didn't feel like reading them all. And if you don't like that - then **** off. No one makes you come here. If you don't like it - leave. I don't get "paid" to do this. I sure as **** won't miss you. And I'm sure you won't miss me either.

And in case you don't want to believe that "I was sick with a 103 fever and had the flu" bull****, just take a look at my current activity on this site. Over the past week and a half or so, I think I have less than 5 posts, and probably about 10 minutes spent online here. And that's just sad, because I'm usually pretty active. When I'm not hunched over the toilet puking my guts out for hours at a time, at least. This place is my home away from home, my escape. Or at least it was.


JD Sports Forum! / Re: Super Bowl XL Pittsburgh vs Seattle
« on: February 7, 2006, 11:25 PM »
But I do think it's really lame for Seahawks fans to start blaming the refs for not winning the Super Bowl.

I think it's really funny that you think that. If it was Pittsburgh on the other end of those calls, the national guard would have had to invade Pittsburgh to stop the rioting and looting in the streets.

And I continue to find it amusing how many Steelers avatars have popped up over the last two weeks. More than I've seen in the last two years. And now that number has about doubled over the last two days.

JD Sports Forum! / Re: Super Bowl XL Pittsburgh vs Seattle
« on: February 7, 2006, 11:17 AM »
Here's a great article from an unbiased point of view.

Gentle Giant / Re: Gentle Giant Busts
« on: February 6, 2006, 12:38 AM »
The more I look at them, the more they look like Bust-ups to me. Don't know why.

JD Sports Forum! / Re: Super Bowl XL Pittsburgh vs Seattle
« on: February 6, 2006, 12:16 AM »
Oh yeah, I almost forgot: calling a blocking below the knees penalty on Hasselbeck as he's trying to make a tackle?? WTF?? Just one more bad call (and another 15 yards) to add to the rest.

Like I said, I'm not saying the 'hawks played well enough to win. Even without those calls, they might have lost anyway. But you just never know. All the BS calls against them certainly had to take a little wind out of their sails, and get them down on themselves.

And not for nothing, those little tiny push offs happen routinely throughout the entire season. And they never get called. I'm sure none of the Steeler receivers pushed off at all throughout the game.

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