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Messages - Matt

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Hey, I'm a moron, and can't tell my ass from a hole in the ground, but Dave Coulier is not F'N dead!  It's a hoax!

I should know, I run the Official Dave Coulier Fan Club, so the rest of you guys can just cut-it-out and go straight-to-hell!

I don't think I need to remind you what I did to Fred "ReRun" Berry last year, do I?

Shoot, No Robotech for me :'(  I wanted to watch the "Shower Scene" :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(

Tell you what:

Stop replying to my threads.

(Except for the Share the Love thread, you can still reply to that, so I can still get the credits back)

But stop replying to my threads.


Oh, I'll Red you somethin'.

(I don't know what that means.)

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: The Amazon "Share the Love" Thread
« on: January 31, 2004, 12:54 AM »
Still waiting for my response   :'(

. . .I didn't really ever have. . .  a. . .  response.

Just. . .  just go away.  

At this point, I'd almost prefer Henrik's severed ear to yours.

Could I buy Robotech with that coupon? ???

Not after tomorrow, you can't.  



This ******' awful coupon expires 1/31!

Get while the gettin's good!


Watto's Junk Yard / Re: The Amazon "Share the Love" Thread
« on: January 30, 2004, 03:37 PM »
Might join you on the Rainman Special Edition there.  Lemme take a looksee around Amazon to see if there's anything else worth ordering to get the free shipping...  I'll get back to you in a day or so!

Well, whenever you guys "decide", either shoot me a PM or post here in this thread with your e-mail addresses that you use for your Amazon account, and then I can order the junk and get you the hook up.

Alright, what the hell.  Sign me up for Rainman SE!  Hopefully you didn't place your other order already.  I'm pretty sure my Amazon account is under

'Kay.  Sent love to you both on the LIT and Rain Man DVDs (and actually, American Splendor too, I think).  Whatever.  

But I'm only doing this because I had a weird dream with you in it last night Virex.  We were playing 2-man Beach Volleyball together, but unfortunately I still never really saw what you looked like.  BTW, you were a pretty crappy player and we lost.  Thanks.   >:(

You can be my wingman anytime.

I think this love sharing nonsense is really starting to mess with my head...   ::)

Welcome to the party, pal. . .

Good news though, 2 more days of January which means a new Suncoast Coupon is about to be unleashed!

Thanks for reminding me.

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: The Amazon "Share the Love" Thread
« on: January 30, 2004, 10:34 AM »
Po'V I'll buy Lost in Translation


I'll order it today during my lunch hour.  The Hotmail address, yeah?

(And jjks--I'll respond to you a little later.)


Watto's Junk Yard / Re: The Amazon "Share the Love" Thread
« on: January 29, 2004, 10:27 PM »
Keep your love to yourself there, plushy-Boy.  :)

Prefer to be called a "Furry".  Thanks.

Seriously though, I got this stupid ad the other day when I was buying a Weird Al CD on amazon for my nephew (who is surprisingly enjoying the musical stylings of someone considered old school by people my age).
I sat there and thought to myself "Who could I possibly interest in this discount?"

In the future, I know which thread to visit.

This, I think, could almost be construed as an insult.


Anyway, yeah, there's a couple of other things I need to order from Amazon (an Aimee Mann CD and a Sonic Youth CD), but I haven't listed them here yet, because I don't really think that anyone here would be interested in those particular items.

I will admit, though, that I stole got this idea from the DVD Talk forums, where they have an entire section set up for Share the Love requests.  

Like, someone would start a thread called "Want to Share the Love on Schindler's List DVD", and then people will post their e-mail addresses, in the hopes that someone buying the Schindler's List DVD will add their e-mail addresses to their STL thing when they order.

Here's their section, if anyone wants to check it out and get an idea of what I'm trying to do here:

DVD Talk Forum - Share the Love

Or, if you guys would rather I go blow a goat, that's fine, too.

Not a lot else to do here in the great state of Oklahoma.

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: The Amazon "Share the Love" Thread
« on: January 29, 2004, 09:36 PM »
I might be interested in Lost In Translation Po'V

Might join you on the Rainman Special Edition there.  Lemme take a looksee around Amazon to see if there's anything else worth ordering to get the free shipping...  I'll get back to you in a day or so!

Well, whenever you guys "decide", either shoot me a PM or post here in this thread with your e-mail addresses that you use for your Amazon account, and then I can order the junk and get you the hook up.

Hoping to order this stuff by Saturday or so, so I can maybe get it by next weekend (hopefully).

I love you both.

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: The Amazon "Share the Love" Thread
« on: January 29, 2004, 10:10 AM »
Would the STL items get shipped to you, and you'd have to then send them to us, or would all the items get shipped to the correct respective recipients?  If the latter, is it a shipping free kinda thing, or is there a shipping charge to tack on as well?

No--I think basically, the STL recipient gets an e-mail that says something to the effect of "so-and-so person has Shared the Love with you on so-and-so product", and then the recipient would go to Amazon and would check the STL section of their account, and then that product would be there to order, just like normal.  And if that's done within a week of the original STL deal, then the recipient gets the 10% off the item, and the STL giver automatically gets a credit on thier account in the amount of the discount (like the example above--if I bought a $15 DVD, and STL with you on it, you'd be able to buy it for $13.50, and then I'd get a credit for $1.50 on my account after that).

The way I tell it, it probably sounds really confusing, but I first shared the love with Scott (wink, wink) a couple of weeks ago, and it worked great.

It's really a pretty cool deal, which does benefit everybody--the getter saves the 10%, and the giver gets the credit.

And as for the shipping--it's just like a regular order, it comes directly to you.  And I'm pretty sure Amazon is still doing their free shipping on orders over $25 thing--so as long as your total is over $25, you'd get free shipping.  

Like I mentioned, you can check Amazon for more details on it if you want.  I just quoted a small portion of their STL details page, but there's a bunch more there about it.

Watto's Junk Yard / The Amazon "Share the Love" Thread
« on: January 29, 2004, 03:32 AM »
So, do you guys know about the Share the Love deal at Amazon?  If not, here's a brief synopsis:

Each time you place an order for books, music, DVDs, or videos with us, we'll offer you the chance to e-mail your friends and give them an additional 10% off the items you bought. (You select which items, of course.) If any of those people purchases one of those items within a week, you'll receive a credit to use the next time you shop with us! Your credit will equal the dollar amount of your friend's 10% discount. Let's say you bought a CD for $15 and decided to Share the Love with a friend on that purchase. Your friend would be able to buy the same CD for $13.50. You would receive a credit for $1.50 (the difference) to use any time in the next 30 days. You are eligible to receive one credit per item shared.

You can visit Amazon for more details.

Anyway, I'm getting ready to order some DVDs from Amazon, and figured I'd see if anyone else would be interested in sharing the virtual love on them.  It's a fairly good deal they've got going, which benefits both parties.

So here's what I'm going to order, and if you're interested in doing the STL thing on the same titles, just post a reply in this thread with your e-mail address and what title you're wanting the STL discount on, and I'll hook you up when I order them in a day or two.

  • American Splendor (currently $19.56 before STL)
  • Lost in Translation (widescreen) ($18.89 before STL)
  • Rain Man: Special Edition ($13.99 before STL)
And, like mentioned above, you'll get 10% off those prices with the STL discount applied.

And, by all means, if any of you guys have any other titles you are buying that you want to STL on, feel free to list them here.

(Aside to jjks:  "Share the Love" is just a figure of speech--not literal.  Thanks.)

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: 2004 DVD Release List
« on: January 27, 2004, 12:31 AM »
Timeline--that came out around Thanksgiving, no?  Based off the typical six-month window, that would put it around May sometime, probably.  And generally, the studios will announce their DVDs around two-to-three months before their release date.  (They're just now announcing the stuff for late March to early/mid-April).

So, I'll say somewhere around mid-April to mid-May, and, just for sh!ts and giggles, I'll say April 27th--and when they announce it, we'll see how close I was.


Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Ye Olde Nintendo
« on: January 26, 2004, 03:39 PM »
Oh, and according to the new, sh!tty Nintendo Power, the original Metroid is also included in the new Metroid: Zero Mission game, too, once the new game is completed.

So yeah, several ways to play that old game through your new GBA or 'Cube. . .

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