Author Topic: 2024: What Are You Collecting?  (Read 211508 times)

Offline David

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Re: 2007: What Are You Collecting?
« Reply #90 on: December 28, 2006, 03:54 PM »
i planned to budget in 2007 as far as SW goes, for my completist-ness this year in the basic line has been very expensive for me...but so far from what has been revealed in 07 i have seen no reason to budget! looks great.

i may also pick up some POTC2/3's here and there.
David Delgado
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Offline Morgbug

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Re: 2007: What Are You Collecting?
« Reply #91 on: December 28, 2006, 05:15 PM »
Well, I'm not really sure what to do.  I've fulfilled the desires for a lot of the things I want, completing some sub-portions of lines I wanted.  A couple of weeks without buying toys was fairly enlightening, the bank account went up instead of down :o  Weird ass concept that. 

I know I'll be applying a theory that a collecting friend locally has used for a number of years: buy it later.  The guy only collects Hasbro figures, but waits until he get can them lower than retail.  I've done this on occasion but the impulsive, gotta have it now side wins out too frequently.  But in observing ebay for several years now I've made an observation of a trend we all know about: 95% of things drop in price with time, the bulk below retail.  On occasion you'll be burned and badly at that, but more often than not patience is a virtue.  So I'll wait on lots of stuff.

Star Wars:

 - I'll pick up 3 3/4" figures as I see what I want.  I'm tempted by the coins to be honest, but I know down the road I'll get hosed on some exclusive somewhere that's impossible to get or just outrageously expensive.  I'm not sure what all I'll opt in on (comic packs; order 66 stuff, etc.) but I'm more selective and no longer a completeist so I'm not very concerned about it. 

 - Ships and beasts are unlikely to enter my collection, unless they come at a clearance price or are something I really want.  I started this trend with ROTS and will be moving a number of ships/beasts out of my collection (as well as figures) as time goes by in 2007.  They're cool and all, but that need can largely be served in much smaller scale by the titanium ships.

 - Titanium ships - speaking of which, I'll gather these selectively as I have in the past.  No real urgency on them and I won't be buying any of the figures.

 - Galactic heroes - selectively, if at all.  Mostly bought them for my daughter but she seldom touches them now

 - Sideshow - I have the Luke/Yoda statue on order, but will likely cancel.  I'll probably get the Fett though.  I wanted Vader/Ben and got them but thankfully, after watching ebay, I didn't spring for the first Luke or Han who can both be had for just over $100 these days.  I'll also snag any superdeformed OT figures I like, but I'm feeling pretty set with these right now.

 - Kubricks - just star wars as best I can manage a loose collection of the big and little guys.  If they go PT though, I'll be dropping back significantly.  Depending on the character I may opt in, but PT stuff would likely mean the end of my case ordering.  I'll pick up the Frankenberry Kubrick too.

 - Gentle Giant - mini busts that fit under the Imperial side of things with some deviation like Old Ben.  If edition sizes are particularly large though I won't preorder it because I firmly believe that anything 10K and up can be had on ebay for $20-30.  I might have enough clones now, so may skip some of those.
I'll do whatever statues or maquettes I like but those needs are largely filled for me already. 
GG has indicated the bustups are undergoing some sort of change, so whether I continue with these or not is up in the air until they reveal the change.  I really like them and think they are well done currently. 

 - Master Replicas - the newly announced helmets are sorely tempting.  I love their stuff, but it's out of my price range once you get into blasters, hilts and vehicles.  I have all the FX I want, save Maul. 

 - Code 3 - I still need the ROTJ sculpted poster and I've developed a fondness for the vehicles too.  But they are pricey.

 - vintage - I'd like to move into carded stuff, but the market is way too 'up' for me right now.  I can wait and pass if need be.  I'll likely only opt to fill out the mini-rigs and beasts for now.  Vehicles (MIB) are tempting too.  No urgency here though given my loose collection is complete.  I do need an original theater ESB poster though.  I have two Star Wars original theater posters now (one is the 2 weeks only re-release) and the two original Jedi posters.  My only ESB poster is the re-release that preceded Jedi so I'd like to get an original.  Naturally I'd prefer the advance one sheet but would be fine with either regular one sheet (preferring the Gone with the Wind style).  That would give me six posters for the basement when it's finished.

Other Toy lines:
McFarlane - predominantly hockey but only selectively so.  I can't think of too many players I want from the other three major sports unless they do a Kirby Puckett.  If I buy five McFarlane figures for myself this year I'd be surprised.  An occasional cartoon (HB) figure may slip in too.  Simpson's figures that are Homer based are likely.

Star Trek - the mini/titanium ships are tempting, but only if they show locally and I can put my hands on them.  Otherwise my collection is as complete as need be. 

Buffy - whatever tickles my fancy.  I'm no completeist and I like some of the Mac stuff better than the new stuff anyway, so I might back fill but this might mean five figures at most in the next year. 

DC Direct
- whatever tickles my fancy.  This holds for all the DC lines.  I'm just trying to get a single figure of the characters I like, though I confess a weakness for Catwoman figures. For the first time though I can see myself buying more DC than Marvel figures....

Marvel Legends/Spiderman Classics - what I like and that's about it.  I like the BAF concept but I'm tired of buying figures I don't want to build a figure I might not really need.  I managed to break through with series 13(?) so I'm ok skipping stuff.  Hasbro makes me nervous with the line too and that's been proven with some funky-ass paint jobs that do nothing for me.  SC has always been selective and will continue to be so. 

Hot Wheels - shame on me, I know.  But I'll grab Mustangs/Camaros/Firebirds that I happen to like and THs I find (all 3 I find each year).

Family Guy - whatever I like.  There's a new Death and I believe another Stewie coming, so I'll opt in on those.  I think I'm only missing the original release for Stewie (of all the Stewie figures that is) and the Death skull version, otherwise nothing I want and I can live without that Stewie easily. 

Lines that I have in storage that I'm thinking about selling:
-The Simpsons: World of Springfield

Line I am Sorely Tempted By:
-DC Direct

You'll regret selling the Simpsons down the road.

I wish I'd never bought any of the LOTR stuff or if I did, it had been the smaller scale stuff, whatever it's called. 

You should give in on the DC direct stuff, it rocks.
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Offline Brian

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Re: 2007: What Are You Collecting?
« Reply #92 on: January 26, 2007, 10:57 AM »
Well, I just as well update this now for 2007 - especially after seeing some of the SW and Joe stuff this week.

Lines I'm Collecting

Star Wars

Hasbro 3 3/4" Figures - Not a completist, but from what we've seen so far of the first 4 waves, and vintage figures, I might be this year.  OT Vehicles/Beasts that I've missed, selective here as well.  Battle Packs and the like will be on a case by case basis.  I'd also like to continue to work towards completing my vintage collection, but that continues to get put on the back burner.

Galactic Heroes - I've been picking up the OT based packs, and a few PT ones, and will likely continue the OT ones in some capacity.  Especially with a wee one on the way later this year, its another excuse to keep buying these.

Other stuff - Not much.  I like the GG mini busts, but might not have the budget for them.  I'd still like to get a Luke FX saber eventually too.  Unleashed 7" really seems to be on its last leg (if you'd call it that), so those are likely done.  With the great product in the basic line (and "other" lines), there might not be much budget for this type of stuff for me.

Other Lines

Marvel - Spidey and Legends, although I'm thinking (and in some ways, hoping) that Legends will be wrapping up for me soon.  Just a few figures here and there.  I'll probably pick up some of the Spidey movie stuff, and any new villains that come about if the 6" scale "classics/origins" line continues.  If the scale changes, I'm likely out.

G.I. Joe - I thought I had left this line in my childhood, but I think this 25th Anniversary collection will finally get me back in.  The figures shown so far look great, and I think (hope) I could limit it to those and leave it at that.  The fact that I want to start these means that something else (Marvel/DC/higher end/etc.) will likely have to be cut back though.

DC - I like the DC Superheroes figures, but again, its a matter of budget.  I have to prioritize these "other" lines, since Star Wars (even just the basic line) costs enough on its own.  I might pick up a few figures here and there, or I might just have to abandon these from here on out.  We'll see.  Depends on how much Marvel stuff I'll be buying, and the price of the Joe line.

Offline Brian

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Re: 2007: What Are You Collecting?
« Reply #93 on: April 5, 2007, 02:27 PM »
Looking at my last post, I thought I was being conservative with my choices/spending this year, but my spreadsheet shows I'm nearing $450 for the year, and its only April.  Its hard for me to cut out certain lines, but it is really looking like I'm going to have to.  The Mrs. wants me to spend 1/2 as much as 2006, and at the rate I'm going, that's not going to happen - and it really should.  Here's my updating thinking:

Star Wars
*3 3/4" Basic Line - Figures, Vintage (VTAC and true vintage figures), selective BPs/exclusives, OT vehicles/beasts (only 3 or 4 left that I don't already have)
*Galactic Heroes - OT 2 packs, selective PT ones
*Titanium 3" ships - I've recently picked up a couple more of these, and I do like them.  What I like even more is the ability to display these much easier.  I see what Brent was talking about in his earlier post - these can serve the vehicle niche nicely - but I personally don't know that I could get rid of the Hasbro vehicles.

*Marvel - Legends is becoming more selective, and Spidey is in a different scale right now.  I think I've picked up the movie Spidey stuff I want already.  From here on out it might not be much (couple figures per wave at most), and I'm waiting to see if the Spidey and F4 BAF wave rumors pan out.  I'd be interested in both of those, most likely. Otherwise, maybe things will be wrapping up.  I've picked up some of those Superhero Squad (Galactic Heroesque) packs as well.
*GI Joe - I still want the 25th anniversary stuff, or at least some of it.  I've got the two five packs preordered, and the price is decent, so we'll see from there.
*DC Superheroes - I have been picking these up, and had hoped to get more of the Batman-related villains/etc.  This is one line that is teetering on the edge with me of getting cut - but at the same time, I don't buy much of it.  If it ever expanded to include more of the JLA, I'd probably pick up some more though.

It doesn't seem like much overall to me, but it sure is adding up quickly.  I try to stick to the "cheaper" lines, but there is just so much stuff out this year, it doesn't seem to matter.  I'd still enjoy to get more of the higher end stuff (FX sabers, Mini busts, and the OT Animated statues in particular), but it just doesn't look like its going to happen much if at all this year.  Anyways - another long post - but maybe its just me, but it just seems like this stuff adds up quickly, and I'm starting to wonder how much is too much.  I could help myself out a lot but just specializing.  Something similar to what Jeff does - just Star Wars and a little Green Lantern stuff.  If I could do the same with SW and Spider-Man (which I'm close to doing), it would probably help some.  Sometimes I miss the old, slower release days :P.  Forty figures or less each year, and I could probably keep up much easier.
« Last Edit: April 5, 2007, 03:56 PM by Brian »

Offline Morgbug

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Re: 2007: What Are You Collecting?
« Reply #94 on: April 5, 2007, 03:28 PM »
Not much has changed for me.

Hasbro is still a 'get it if I like it' sort of situation.  I buy about 60% of the 3.75" figures now.  Titanium ships are as I like; the price and size is right.  Galactic heroes are in when I can find them, online or at retail.  Ships and rehashed battle packs and beasts are done from the modern line.  I'm getting rid of what I do have for those, which is quite a lot of space freed up. 

Sideshow is down to not much.  I canned Fett and didn't snag the deformed royal guard.  Space is the first issue and price is the second as the deformed figures always get cheaper.  I do have the Maul ordered (1/4 scale) and plan on getting it.

Kubricks are SW only and I'm pretty much up to date right now.  What I'm missing is ordered or on the way and I have all the stuff I want, so cash outlay here is pretty low.

Acme archives - I shouldn't have started this, but at least the older stuff is coming down in price.  I may never actually finish out the clone wars stuff, but I'll try and keep up with the OT stuff.

Gentle Giant - mini-busts for the most part, plus OT maquettes.  Bustups will depend on what they do with them going forward.  I don't mind the mini-dioramas, but we'll see.

Master Replicas - will see about the scaled helmets and maybe opt in for the stormtrooper full size helmet.  Doubtful though.  Interesting to see they are teaming up with Acme to produce more artwork, but I'm pretty sure I don't want in on this, even if it is nice.

Code 3 - right where I was before, so no progress.  Still want that ROTJ sculpted poster.

Other stuff:
All depends on what it is.  I'd like to keep getting DC stuff, but like the Marvel Legends stuff I'm to the point where there's little left that I'm really wanting to see (a good Flash would be nice).  Buffy - nothing of late.  Simpsons, I did snag the McF Homer versions to keep up with those.  Trek, nada lately, but always tempting.  Family Guy - new Stewie and Death figures coming, plus bionic Peter ;D

Overall I've really, really slowed down (for me) in spending and gathering crap.  It's not as though I need stuff at all, but it's nice and weird at the same time to go days without buying something.  Dear God, I'm turning into an adult :'(

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Re: 2007: What Are You Collecting?
« Reply #95 on: April 6, 2007, 08:28 AM »
I feel like i am collecting more this year and still talking myself out of certain items.

Hasbro 3 3/4 figures - This year I am getting them all compared to last year which was just new figures. I want all the coins so it is a must. I will also be focusing on the UGH becuase i want the gold coins.

Gentle Giant - I doing the Classic Maquettes, planned on getting them all but passed on Luke. I am still entertainingthe idea of buying a few busts.  :o

Sideshow - Pretty much doing all of the 12 inch stuff and loving it.

Kubricks - pretty much only the Star Wars stuff, if they ever do anothe rMarvel wave i will be into those. Contemplating the spawn figures.

Hot Toys - I have the Power Loader lined up and some other things like the T2 Skeleton.

Medicom - I am doing the Marvel RAH figures but pretty much the Spider-Man based ones / or loosely connected to him. I am staying away from the X-men ones.

Marvel Legends - I am still unsure what I am going to do here. I am still buying them but don't know if i will be buying all in each wave for the BAF. I will be buying some of the Legendary Comic Heroes as well as the Independant Comic figures.

Minimates - Still doing the Marvel minimates, picking a few of the DC ones.
« Last Edit: April 6, 2007, 08:29 AM by evenflow »
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Offline Brian

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Re: 2007: What Are You Collecting?
« Reply #96 on: May 29, 2007, 11:05 AM »
Man, looking at all of the product announced/shown this weekend at C4 and online, its going to be enough time/money to keep up with the basic Star Wars line alone for me.  I'm really going to have to consider going forward if I'm going to collect any "other" lines, as Star Wars is just putting out so much stuff (and most of it good).  Just looking at things again:

Star Wars
-Basic line (60+ figures), VTSC figures, some vehicles/beasts, exclusives (14 figure EE pack, McQuarries), etc.
-Comic Packs (15-18 of these now too, including exclusives)
-Galactic Heroes (this line seems to be expanding as well, and going with more Cinema Scenes)

Other Lines
Marvel - I'll still collect a few here and there I'm sure, but I might have to start dropping this to some extent - which is ok, since I'm pretty happy with what I've got.  Any future purchases might have to be limited to Spidey's world, the Inhumans/other F4, or significant improvements of past figures I might not already have (Doom, etc.).

G.I. Joe - I want to collect the 25th Anniversary line, and plan to do that.  They aren't too expensive the way it sounds, and we'll see how far it goes beyond these.  If there were vehicles, they would be tempting too, but I barely have room for the Star Wars ones now.

DC - I had been collecting DC Superheroes, but I might have to stop with these.  If they ever get the license to do the entire DCU, I'd likely pick up a few more, and it will be tough to pass on some of the Batman baddies coming later this year.  Something has to go though, and this has the lowest priority for me right now.

Anyways, just an expensive year for just the basic line alone.  I had hoped to use some money to get a few higher end things, but I don't know if that will happen or not.  This has to be the biggest non-movie year we've seen, even rivaling some of the movie years for Star Wars.
« Last Edit: May 29, 2007, 01:28 PM by Brian »

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Re: 2007: What Are You Collecting?
« Reply #97 on: May 29, 2007, 01:56 PM »
I intended to limit myself this year but it has NOT been an easy task. So far i've been into:

- Kubricks/Bearbricks: I've been catching up on the 400% collection while waiting for word of new SW pieces. However, I have cut back alot and sold all my SW exclusives and chases in an effort to stick solely to the basic sets... As for non-SW, i'm eyeing the new Spawn and Alien sets as well as Bearbrick series 13 and any new 400% pieces that catch my eye...

- Star Wars: I've set a goal for the McQuarrie figs and a few basic figures. The coins have also really caught my eye and i'm hoping to get as many as possible...

- South Park: With my recent addition of Tooth Fairy Cartman, i've managed to get all the Cartman's up to date. I plan on keeping this up as long as they keep making them...

- Family Guy: With so much other stuff on my plate, i've failed to pick up the last series but the character selection is getting weak. I've decided to only get new figures and Peter variants. I don't think this line is going to go on much longer...

- Hellboy: The new animated movies have breathed some life into this license. I really only collect HB himself so i've picked up the Bust Ups and i'm waiting for the GG animated figures later this year. I might even cave and get the Mini-busts...

- Futurama: Now HERE is the line i've been waiting for. They're supposed to hit later this month. I'm going to try and complete the set with all the exclusives...

- G.I. Joe: The 25th line is looking sharp. As for now, I have the 2 box sets on order and plan on getting the carded Cobra Commander...

- Hot Wheels: BATMOBILES! The 1/18th and 1/24th scale drop later this year, they will be mine... After much thought, i'm trying to nail the whole Treasure Hunt set. I've had some great luck this year and might be able to make this a reality for once. As for the basic line, the cars are getting nicer and nicer and i'm finding it harder and harder to resist them...

As you can see, i'm not doing so well in the cutting back... :P

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Re: 2007: What Are You Collecting?
« Reply #98 on: May 29, 2007, 02:28 PM »

- Futurama: Now HERE is the line i've been waiting for. They're supposed to hit later this month. I'm going to try and complete the set with all the exclusives...

Is this just a general release with some exclusive tie ins or is the entire line exclusives??  I've loved that show since the first episode and I still catch the reruns everynight.  Do you have a linky you could point me to?

I dabbled in South Park, but left it behind.  Never started on Family Guy either but those are my other two favorite cartoons.
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Re: 2007: What Are You Collecting?
« Reply #99 on: May 30, 2007, 10:05 AM »

- Futurama: Now HERE is the line i've been waiting for. They're supposed to hit later this month. I'm going to try and complete the set with all the exclusives...

Is this just a general release with some exclusive tie ins or is the entire line exclusives??  I've loved that show since the first episode and I still catch the reruns everynight.  Do you have a linky you could point me to?

I dabbled in South Park, but left it behind.  Never started on Family Guy either but those are my other two favorite cartoons.

The Futurama is going to be a wide release by Toynami. The first wave sometime in June will have Fry and Zoidberg. There will be 2 more waves (Leela/Zapp & Bender/Kif) and all will come with parts for a BAF Robot Devil. I'm hoping if this does will that it will go beyond that. As for exclusives, at last years SDCC they did a Golden Bender and this year it will Mating Zoidberg. Here are some articles:

As for SP, it's really hard to resist this line. Mezco has done such a great job with it and the character selection has been good. For fear of going broke i'm only collecting the Cartmans. With Family Guy, it's half my wife's collection. She's a HUGE fan of the show and likes collecting these...
« Last Edit: May 30, 2007, 10:07 AM by Madcow »

Offline Brian

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Re: 2007: What Are You Collecting?
« Reply #100 on: July 31, 2007, 04:07 PM »
Well, after looking at all of the stuff at Comic Con over the weekend, I thought it was time for me to try and figure out what I'm collecting this year (and next).  I guess this is probably looking more towards 2008, but as everything is fresh in my mind now, I thought I'd try to get a list of things.  There are so many great products out and on the way, its hard to know where to cut things off.  I guess I'll list everything I'm interested in, somewhat in order of importance/priority:

Definitely Collecting
Star Wars 3 3/4" - Basic line, Evolutions, Comic Packs, some Battle Packs/Vehicles/Beasts

Indiana Jones 3 3/4" - After seeing the preview this weekend, I'm all in on this one.  If the line doesn't get too crazy with action features (or too expensive), I think I'll try to be complete with these.  I've looked forward to a line like this for awhile.

Star Wars Galactic Heroes/Indiana Jones Adventure Heroes - Likely to continue here as well, unless it becomes heavy with EU figures (after the main saga characters are done), or if they get crazy with the battle packs with one new figure.

Marvel Legends - Looks like I have a fair amount to buy this year with the F4/Spidey/Series 3 waves.  Beyond that, we'll see.  I'll probably continue to pick and choose, although I sort of hope that things will be dying down a little bit here.

G.I. Joe 25th Anniversary - I've been collecting this line so far, and hope to continue.  I suppose once it gets out of the realm of what I remember/liked from my childhood, I'll probably phase it out.  Again, just because there is so much stuff out there these days to collect.  I'm definitely in on these for the rest of this year though - we'll see what is up for next year.  I really like this line.

Other Lines I'm Interested In

DC Universe Classics - Now that it is expanded to the whole DCU, its even more exciting.  I'll definitely continue to pick up Batman-related characters, and I'll likely pick up the Justice League characters as well.  I could see going all out with this line, but it depends how much is being spent elsewhere.  Just too much stuff out there these days.

Transformers - I'm on the fence here, but I've picked up a couple Classics and movie Transformers and I do like them.  I've given thought to picking up one or two more movie figures and being done, or to continuing with the Classics line instead.  Those are really nostalgic.

In a perfect world, it would be nice to have the funds and space to collect/display all of these lines.  But, I'm really going to have to take a look at each line and see what will work out best.  To me, the Star Wars basic line has really been good this year (although a little tough to find at times), and it looks like that should continue next year.  The Indiana Jones line is something I've really been looking forward to, and I'm glad its happening in the "Star Wars style".  Marvel's the next big one for me, but I'm getting to the point where I'm pretty happy with what I have - particularly by the end of the year.  I really like the 25th Ann. Joe line, and at one time thought of being complete with it, but we'll see how far its going to go.  I don't think I'll be picking up any characters that I don't know/remember, and stick to what I remember from the childhood days.  To me, the DCU line looks great, but I don't know how much room I have left to display more.  I'll definitely collect some of it, but it depends on other factors how far I go into that line.  Transformers are great too, but probably the lowest priority out of these lines, so it might have to be the one to go.  I'd be pretty selective regardless.  Anyways, long post, but I just wanted to get a list made up of what was on the way that I was interested in.  Time to make some tough choices, or get a second job :).
« Last Edit: July 31, 2007, 04:41 PM by Brian »

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Re: 2007: What Are You Collecting?
« Reply #101 on: July 31, 2007, 06:00 PM »
Outside of the Indiana Jones line I didn't see a whole lot from SDCC that screamed "BUY ME!"  Sideshow and Gentle Giant were light on announcements, Acme showed off their new "Revealed" line of art and that was about it.

For 2008 I'll still be collecting Star Wars from Hasbro, GG, Sideshow and Acme.  I'll go back to my pre-2007 stance of only buying new characters or figures that are significant upgrades to previous versions in the toy line.  I've always only bought figures and busts I liked from Sideshow and GG so that won't change. 

As far as Hasbro goes, I was disappointed to see the Evolutions line come but since they put two of my most wanted figures (SA Qui-Gon and Jango) in them I'll pick them up.  I have a feeling that I'll be passing on even more stuff than I did last year, though, until the Clone Wars line comes out.  Have to wait till Toy Fair to see what's coming in that line.

I loved the Indy figures shown.  I'll probably pick up all the ones shown at SDCC with, maybe, the exception of the Indy with action feature.  I may also be in for the 12" Hasbro Indy for the accessories but I'll definitely be in for a Raiders 1:6 Indy from Sideshow.  I don't see going very deep in that line, unless it's really small, but I want the figures that I mentioned in the Indy thread like a Short Round, Willie and Dr. Henry Jones.  No Adventure Heroes or other peripheral stuff, though.

Transformers is a fun line and I love the two movie vehicles I've picked up so far, Ironhide and Barricade, but after the deluxe concept Bumblebee I'll be done with that.

GI Joe looks to be releasing some awesome figures but after the early hype, I've cooled on them.  It's money I don't think I want to spend but I may change my mind when (if?) I start seeing them on store shelves.  I'll probably have to have Snake Eyes and Scarlett so that's at least one of the 5-packs.  Other than that?  I don't know...that Firefly shown at SDCC looks great and he's one of my favorite characters so...

While I gawk at some of the other stuff out there like Justice League, Ben 10, some of the Marvel Legends and even a Lego set or two, I don't see myself adding any new lines to my collecting list this year or next.

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Re: 2007: What Are You Collecting?
« Reply #102 on: July 31, 2007, 10:24 PM »
What I'm buyining in '07:

Any ships and figures in the 3 & 3/4" line.  Generally one to open and one in the package.  Ships I buy just one of and keep them in the package.  I have been troop building for a while, but will likely hold back on some of that based on what is coming out/increased prices.

I've picked up the core figures and cheaper variations through Wave 7, but not sure how many more of these I'm going to buy.  I expected to get the Exclusive 5 pack with Snowtrooper from BBTS, so when they didn't come through, that sort of killed this line for me.  That and the future waves consisting of prequel figs has me avoiding this line for the forseeable future.

I pick up pretty much all versions of the Avengers figures, which is a nice way to just get one or two of each fig from each line.  I already have a custom Black Knight that's better than the Wave 3 one in my opinion (and has his flying horse), so I'm set on these for a while.  Wave 4 has Tigra, but I just got a great custom of her as well.  I might get a few of the FF & hulk figures - I think most of these look pretty cool.  Valkrye and Invisible Woman are the two I'm most looking forward to.

I mainly just buy the Alternators, which a couple of the TFormers Classics figs.  The classics bumblebee fits well with the bigger alternators in bot mode, so I got him and cliffjumper.  Not sure if I'll get the next wave of these, but they look good from the picks.

I'll pick up one or two of these depending on what else comes out, but rarely is it a planned purchase with these figs.  Too far behind in articulation for me.

I think that's enough to put me into significant debt over the next year or two.   ;)
Climbed a mountain & never came back. I will not quit & I always fight back 
From this moment for all my life. What could I say? Was born to be this way. And what could I say?  Just livin' for today

Offline JangoTat

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Re: 2007: What Are You Collecting?
« Reply #103 on: July 31, 2007, 10:34 PM »
i got with only Starwars. picking up just about anything that fits in the basic figure line. i liked the unleashed stuff but thats gone now.

besides Star Wars i usually pick up some iconic characters from favourite tv shows and movies. but i never get into the full series of the items. i almost did with the pirates toys but their lack of articualtion finally got to me.

i also collect various Disney items. because heck if i wasnt watching star wars when i was a kid (and by that i mean like 8 years ago :) ) i was watching Disney movies with my sister. every now and then I'll buy the odd thing or two at the Disney store if its on clearance. Right now im waiting for the Nightmare before Christmas stuff to go down in price. It has been one of my favourite christmas movie for a long time...since before Blink 182 made it a "punk rock thing"  >:(
School has been on strike all month. so much for the summer job I was hoping to get D:

Offline Brian

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Re: 2007: What Are You Collecting?
« Reply #104 on: September 5, 2007, 03:58 PM »
It might just be me, but it has seemed like the "other toy lines" forums have been a little slower lately?  Just curious if that was because people were dropping lines, if Star Wars has been more than enough to keep up with so things are on the backburner a bit, or is there simply not much out there to collect right now?

I guess, aside from some 25th Ann. G.I. Joe stuff, I haven't seen a whole lot else from the "other" lines I pay attention to.  I was just curious if this is what a lot of people are experiencing, or are you just re-evaluating what you are collecting right now.  I know (and I've said it many times) with the breakneck pace of Star Wars stuff we've seen the past year+, I've had to really take a look at what else I can afford to collect.  I think, after this year finishes up, it might just be DC Universe Classics and Indiana Jones (when it is released).  I'll always pick up Marvel figures here and there, but I think I should be largely done with that line by the end of 07.  I'll always grab Spidey stuff, but I'm getting pretty happy with the rest of the "universe" that has been created.  Anyways, just wondering what other people's thoughts are - it seems slower than usual in this forum.
« Last Edit: October 15, 2007, 04:10 PM by Brian »