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Messages - JediJman

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Well, this is a no-brainer from a marketing perspective.  It was just a matter of time before they figured out that the collecting community would shell out big bucks for carded figures hidden inside of something much more expensive.  At $105, you'd have to sell 7x TVC carded Merrick's to equal one X-Wing sale.  As several people here stated, no one needs another X-Wing, so they're tying in more shelf presence, a big ticket item for the holidays, and more overall profit for the brand. Offering this in any other form or separately at a later date just dilutes sales of other future releases. 

I'll buy one for a Merrick, but I'll definitely watch for repacks and wait for a sale.  I wish they would go back to those little transparent windows on the box so you could see the figure inside.

I like these, but I don't love them. I want them, but I don't want to have to overpay or stress about tracking them down.  If they were $10 a pop and easy to find, I think people would be pretty happy with them and you'd get a good amount of people like me just buying up all six variations at retail.  Instead, they're $14 or double that from scalpers, limited quantity, and a pain in the butt to order online and/or actually track down in stores.  I truly believe this is the kind of crap that kills collecting for people.  When you find yourself in a situation where you're unhappy or stressed about a hobby that should be and exciting, that's not good for anyone.

I'm with Nick in that I don't fully understand buying stuff you don't like.  I'm much more often in the camp of convincing myself not to buy stuff I like because I don't have the space or money to afford all of it.  But I'm shifting the blame on this one from the collector to Hasbro and Target.  Their goal is to sell product and make profit while building shopper loyalty with your consumer base.  How is that happening with these Target Retro figures?  As Rob said, you're offering six versions because you want people to buy 6 of these instead of 1, but then you only allow a few people to preorder them and those people can only order two.  You make them impossible to find with inventory checkers and probably cancel more orders than you fulfil when they start hitting stores.  So outside of people who have set up multiple Target accounts under different names, pretty much everyone in your consumer base is unhappy with your offering.  Not a great sales strategy for these or for the longevity of the brand in my opinion. 

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: The Walking Dead
« on: September 10, 2021, 09:50 AM »
I think I'm a good half season behind on TWD.  I've actually stopped watching the new stuff and went back to watch Season 1 with my son.  The storyline and acting was so much better back in the "old days."

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: The MCU post Endgame.
« on: September 10, 2021, 09:44 AM »
Do you think the multi-verse is going to pull all the dead main characters back in to a common timeline - Captain America, Black Widown, Loki, etc.?

Well, they can do anything ow that they've introduced the multi-verse.  It literally opens the door for any possibility including bringing back dead characters or completely resetting the MCU as we know it at any time.  My prediction is that we'll see a bunch of other stuff over the next several years as they continue to introduce different characters and teams.  We'll probably get Dark Avengers, Young Avengers and of course the X-Men and Fantastic Four and maybe less focus on the Avengers for a while.  But then at some point in the future you're going to get a mirror image of the final Star Wars trilogy where those beloved originals make a comeback as old mentors.  I will be shocked if we never see RDJ's Iron Man again or an aged Chris Evans back as Cap.  Or at least other actors portraying those original characters.  It feels inevitable. Very few characters actually die and go away forever in the comics.  The only exception there might be Scarlett Johansson or other actors with a grudge against the studio.

WTH happened with Moff Gideon??

Has said “Coming Soon” all day but some people over at RS said they were able to order one somehow. Did it sell out almost immediately or something? That seems odd to me. All the others were easy to procure.  ???

It shows him in stock right now as of 9pm Central

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: The MCU post Endgame.
« on: September 9, 2021, 08:22 PM »
I'm mixed on moving forward with Marvel.  I'm sure there stories will be great, but it will be hard to get past not seeing the Avengers  It kills me that we won't have Cap and Iron Man as we have known them.

I hear you, but will be very surprised if we never see them again.

I ordered all six new vintage from Pulse plus the Stormtrooper pack.  Easy peasy lemon squeezy and hopefully they will show up in good condition.  My last few orders from Amazon have had beat up packages. 

Retro Stormtrooper was easy to get on Target as well. Limit of two, so will be fun tracking down the other four.

I'm passing on Gamestop for now - I don't love the reissue stuff as much as I used to, but will probably nab it if I see it in person.  Their stuff has thankfully been a lot easier to find in stores lately.

The Vintage Collection / Re: 2020 TVC Haslab Razor Crest
« on: September 9, 2021, 11:56 AM »
And some hoping for a bit of a refund for the delivery date being pushed back.  Seriously? ::)

Good luck with that.  Sometimes things just take a little more time than planed.  I don't mind the delay.

The Bullpen / Re: Marvel Legends Haslab - Galactus
« on: September 5, 2021, 11:43 PM »
I love it!  I'm more of an Avengers guy and just couldn't swing the price tag on this guy, but I'd be willing to buy him and/or some of those add-on figures at a discount.  The more of these that sell and the more people are buying on speculation, the more likely it is that these will end up going for less or sold off in parts at some point down the road.  There were what, 8 or 9 thousand barges made?  32k is an insane number and its not even an army builder like the Sentinels could be. 

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Toys R Us (Or: Die, Dinosaur, Die!)
« on: September 5, 2021, 11:37 PM »
I just don't see how Macy's/TRU will have a toy department that is even half as good as Target/WM.

It'll be nice if there are other alternatives to our limited brick and mortar options today, but I don't think its realistic that this will be successful.

I don't know, I'm optimistic about this.  Target and Walmart are a wasteland for action figures these days, so at a minimum it can't hurt to have another vendor hopefully increasing the production run and orders.  And look at what Walgreens and Gamestop have been able to carve out with their own exclusives and fairly regular stock of Marvel and Star Wars figures.  Heck, even Kohl's was a must stop destination for a while there with some of the ROTS figures and exclusives. 

Retail is always cyclical if you wait long enough. When I was a kid, the Sears and JCPenny catalogs were the cream of the crop for action figures and toys and this doesn't feel too far removed from that.  Maybe just updated to online versus waiting for that big holiday book, but they might be able to build out some really cool partnerships.  It would be foolish to spend that money on the TRU brand and not do anything with it.  I think Macy's is feeling the pressure to get people back in their stores and there is a definite void in brick & more toys right now. This could be a strong play at trying to draw in more families and kids.  So while its not the TRU of old, I'm holding out hope for something relevant with this.

Hey Guys - Just FYI that I'm going to have my son try to draft for me tomorrow night, so if you see me on line it's actually Sam.  He has done a few drafts already this year on his own and I figured that would be better for everyone than auto drafting.  Good luck to everyone tomorrow!

I'm hesitant to move it this close to the draft day with 6 other teams who might only be paying partial attention.  Also, I won't be around during the day on Monday, so that would just put me in your situation if I made it earlier. If we can get a bunch of replies and other people want it moved up some, I'll go with the group though... how's that sound?


Thanks Rob, but I think its too short of notice on what's likely a busy weekend for some.  I'll just take the auto draft team.   ;)

I managed to drop into the local toy show this weekend shortly before they closed and counted at least six tables that had some combination of these 4 for sale.  Some were priced as low as $25-30, others were $50-60.  I get that there will always be some presence of scalpers/flippers in the collecting community, but I take some small satisfaction knowing that many of the scum that buy this stuff just to turn a profit on other collectors are not getting the silly inflated prices they had hoped.

Through a mix of Scalpers, Site-to-store, and collector friends I was able to get a full set of six of these. 

- I bought two from Marketplace ($75 shipped) after getting over a dozen cancelled orders from
- I finally got one and only one through site-to-store when they finally cleared out my order history. 
- A local friend sold me his three extras for $50 (two I needed plus a dupe). 
- Another friend magically found the last one I needed hanging on the pegs in the Collectibles section and sold it for $15
- I sold my extra to a different local friend for $!5

All said and done, that's $23 per Fett, which doesn't sound that terrible until you realize it's about $60 that I wouldn't have paid if these had just shown up at Target.  Walmart still sucks, but you're fast on their heels Target...

The Vintage Collection / Re: Walmart TVC "Original 96" Exclusives
« on: September 1, 2021, 03:10 PM »
So mine shipped, but are going to my old work address.   >:(

Walmart says they have no way to change an address once an order is placed, which is kind of insane in this day and age.  They suggested contacting Fed Ex, and of course Fed Ex says only the shipper can change the address.  I thought about adding a delivery note in the Fed Ex delivery comments say "Don't deliver here!  Please hold at your location for pickup!" but the delivery comments at Fed Ex aren't working for me.  Even on stuff that hasn't shipped, Walmart says the only option in their system is to cancel the order then place a new order on the website.  Not very handy for pre-orders that have been sold out for months.

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