Author Topic: Hey, how's it going?  (Read 1911 times)

Offline Darth_Zirock

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Hey, how's it going?
« on: October 1, 2008, 07:10 AM »
I don't know, I registered here back in July 2004, and could swear I had a few posts ... but, I guess not! Anyway, you've probably seen me around at other forums. I've been knocking around the various boards since 2000, at least. I've written for various genre magazines, including Cinefantastique, Imagi-Movies, Femme Fatales, The Phantom of the Movies' VideoScope, Draculina, SPFX, and Horror Biz, to name a few. Also was a regular contributor to (RIP) and (also RIP). Currently contributing to swCollector, running their Hasbro Q&A.

I first saw Star Wars on opening day in 1977. Been a fan since reading the novelization in December 1976. Been collecting Kenner/Hasbro figures since the original Early Bird Special. Not really in to the higher end stuff, just concentrating on those crazy little plastic army men from outer space. :)

I also customize figures, but I find less time to do it, unfortunately, these days. Well, see you around the boards.