
Multimedia => The Prequel Trilogy => Topic started by: obi-dad on March 11, 2003, 01:51 PM

Title: 2 Sets from the OT in SW III
Post by: obi-dad on March 11, 2003, 01:51 PM
On, it was posted that "In addition to the Jedi Council chambers, the Senate Rotunda and Palpatine's office, two environments from the original trilogy are being carefully recreated for this earlier era in Star Wars history, much like the Lars Homestead was faithfully reconstructed for Episode II."

Any educated guesses as to what they could be?

Ones that come to mind for me are:

Obi's house
Jabba's palace
Yoda's hut
possibly the Cantina.
Title: Re:2 Sets from the OT in SW III
Post by: DSJ™ on March 11, 2003, 02:04 PM
Hard to say. I'm going with the Cantina & Obi's house. Though there are many that can been done. Will be interesting to see. So many things can be done with Mos Eisley. All the creatures will produce more action figures. More action figures will produce hard to get items & so forth. ;)
Title: Re:2 Sets from the OT in SW III
Post by: Scott on March 11, 2003, 04:38 PM
Sounds like one of the sets is from ROTJ and the other I would guess is from ANH reading between the lines here  

"It's always quite interesting going back to those historic elements of the saga," says Bocquet. "I think these ones are a little bit easier than the homestead, because they're studio-based and not location-based. They have quite precise drawings that we managed to extricate from the archives, although the archive isn't quite as full for A New Hope as it is for Empire and Jedi, simply because nobody knew what the films were going to become! We're working from the few drawings they do have, plus the stills and looking at the films, and breaking things down and trying to reproduce it."

While there is a sense of nostalgia in recreating environments from the original trilogy, for one of the sets it's particularly personal for Bocquet. "It's quite interesting for me, because I was on Jedi years ago, as a draftsman. So, occasionally some of these drawings that come through are actually mine! All the Art Department suddenly scours around my drawings to see how good they were at that age, but I do stress to them that I was only a junior at that point."

So I'd say Ben's hut is a good guess and from ROTJ probably Yoda's Hut (although that would be both ESB and ROTJ)?

TOugh call...I'd love to see the Cantina and Jabba's Palace again ;)
Title: Re:2 Sets from the OT in SW III
Post by: Reconsgt on March 12, 2003, 02:22 PM
Bens house is a good bet and maybe Yavin4 setting up the rebel base?

Title: Re: 2 Sets from the OT in SW III
Post by: BobaShek on April 27, 2003, 04:56 PM
If the cantina was one of the sets, it would be a sensible setting for the Chewie cameo. :)
Title: Re: 2 Sets from the OT in SW III
Post by: MisterPL on May 8, 2003, 04:52 PM
I wouldn't mind seeing Darth Vader emerge from his meditation chamber for the first time.

And the other set will be the dark cave on Naboo... I mean Dagobah.
Title: Re: 2 Sets from the OT in SW III
Post by: Darth Broem on May 12, 2003, 03:59 PM
Heck if I know what the sets could be?  Not really much to go on except at least one set will be from Jedi.  
Title: Re: 2 Sets from the OT in SW III
Post by: Jedirhino on May 14, 2003, 04:51 PM
I would definitely think that Ben House would not be one of them unless he is doing it in a sound stage...he filmed the last portion of e3 when they filmed in the desert and he stated that it does not make sense to come back and shoot only one Tatooine may be out entirely!!!

My guesses are Yoda's hut as he goes into hiding and perhaps maybe the rebel base on Yavin as some one had already suggested.
Title: Re: 2 Sets from the OT in SW III
Post by: Vator on May 22, 2003, 05:14 AM
Star Destroyer bridge
Title: Re: 2 Sets from the OT in SW III
Post by: Nicklab on May 22, 2003, 08:56 AM
I'm curious if this includes the homestead or not.
Title: Re: 2 Sets from the OT in SW III
Post by: dustrho on May 22, 2003, 04:26 PM
Ben and Yoda's houses would be my guess...
Title: Re: 2 Sets from the OT in SW III
Post by: Darth Moribund on March 6, 2004, 12:39 AM
 Bens place. altho a star destroyer bridge would be too sweeeeeetttt !!!

  Chewie; a slave for the Hutts?? many can only wait !
Title: Re: 2 Sets from the OT in SW III
Post by: Playgirl on March 6, 2004, 02:58 AM
I'm going to go with jabba's palace and the yavin rebel base.  I think it would take too much movie time to establish obi acquiring a house on tatooine. same goes for yodas crib...
Title: Re: 2 Sets from the OT in SW III
Post by: Boba Binks on March 6, 2004, 08:51 AM
It has been confirmed that we will NOT see Jabba or any type of cantina in E3.
I have heard that there is a Star Destroyer Bridge and Death Star type Meeting room with round table as seen in E4.
Title: Re: 2 Sets from the OT in SW III
Post by: Mainland05 on March 6, 2004, 11:00 AM
It has been confirmed that we will NOT see Jabba or any type of cantina in E3.
I have heard that there is a Star Destroyer Bridge and Death Star type Meeting room with round table as seen in E4.

Yes it has been confirmed.  We also won't see any Gungans besides Jar Jar.
Watto will not be in the film.  There are no Kaminoians.  There are no new female Sith in the film.  Dexter Jettster is not in EP3.  

More info here at - Or you can PM me send me your e-mail and I can email you all the Q&A, that I got  from the
Title: Re: 2 Sets from the OT in SW III
Post by: Darth Moribund on March 6, 2004, 12:13 PM
   ya, an obi set would be too much. my instincts tell me it's something dark. possibly the start of the Death Star itself? or the Executor, Vader's flag ship. the Emperor gives Vader this ship to help hunt down and destroy the Jedi's. i read that some yrs ago in the Encyclopedia( the one w/ Vader's tie on the cover in paperback). my mind is swelling !
Title: Re: 2 Sets from the OT in SW III
Post by: Playgirl on March 6, 2004, 08:54 PM
ok so it wont be the palace, but i still doubt it will be either of the jedis new homes. the move wont be that long how can we waste time seeing them build a new home or something?
Title: Re: 2 Sets from the OT in SW III
Post by: Darth Moribund on March 7, 2004, 04:58 PM
 got me Playgirl. i don't think the homes will be the new sets either. i still think it's something dark.