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Messages - stabler

Pages: [1]
Saga Collection '06 / Re: TSC Recent Purchases
« on: January 19, 2006, 02:12 PM »
Outside of a freak visit to a KB that was STACKED for some odd reason, I've only ever seen scant remnants, some Bibs, Baradas so the first hoth 'scrap' I came upon I had to gobble up without hesitation. At least I never bought the deluxe Riekan from the defunct 'saga' line. I think you have to get there 15 minutes early with your nose on the door and run for gold to get them when they are 'released'. I'm not conducting funny business with the stockroom, so I don't know what's when and who's who. The only folks who practice that do so because time is money, and money is playing some role in their collecting habit. *cough*scalpers *cough*

The Vintage Collection / Re: Target DPCI #s for TSC
« on: January 19, 2006, 10:48 AM »
 ;D  pristine noob here. I've been avid on the Titanium vehicles. Here is the DPCI
They won't let you call before they open, I just tried. They are very rude. I guess you got to wait till 8 am then scramble around to all the nearby targets to see whats there. Well I do at least. There should be a way of checking online for different stores. Just eneter a dpci and your zip to see the stock from nearby locations but of course that makes way too much sense, so why bother.

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