Author Topic: Beginning of the End?  (Read 90453 times)

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Re: Beginning of the End?
« Reply #75 on: October 12, 2009, 01:41 AM »
Well, be prepared for Hasbro to NOT change much. They'll still sell us crappy stuff and knowing that many of us are completisit. I am just a figure completest and I am still getting sick of it all.

I wish we all had the balls to stand up to Hasbro. Boycott and make them take a big loss. Just once do I wish we could cripple them a bit.

Spoken like a real rebel. lol

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Re: Beginning of the End?
« Reply #76 on: October 12, 2009, 02:07 AM »
If you're a completist  that's your own problem.  

Am I the only one here who actually enjoys this hobby a little and hopes Hasbro keeps making new characters and high quality resculpts for the foreseeable future?  ???

I'm not terribly interested in EU stuff, but the next 6 or 7 waves all look pretty strong to me.

The Legends line isn't my thing, but obviously they sell enough that it's worth their time to put them on the shelves.  In the last week I've bought wave 7, one of the comic packs, and a set of Target Geonosis 2-packs.  Sales will probably be pretty much fine once they actually get all this product onto the shelves.

And the holidays are right around the corner.

I don't think all this doom and gloom is really necessary.
« Last Edit: October 12, 2009, 02:12 AM by Rob »


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Re: Beginning of the End?
« Reply #77 on: October 12, 2009, 02:10 AM »
I seriously wish Hasbro would just end it all.  The line has run its course.  They've already milked it for all its worth and then some.  I'm sick of them reissuing the same crap over & over & over & over....

Then quit, they are not holding a gun to your head to buy any of this stuff. If you really feel that bitter and burned out about the line you can always just end your collecting yourself. It's a pretty easy fix, you may actually feel happy again. Saying they "milked it for all its worth" is a worthless statement in itself when you are talking about a brand that generates millions in revenue. There is still a lot of money to be made and many of us who still really enjoy Hasbro's brand of figures and want to collect more. If Hasbro stopped making this stuff another company would gladly pick up the ball where they left off. Then you would have a new company to whine about.

Seriously, I am having a hard time understanding all of those griping along the lines of wishing Hasbro to just end it or to "make Hasbro pay". Why not just stop buying if you really feel that way? Speaking in a theoretical "what if" scenario is a different story but to wish the line to end or hurt Hasbro is pointless folly. What good does that serve anyone?

While there are legitimate reasons to find faults with some things all this doom and gloom is such a broken record that it's really starting to drag down the community as a whole. Sure, the current prices are high and the stuff is a bit harder to track down but guess what? Across the board the consensus of the product line itself has never been more well received than now. I would rather pay more money and have a really quality product than a crappier one just to hit a price point for a buck less.

It's no secret that price is really the biggest issue with collectors right now, that's fair enough. But let's get to the Freudian core of the matter shall we? Many collectors are upset that they cannot "buy it all" anymore. They can no longer buy 50 of one trooper or 4 of the same ship. I am seeing a pattern on several SW sites from the really hardcore complainers that supports my point. In my opinion and observation, I see the real root of their problem is the classic "Have vs. Have Not" attitude. Many are angry that they cannot afford to get everything they would truly want to collect and just blame Hasbro for not being able to afford what they make. They should stop being Archie Bunkers who just complain about the situation and find a way to solve their "dilemma".

Contrary to popular belief prices are not going to get better for a long time so if you really want to "collect it all" you have to find a way to raise additional funds to pay for it, end of story. I have the hobby pay for itself so I can still buy everything I want. I am very committed to the line, I love collecting it, I want them to make more and found a way to keep up by earning extra money to pay for it. Throwing your hands up in defeat and "wishing the line to die" or "to make Hasbro pay for the injustice" is the rally cry of a classic loser.

Look, I am being blunt because I am so sick of this kind of "boo-hooing" and bitching about how life is so unfair yadda, yadda, deal with it by doing something about it. It's like voting, you have no right to bitch if you did not vote at all. If you cannot afford to buy and cannot/will not find a way to earn extra scratch for it then simply quit. If you have to cut back on some things to keep then so be it, it's OK to pass on repainted vehicles and other products to leave the resources to buy the items you really want. If you are going to stay angry and complain at least attempt to change your situation by doing something to solve the problem.
« Last Edit: October 12, 2009, 02:14 AM by JACKOFTRADZE »
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Re: Beginning of the End?
« Reply #78 on: October 12, 2009, 02:17 AM »
Am I the only one here who actually enjoys this hobby a little and hopes Hasbro keeps making new characters and high quality resculpts for the foreseeable future?  ???

No, you are not. I am with ya!

(FYI - PM coming tomorrow.)
« Last Edit: October 12, 2009, 02:18 AM by JACKOFTRADZE »
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Re: Beginning of the End?
« Reply #79 on: October 12, 2009, 02:35 AM »
I'm with you too Rob...  My point with my post is that there's a lot more I'd like to buy...  Some of it I want a LOT, some of it I want, and some of it I'll buy though it's not something I was really asking for (Malikili resculpt for instance).

I don't feel Hasbro's putting out crap though, so that's probably why I am happy to buy new stuff generally right now...  What I don't do as much of, which I enjoyed a lot and miss, is buying a LOT of certain figures...

Case-in-point, Snowtroopers.  I've gotten to 40 and I've gotta cap it at this point unless I've really got extra cash burning a hole in my pocket.  I'd love more.  I'd love 100 of the buggers, but I can't justify it.  I especially have cut back on the prequal stuff because it isn't AS important to me as OT stuff.  The only army builder I've been consistant in buying is the Hoth Rebel Soldier...  I've passed on a handful but just bought two the other day.  Supporting my Rebels makes me hope I get more of them I guess.

I think Hasbro will try correcting the ship some way, but who knows how.

I love the line and actually think they're putting out some of my favorite stuff now, so I really don't have a desire to see it end, till at least I get the things I really want the most. 

That said, I've cut back...  I think everyone has.  It's been ok though, and there's not much I can say I've "done without" even on a tight budget like I am.  Will I get 40 Gungan Warriors?  No...  It's a great figure, but that's the kind of line I'm drawing at this point.  I'll nab 3 or 5 tops, call it a day, enjoy mixing them in then with my POTJ Troopers...  Such is life.  There was a time when I'd have gone hogwild on Gungan Warriors though, haha.

Completism is a tough nut to crack...  I still generally am a loose figure completist, but ya know, I feel really good that I kicked buying vehicles if I don't feel they're up to my standards, and I pass on multi-packs often (Skittles Royal Guard Training set, for instance) and only buy things on clearance like that.  I skipped some of the comic packs even though I wanted one figure in them maybe.  I skipped the CW Y-Wing the other day because it's EU and I'm limiting my EU high cost items to pretty much OT-era stuff.

LIttle stuff like that saves me a lot...  I don't have to have it all, for sure.  A lot of it I'm quite happy to do without, actually, as it just wasn't that good IMO.  At least as far as vehicles go (Don't own an ARC, Turbo Tank, etc.).

I honestly don't believe the line's ending though, anytime soon.  I really think scaled back is what we're likely to see, but the "end" isn't in sight yet IMO.
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Re: Beginning of the End?
« Reply #80 on: October 12, 2009, 01:51 PM »
I'm with you guys too in that I hope the line continues on.  I hope my previous post didn't seem like I felt otherwise.  I'm probably enjoying the actual product as much as I ever have.  I think the figures have been great, and we're finally getting a nice focus back on OT waves after a couple scarce years.  In fact, outside of the VOTC/VTSC waves (and a few other figures here and there), I don't think I've been as pumped about a lot of the figures in a long time.  Plus, aside from some weathering issues, I don't know if the vehicles have ever been better.  It is a lot of the reason I hope we continue to see the OT ships get redone.  The vintage molds are still pretty nice, but it is amazing how much Hasbro can do when they really go all out.

Like Jesse, a lot of the figures I want to see made at this point are resculpts as well.  Sure, I want to see the vintage line finished, and I'm always up for more Cantina/Jabba's Palace denizens, but the majority of what I want otherwise is to finish updating the main characters, troops (primarily Rebels), and a few miscellaneous others from the POTF2 days.  There are a few PT figures I'd still like to see redone as well, but my primary "list" would be OT as well.

That being said, I could handle a bit of a "slow down" as I've mentioned before.  Somewhere in the 36-40 figures per year would be fine with me, and spread out a little more consistently throughout the year (a wave every other month would be nice, if it was possible).  Toss in a couple of exclusives (vehicle/beast re-dos like this year), and that would be ok.  Otherwise, I'm fine with CW getting the bulk of the attention right now, as long as they keep Legacy (or whatever it will be called) going as well.  I have started to order online pretty much for every wave anymore, because Legacy stocking has gotten really inconsistent here as well.  There may be three sections at the store (one for Legacy, one for Legends, one for Clone Wars), but they are all jammed full of Clone Wars and maybe a sprinkling of Legends around here.  Hopefully that is something they can get resolved.  I can understand how they have the "branding", but I sometimes wonder if it wouldn't help if there was more of a difference between the "classic" and "Clone Wars" line looks.  Have Clone Wars on this red/white type packaging, or something similar, and use this vintage-esque packaging that has been rumored for the future "Legacy" line.  Ditch Legends (or incorporate it into the regular line), and maybe they could keep things straight a little easier.  Anyways, too long of a post again, but I'm with Rob/Jesse/etc. in that I hope it keeps going for awhile yet.  Price/distribution issues aside, I'm really still enjoying it as well.

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Re: Beginning of the End?
« Reply #81 on: October 12, 2009, 03:01 PM »
If you're a completist  that's your own problem.  

Am I the only one here who actually enjoys this hobby a little and hopes Hasbro keeps making new characters and high quality resculpts for the foreseeable future?  ???

I'm not terribly interested in EU stuff, but the next 6 or 7 waves all look pretty strong to me.

The Legends line isn't my thing, but obviously they sell enough that it's worth their time to put them on the shelves.  In the last week I've bought wave 7, one of the comic packs, and a set of Target Geonosis 2-packs.  Sales will probably be pretty much fine once they actually get all this product onto the shelves.

And the holidays are right around the corner.

I don't think all this doom and gloom is really necessary.

I have some frustration with not being able to find the new Legacy stuff, but I agree 100% with you.  I want the line to keep going, and don't see it going away.

As for the people who are moaning saying the line is going downhill, that sounds like the same thing from back in 2005 when a lot of collectors said the line would be dead within a year after ROTS came out.

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Re: Beginning of the End?
« Reply #82 on: October 12, 2009, 04:57 PM »
I don't even remember anyone complaining in 2005 that the line was going to die...  2005 was one of the modern line's best years ever IIRC.  It dominated boy's toys that year.  And at least one year after. 
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Re: Beginning of the End?
« Reply #83 on: October 12, 2009, 05:02 PM »
Then quit

Oh, I pretty much have.  I'm content with my collection & it's to my liking, so I no longer have the urge to add much more to my collection.  On average, I find myself picking up maybe 1 figure per new wave.  I mean, how many different clones are enough?  How much more ridiculous can it get?  Clone troopers with jaw articulation?  Re-issue #12?  Obscure comic book figure "Darth Puff" which would be just a puff of smoke packaged on a blister & card?  And people would buy it.  Most likely, YOU would buy it.  

I feel the line has run its course.  Obviously you feel different.  Gobble away.  No need to get your panties in a wad just because I feel different (as important as you feel my opinion is).  
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Re: Beginning of the End?
« Reply #84 on: October 12, 2009, 08:22 PM »
No offense to anyone, but a lot of people are taking this very seriously when it's just a rumor! I respect everyone's opinion, but, firstly, the end of the Legacy IS JUST A RUMOR! Yes, it most likely WILL end, but it doesn't mean it's the end of the modern realistic line .... if anything, the end of Legacy means that Hasbro is doing what it needs to do to ensure that the realistic line survives. Also, a lot of people say that including pack-ins (such as the droid parts) deduct from the quality of the figure itself. I think this isn't true, Hasbro can still make perfect figs like General Grievous and Obi-Wan (both Ep.II and IV) without having the BAD gimmick influence its sculpt. That's just my POV, I would really like to see the BAD promotion continue, but for some reason a lot of collectors feel that the line just won't survive. The line not surviving is entirely Hasbro's fault - there are just way too many secondary figures and resculpts of the same characters in the line. Yes, it is good to have a few minor characters in a few waves, but to let them take over is a mistake. Collectors not buying is because they would rather see either different characters or more important characters in the line. We do need that SA Darth Maul, and an updated Princess Leia (ANH w/ buns) wouldn't be bad additions. Now, people would buy those...  
« Last Edit: October 12, 2009, 08:29 PM by Jabba the Slug »
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Re: Beginning of the End?
« Reply #85 on: October 12, 2009, 08:51 PM »
Whatever the case, I am curious to know if the price will be adjusted (lowered) with the loss of the build a droid part? Didn't the part justify the raised price in the first place? Hasbro are pimps. CW figures and Saga legends all cost the same as Legacy and they don't even have build a droid parts.

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Re: Beginning of the End?
« Reply #86 on: October 12, 2009, 11:58 PM »
I don't even remember anyone complaining in 2005 that the line was going to die...  2005 was one of the modern line's best years ever IIRC.  It dominated boy's toys that year.  And at least one year after. 

Yep, 2005 was an awesome year and I think it was my favorite time collecting.  What I was saying is there were a lot of people thinking that the line would die like it did after ROTJ - you know, the end of a trilogy.  Go back in the RS forums and you'll see a lot of threads about it in the 2005/2006 time frame... might take some digging though.  I got into a few discussions with people then who thought it would end after the ROTS line was complete... to a lesser extent there was even mention of a fear that Walmart was going to dump Star Wars even here at JD.

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Re: Beginning of the End?
« Reply #87 on: October 13, 2009, 12:08 AM »
the line would die like it did after ROTJ - you know, the end of a trilogy.

Ah, ok...  Yeah, that probably tied into the fear there was nothing supporting it.

Then again it could be that just the majority of people discussing it at Scum's forums had started collecting THAT YEAR, and were bitching up a storm that it all may come crashing down around them too. :)  Scum's boards aren't exactly the cream of the crop as far as conversation goes.  That definately smacks of "the sky is falling" type mentality though... 

The discussion here seemed tied around misinformation from a WM manager or three that they weren't carrying it anymore...  Something the manager themself probably doesn't even know the answer to (based on my experience anyway).

The only helpful info out of a WM manager I ever got was that the Falcon's I'd been eyeing for a while were getting a massive cut in price the following week, and sure enough there they were for $60 something.

Things aren't great these days as distribution goes, but I honestly have had worse times since I started collecting, which was right from the beginning.  I just am annoyed right now, more than anything.  I'd love to buy the stuff I want and it's just trickling out in dribs and drabs.  I see the Scout Trooper repack, and the Space Trooper and Han/Luke Stormtrooper repacks from the new cases, and generally that is it aside from the 3 figures of the E1 wave I managed to find one each of.

Ironically I found Nein Numb which seems to be difficult for some to track down out of that wave, and not one other from that wave have I seen.  Oh well.  All in good time.  I'd just appreciate it happening BEFORE the next wave is due out.
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Re: Beginning of the End?
« Reply #88 on: October 13, 2009, 12:37 AM »
Agreed, and what I was doing is just mentioning that this isn't the first time there's been people predicting some sort of demise to the line as we know it.  Ha, I can remember back in 1998 on the old ANCIENT Yakface board, people saying we'd never see OT figures again once the TPM stuff hit... even a local Walmart manager in my area said that they weren't even going to carry TPM figures at any Walmarts... never, never put all your faith in store employees folks.   ;)

There's always some people across all boards who are going to have their own views and predictions, and I don't think they're less qualified to have an opinion because they post at a certain board that is unpopular with a certain crowd, but at the same time I don't think what some are afraid of is going happen for quite some time.  Time will tell of course, but I wouldn't be surprised to see Hasbro's contract get extended past 2018.

As for this year, I've loved the product, just not thrilled with the distribution.  I think there's several reasons that factor into it from Hasbro's strategy to focus on CW for the time being, to trying to space things out with other toy lines they own so they aren't competing so much with each other, etc. - so I'm not worried.

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Re: Beginning of the End?
« Reply #89 on: October 13, 2009, 01:52 AM »
Time will tell of course, but I wouldn't be surprised to see Hasbro's contract get extended past 2018.

Is it even possible for Hasbro to extend their contract? I've been wanting to ask this for a long time ... and as sucky as 2009 has been, Star Wars Hasbro has been very successful. I wouldn't be surprised if the contract extends.
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