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Messages - Darth Moribund

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 Thx. Nah, i don't believe he kills all those Jedi. The Emporor, his agents, and others that have interest in seeing the Jedi dead will more than likely take care of that. Plus the Clone Wars more than likely had it's share w/ their demise in numbers as well. It's too bad that EPII didn't show anymore battles or anything. The Clone Wars i thought was going to be shown in the movies not in comics or cartoons, not that those things are bad but for the True Star Wars fan the truest experiance is deffinatly on the big screen. That's where it ALL started and will end. I think that's the only thing i am sad about is that the Clone Wars wasn't shown like i thought it would have. Not the start and finish of it.
 One more thing; the clones  helped the Jedi and all are the start of the stormtroopers. So that means that they will be going after the Jedi when all the stuff goes down. The new costume of the clone troopers are very, very similar to the storm troopers we know from the classics. A big jump from EPII and from EPIII to EPIV we will see thw total transformation.  NUTZ !!    ;)  


I don't know if you know this but Lucas isn't making 7,8,9. The WHOLE story is that it revolves around Anakin. His innocence and power potential, his fall from grace and his redemption. And Lucas did say that Anakin is the chosen one, not Luke.

But like all the Jedi are to be killed. W/ the exception of a few of course. Obi Wan and Yoda. So weather or not we see all these other Jedi get killed, i guess it's safe to assume. "...Now the Jedi are all but extinct."- Obi Wan in EP IV explaining to Luke about his father and Vader. That whole scene there is awsome.

Anakin was discovered by Qui Gonn. Qui Gonn saw something in him that the others didn't see or want to deal w/ becouse the Counsell thought he was old. He was refered to the chosen one to bring balance to the force. Think about it for a second. There are something like 10,000 Jedi in the whole galexy as said in EP I book. There are no more than 2 Sith at a time couse they killed eachother off for power and the Jedi killed off what were left. But we know that's wrong.

Anyway, the balance of power is this- 2  Sith at one time and all these Jedi. Here's the Chose one. He eventually goes DARK becouse of he was seduced by the DARKSIDE. In that, the Jedi scourge begins w/ Anakin and now all the power that was once the Old Republic that becomes the Empire goes after the Jedi and all that support them making them the start of the Rebellion.

Messed up it is. But it makes sence. Seeing how it all goes down tho will speak louder than this talk here. Even Sam Jackson talked briefly about his demise. I think that Anakin will get him. The looks that Anakin gave him in EPI when Windu said he won't be trained. But i could be looking to much into that. Who knows.

Well i hope i didn't bore ya by talkin too much here couse now i need to shut my comp. down for a bit. I have a brain cramp !   Later        

 lol !!  I hear ya ! I feel the same way. I have my thoughts of what will possibly happen but i also am not gonna let that be my final thought on it, ya know?

I was  taught to expect the unexpected w/ anything and this is no exception.

I wonder about alot of stuff w/ what will happen and i am sure everyone here does too. Like how in the world it happens that the galexy just collapses and the Jedi are forced to scatter and eventually become extinct. Altho it is said that Vader helped the Emperor to kill them off but for why? What is the main reason after Palpatine turns his back on all and declares himself Emperor? What is the actuall excuse he feeds everyone or doesn't couse he is now in power.

 This is gonna keep us all talking till then !      :o  

  "What does your heart tell you?" - Shmi Skywalker

I will have to veto that. If you have seen Return of the Jedi, on Endor Luke and Leia talk about their mother. Luke asks her if she remembers her. She says something like she was very beautiful but sad. And Luke tells her that he has no memory of her and then reveles they are brother and sister.

I think from that  alone that Padme doesn't die in the way that's being discussed here and wherever. I believe she will die of a broken heart. Her love for Anakin, one of her children being taken away, the disinergration of the galexy. We won't see it but we will get a better understanding like perhaps seeing her character be defeted and exhausted, completely done  both mentaly and  physically.

I don't know. That's what i would have figured to happen but as we all know, this is Star Wars and anything can happen !   :)    

The Prequel Trilogy / Re: Finally Padme!
« on: March 12, 2004, 03:13 PM »

 what a picture shot !!!!!

The Prequel Trilogy / Re: Episode III's big surprise REVEALED!
« on: March 12, 2004, 09:03 AM »
The Kaminonians (?) just pigured that here's a Jedi here to check on the progress of their work. no big deal i think. This is mind boggling. Who is the shape shifter?? Lord Tyrannus?? The shape shifter thought is awsome. And Darth Maul, a cloned DM, would be a great curve ball as far as twists go.  Or what about Mace Windu?? To me, there's something about him.......

The Prequel Trilogy / Re: New Character Spoiler! Jorus C'baoth?
« on: March 12, 2004, 08:54 AM »
 that would be cool if it were "Booth" from the "Heir to the Empire" trillogy. Very interesting.

         SERENITY  NOW  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  

 that- is- nuts !!! i often wondered how it happens that the Jedi are to be slain. the great Jedi Scurge. That article from "Dimetrodon" is nuts, sick, awsome, you get the picture. All out action man, that's what i want. With a good plat and that sounds good!

The Prequel Trilogy / Re: Anakin and Padme...
« on: March 12, 2004, 08:41 AM »
 Damn ! it makes sence tho. This chapter has alot to tell and we're all ears ! It's gonna be good !

The Prequel Trilogy / Re: Finally Padme!
« on: March 12, 2004, 08:36 AM »
 Lucas has a thing for a"Wendy Whopers" i guess.

The Prequel Trilogy / Re: Darth Vader Pics!
« on: March 12, 2004, 08:33 AM »
  the pic has been around already.

  i don't know what else to say of that....   LOL !!!! i don't know......  LOL !!!!

The Prequel Trilogy / Re: "Darth Vader:" What does it mean?
« on: March 8, 2004, 01:49 PM »
 that's a cool put togather for the name. i read this, what i know, from a Lucas licensed book that was quoted by Lucas. insane ! but , we will just have to wait and see come 2005.

The Prequel Trilogy / Re: Palpatine and Sidious
« on: March 8, 2004, 01:43 PM »
  i'll agree w/ that. Palpatine/ Sidious are one smart , sneeky son of guns ! anyway to gain control.

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