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Messages - JesseVader08

Pages: 1 ... 396 397 398 399 400 [401] 402 403 404 405 406 ... 421
Gentle Giant / Re: Bust Ups!
« on: February 8, 2005, 01:17 AM »
Are the black hole stormies in regular series 2 cases?

Not that I've ever heard of Adam.

Agreed, I believe they are only available in the 3-Packs.

Vintage Kenner / Re: Wow
« on: February 8, 2005, 01:14 AM »
It may sound strange, but AFA may be a benefit to those of us that are looking to buy carded figures, but want nothing to do with AFA.  Perhaps the AFA-graded cards will create a decreased demand for the ungraded figures, actually lowering prices (assuming more and more people prefer graded over ungraded).   

If this were to happen, it would be good for the buyer, but not so good for the seller (of ungraded figures).  I only own one carded vintage figure but fully intend to collect vintage in the future - perhaps at that time prices will be more affordable?   Who knows what AFA will do to the hobby in the future.

Episode 1 / Re: Pit Droids
« on: February 8, 2005, 01:07 AM »
Actually, I did see that thread, but was unsure if the 5 Bonus Pit Droids were different again from the other 3 Pit Droids (2-Pack & Gasgano), or if there was some repetition involved between them all.  I'm going to go through it again and read a little closer...   :)

Episode 1 / Pit Droids
« on: February 7, 2005, 10:43 PM »
I'm working on a little project of trying to make a numbered list of all of the individual modern figures.  This is a list of loose figures, not carded, so the figure itself is all that matters (for this list, anyway  :)).  I've completed POTF2 (222 figures, once you include all of the ones included with vehicles, etc - yikes!) and am working on my Episode 1 list.

So, my question is this.  Are the 2 droids from the Pit Droid 2-Pack different sculpts/paint jobs?  It certainly appears so by this pic here.  I'm pretty sure they are, but since I don't own them, I can't verify it with my own eyes.

My second question:  is the pit droid included with Gasgano also different from those in the Pit Droid 2-Pack?  If so, I need to add 3 pit droids instead of just 1 to the list.

Thanx in advance for any help!

Gentle Giant / Re: Bust Ups!
« on: February 7, 2005, 04:14 PM »
Wow, sold those for 12X what he would have paid for them.  That's some pretty serious return.  I'm definitely going to pretend these don't exist (from a completist collector point of view  ;)).  Of course, if someone offered them to me for $20, I'd grab 'em, but not $120. 

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Star Wars Episode III- A Lost Hope
« on: February 6, 2005, 01:54 AM »
Yoda + Colt 45 = good times.

That was hilarious!  Definitely one of the better fan films I've seen.

PM headed your way!   :)

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: What do you do (job, student)?
« on: February 5, 2005, 01:26 PM »
I was interested in starting a thread like this - just curious to know what everyone does when they're not collecting.  It's neat to see such a wide range of jobs and studies that are somehow linked by an interest in Star Wars toys.

I'm a pharmacist.  Yup, professional drug dealer.  You want some good stuff, come to me.   ;)

I will have been doing this for 3 years as of May this year.  I'm currently working in an Extra Foods, which is a member company of the Loblaws/Westfair corporation in Canada.  My job is usually slower than what most pharmacists endure because we are a quieter store.  There are 3 pharmacies in my town of 5000, and 2 of them are located within 1/2 a block of the only medical clinic in town.  On the other hand, we are located on the outskirts of town, so most people use the other pharmacies simply out of convenience.

The pay is good and my hours are flexible.  These are the 2 main reasons for me doing this job because I only work 24 hours a week and spend the rest of my time at home with my 3 year old daughter.  She is my reason for being!   :)

Do I like my work?  Not really, a lot of people still have the mentality that a pharmacy is no different than a fast food joint, but I better digress.  However, it pays the bills and my manager is flexible with switching hours.

It took me 8 years of schooling to get here, 4 years of my B.Sc. studies in Biochemistry and then another 4 to complete my B.S.P.  My original plan was to use my Biochemistry degree to work in the RCMP (Royal Canadian Mounted Police) forensics lab, but they've been downsizing the last few years.  So I realized that my first degree wasn't going to get what I wanted, and decided that Pharmacy what be an adequate way to use some of my education.  And here I am.

Would anyone else like to enlighten us?  (But without rambling on nearly as long as I did  ::))

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Bar's open! What'll you have...?
« on: February 5, 2005, 12:36 AM »
And that's why I choose Grey Goose above all others, 'cause it's got a sweet taste to it... it's awesome. Try it, you won't be disappointed. I drank about 6 of those tonight, along with another 8 - 10 Amstel Light bottles (my current beer of choice)  ;D

Grey Goose, eh?  Geez, I wonder if we've even got that around here - I'm not familiar with it.  I may have to look into it tomorrow - better send the wifey to the store while I'm working.  I'm always up for trying a new way to kill brain cells.   :D

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Bar's open! What'll you have...?
« on: February 5, 2005, 12:29 AM »
Double shot Grey Goose Vodka (as cold as possible - I keep mine in the freezer)
1 can Red Bull

Hmmm... sounds interesting.  I had my first Red Bull today, I just had to find out what all of the hype was about.  Not bad, but had a bit of a medicated taste to it - I can see the Vodka helping with that!   ;) 

Always keep your booze in the freezer, you never know when you'll need it.  My Crown Royal Rye lives there too.   :)

Gentle Giant / Re: Bust Ups!
« on: February 5, 2005, 12:13 AM »
OK.  Here goes!

I laid out the arms and weapons as follows: 
L = Left arm; R = Right arm; G = Gun (obviously)

I kinda goofed when I was setting this up: "Left" arm is the arm on the left side of the picture, not his actual left arm (8 years of university, you'd think I'd get that straight  :-[)

#1: L1R1G1:  Nice pose:

#2: L1R1G2:  Again, nice pose, with rifle:

#3: L1R2G1:  Looking good:

#4: L1R2G2:  Not bad, but rifle is a little long for the hand to support it there:

#5: L1R3G1:  Pretty good: "Come here, you rebel scum"

#6: L1R3G2:  Now with rifle: "I said come here!!"

#7: L2R1G1: Onto a new "left" arm that has a sharper angle at the elbow:

#8: L2R1G2: I like this pose a lot better with the rifle as shown here:

#9: L2R2G1: These two poses really don't work - his "right" arm isn't supporting anything:

#10: L2R2G2:  Again, doesn't work (unless he's saying "I want that $50 you owe me"):

#11: L2R3G1: Not bad:

#12: L2R3G2: Seems better with the rifle again:

#13: L3R1G1: And onto the third "left" arm, this one looks awkward with his "right" arm down and the "left" one aiming:

#14: L3R1G2: This one looks worse with the rifle, very awkward:

#15: L3R2G1: These 2 don't work either (..."can't reach that itch..."):

#16: L3R2G2: Again, just goofy:

#17: L3R3G1: Better, but the blaster is too short here for his "right" arm to support it:

#18: L3R3G2:  MUCH better, one of the best poses, but I should have rotated his head so it looks like he's aiming:

So after all that, some of the potential poses just don't look right (or plain stupid, but I think it's pretty obvious that Gentle Giant didn't intend for all of them to be used). 

When you set up the 6 troopers that they show on the side of the box (Squad 1 and Squad 2), you can really only set up 2 more poses with the 9th being pretty much useless.  But the 8 Stormies look pretty cool as a squadron:

Gentle Giant / Re: Bust Ups!
« on: February 4, 2005, 09:06 PM »
OK fine.

6 right arms x 6 left arms x 4 guns x 2 heads x 2 torsos = 576 combinations.

Round that off..  yup... 7 million combinations.


Gentle Giant / Re: Bust Ups!
« on: February 4, 2005, 08:48 PM »
So I've been playing with my Stormtrooper Bust-Ups tonite; yes, playing, these things are very cool.  The plastic seems to be softer than that used in the first Wave, allowing the pieces to slide together a little smoother.  The heads can pivot in any position, allowing you to customize each pose.

So how many poses are there?  Well, mathemathically, there are 18 possible poses.  There are 3 left arms, 3 right arms, and 2 weapons: 3 x 3 x 2 = 18.

L1 R1 G1      L2 R1 G1      L3 R1 G1
L1 R1 G2      L2 R1 G2      L3 R1 G2
L1 R2 G1      L2 R2 G1      L3 R2 G1
L1 R2 G2      L2 R2 G2      L3 R2 G2
L1 R3 G1      L2 R3 G1      L3 R3 G1
L1 R3 G2      L2 R3 G2      L3 R3 G2

However, the number of reasonable poses is less.  Some of the combinations just look plain goofy, so there is no need (in my mind) to get 6 of the 3-packs to display all of these poses.

The boxes only show 6 poses, but I'm still playing to see if I can create the 8 poses referred to by the website when I ordered them.

Hopefully I can get some pics of the combinations and let you guys decide which ones you like.


Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Why did you select your avatar?
« on: February 4, 2005, 06:36 PM »
Uh, stupid question time.  Is there an easy way to make your own avatar?  I don't have Photoshop (but I probably should).  I just thought that maybe there was a handy little piece of software on the net I could download to make one.  My Darth Vader needs a new look.

JD Sports Forum! / Re: NHL Offseason
« on: February 4, 2005, 03:58 PM »
Sigh.  No, not surprised.  Disappointed?  Yes.  Not that I expected they would actually try to salvage this season, but I think it's pretty safe to assume that next season will be lost too.

But it's to the point for me where frustration is so high that I don't even want to hear about it anymore.  **** the owners and the players - can't they just swallow their freakin' pride and work together?  I guess I'm too naive to believe this could happen.

If these guys don't get their **** together they are going to kill the game.  If none of the fans care anymore and stop coming to games (if and when they start again), neither the players or the owners are going to make and money.  Just play the bloody game.

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